Translate all these Singlish words and sentences into English perfectly!!!!
- "Don’t worry lah!"
- Wah Lau
- Wah Piang
- "Wah lau, why so late?"
- "This food is shiok!"
- "He always queue first, so kiasu."
- "You siao ah? Why you do that?"
- "He so blur, don’t even know what’s happening."
- "I chope the table already."
- "Don’t be so kaypoh, mind your own business."
- "He’s very steady, always helps out."
- "Don’t sabo me, eh!"
- "Aiyoh, why you so clumsy?"
- "Let’s go makan!"
- "You want to come or not? Orbi good."
- "I so pai seh, I forgot your name."
- "Heng ah, I caught the bus!"
- "So suay, it rained during my picnic."
- "This situation is jialat."
- "You went out without me? Bo jio!"
- "So sian, I have to work overtime."
- "Just agak agak how much salt to add."
- "Can we go now?" or "Cannot lah, too late already."
- "Stop talking shit sing song and focus!"
- "This exam is tough, don’t play play."
- "Your explanation, I catch no ball."
- Step sia
- You then ah!
- Say people say yourself
- Obi quek
- This guy sibei wayang eh?
- Wah...jin jja angkat bola
- Oi, Chao keng kia
- Hentak kaki
- Toh
- Toh sia
- Toh eh
- Toh lah
- Chin Chai Lah
- Leh Chey Lah
- Sibei Ngeow
- Jian Sia
- Long time no see
- One time good one
- Kancheong spider ah
- Wake up your idea lah
- Ai Sio Phak
- Mai la
- Sibeh suay
- Bo tai bo ji ah
- Buay pai
- Simi dai ji
- Hum ji
- Swee swee bo zhao zui
- Ya lor
- This one can take ah
- Eh, let me kope abit eh?
- This one I think abit tough ah
- Eh stop it leh
- Kua simi kua
- An zua
- Kin lah
- Ho sei liao ah
- Jin jia next level
- Paiseh
- Heng ah
- Ai mai
- Bo eng gong
- Same same
- Can lah
- Can ah?
- Can what
- Can leh
- Can sia
- Can liao
- Can lor
- Can meh
- Can is can
- Ok can
- Oi, kia
- Lim
- Swee lah
- Diam lah
- Step sia
- You then ah!
- Steng eh
- Sibeh tok gong
- Ba long long
- Here have meh?
- Cheem sia
- He sure late one
- Got problem is it?
- Fast game ah
- Why you like that?
- Go stan
- Chop chop
- CMI sia
- Blur like sotong
- Alamak
- Don't play play
- Bak chiu tak stamp ah?
- Tyco
- Bo liao eh you
- Abuden
- Buay song ah?
- Heng ah
- Pattern more than badminton
- Suck thumb lor
- Simi tai ji
- Very shiok
- Anything
- Pai seh lah
- Can tabao?
- Wayang sia
- Yaya papaya
- Come I clap for you
- No link
- Jia lat sia
- Ah, see lah
- Win liao lor
- Suay sia
- Ulu sia
- Don't spoil market
- Got lobang?
- Confirm plus chop
- I kena errow sia
- You order I chope
- Bojio
- Sian
- Buay tahan sia
- I wanna lepak
- Mai geh kiang lah!
- Scuse
- Atas sia
- Don't eye power leh
- You boliao ah
- Don't kaypoh
- Shiok
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