Showing posts with label Bible College. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible College. Show all posts


Without the Bible the Bible college will die!

One day some one asked me about starting a Bible College in the country, I replied, it is not so easy as you think!

I went back home, these is a few things i thought:

Firstly, the thing is, we have to decide, what is the purpose for a Bible College to be set up?

Training the servants or Bosses?

Secondly, what Bible Versions are going to be used in that Bible college, so that there will be no quarrel for the Bible versions in the future, KJV or CUV, NIV or NKJV? If a Bible College do not know how to choose a faithful Bible Version, it is better for them, not to start a Bible College at all!

Know how! Do not just quarrel! Fight!

Thirdly, asking the students in the Bible College, what kind of certificate they want from the Bible College, what kind of degree, why they want a piece of paper like that? Spiritual life is more important than this certificate!

I think it is enough for us, as a nominal Christian, to avoid such a quarrelsome Bible College, if they the lectures, do not know how to choose, even in choosing the Bible Versions! If they keep on fighting among them for Bible Versions, suing each other for minor issue like Verbal Plenary Preservation, it is better so that we stay away from this kind of Bible College!

If We are training servants, then do not aspect all of them to be successful, and not all of them will become scholars, and do not called any one as a theologian without testings! What a shame to do that!

Without the Bible like Chinese Union Version and NKJV for the Chinese Christian and young believers, the Bible College will die.


A letter to the theologians

I thank God for your witness and gospel works in the end time, and your love for the KJV Bible, I thank my God for your kindness towards brothers in Christ in the Far East Southern Asia, and I thank my God, I was mentioning your name in my prayers, to the Father in Heaven, and the Lord Jesus Christ, may peace and mercy come to us abundantly.

I heard that you have a lawsuit against the fellow in Christ, in pursuing the title of the land and premises at Gilstead Road. For the news of this lawsuit has spread abroad oversea, even to the heaven, angels and heavenly hosts have come to know about this. They are looking at your place, where you are staying and teaching. It is a matter of time to settle it.

One thing I am not happy about you, is your lawsuit with fellow members in Christ. I think, Moses and Abraham could have a discussion in the cloud about this, and Elijah and Elisha could have also talked about Verbal Plenary Preservation's lawsuit. I do not know what they will say about you! I do not know how they felt about this lawsuit.

I wanted to talk about your Christian lawsuit! I want you to follow Christ rather than lawyers!

2000 years ago, in Jerusalem, our Lord Jesus had turned over the tables and freed all those animal at the temple court on earth, he chased out the people who were making the temple into a market place. He was angry at those businessmen. They did not respect God at all, making the place of worship into a market place.

After those historical events, I did not hear from any one, nor from Him, that He had ever made a lawsuit against those had misused the temple court, nor He ever did make a lawsuit against any one! The temple belonged to Jesus' Father, but He did not sue those who occupy the temple in Jerusalem for wrong reasons. Making it into a market place! Jesus Christ was angry at them, but there was no law suit to claim the temple from them, even though the temple belongs to the Heavenly Father! Jesus allowed the Jewish elders, priests and high priest taken over the temple, until it was destroyed by Romans in AD 70!

For this reason, I hope you also take in some considerations into your lawsuit against your fellow brother in Christ, I hope you will come together to make the lawsuit null. The Lord gives, the Lord also takes! Giving is more blessed than receiving. Why don't you, give place for brotherly love! For Jesus' sake.

After Christ returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit come to dwell on St. Paul and Peter, they also did not make any law suit against those who had misused the temple court in Jerusalem. Even Paul and Peter did not put up a law suit against those who had killed and murdered the innocent, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Why? Since the businessmen did not preach heresy in the temple court, Paul let them go, but he himself went on preaching Christ is dead, and risen, the the law is fulfilled in Christ, and gospel must be preached until to the end of the world. Paul sees this is more important than any law suit!

Paul did not border and claim that temple belong to Christ neither, i hope i am not mistaken here! The point is that Paul sees the temple court as the temple court, human soul is human soul, gospel works must be done!

Why Paul did not go on to sue the Jewish elders? Since the elders, priests and high priests are also Jewish, Paul and Peter did not want to stumble them, further more, the kingdom of God is not of this world, but it is a heavenly kingdom from above, we should not fight over this kingdom's matter in an earthly way, in the civil court!

Since they, the businessmen did not misuse the churches premises for teaching any heresy, St Paul and St Peter spared them, if they had made that temple court for teaching heresy, surely Paul would had chase them away then, but Paul did not sue them after Christ death!

Rather, the way around, The elders in the temple court had taken over the temple in their hands, they had killed Christ Jesus before Paul came into the picture, together with Pilate they conspired the murder, but Paul did not sue both of them, Paul spared them, he went out telling people about the Cross! The glory from God has now shined on mankind, gospel is the hope in Christ for mankind. Not the temple court!

Law suit is useless compare to the glory in Christ! The Gospel is more important than lawsuit, the cross is the center, not the the civil court!

Like wise, you too do this to the fellows in Christ, for those who do not preach any heresy, spare them, do not stumble any little one to whom belong to Christ to come to Christ.

If any one of us, preaching a heresy, well, then, we must not let them be freed from knowing the truth, we must not spared him from the Gospel, I hope you understand my intention, in writing this letter to you.

Hoping I will come one day to the place you stay, down there in Gilstead Road, Singapore, and I would like to talk to you again about this matter, I hope at that moment, I will have joy in meeting you!

May the peace, mercy and grace from God the Father, and the gospel from the Lord Savor Jesus Christ, and then the power from the Holy Spirit come to us, that we must greet one another in Christ, love one another with a pure heart! I wrote this blog with a heavy heart!

Stay away from that lawsuit!



Sometimes ago I talked with a Bible Presbyterian pastor, he told me he cannot follow the footstep of an older pastor, because this old pastor often stuck him with knife from the behind! He was saying to me, that the old pastor, betrayed him. When the younger pastor give their respect to the older pastor, but the older pastor betrayed the younger one.

That is why, this younger pastor left the older pastor to start his own ministry! This happened even in the Bible College, often when we see some different views in explaining doctrines and teachings.

Often times, unnecessary quarrels may be avoided when they see that all those are minor issues, as far as we concerned, that the Lord's Name must be glorified by all in the first far most place!

But some times, the terrorists leaders may gave out orders to kill so and so, and their followers will carried out that orders, as commanded by their leaders, they killed and murdered.

This is too often happened in the Bible College, and even the principal may gave out order to oust or chase away some Bible lecturers who are not in line with their ideology or doctrine, this is too, I see a kind of suicide bombing in the Bible College, some lecturers were chased out from the Bible college due to some minor issues, what a waste of time and man power!

That is why, the fundamentalists are facing the inner spiritual pride that, they cannot tolerrant even some small differences among them.

Human brains some times cannot explained the Bible at all, but give times for the eyes and ears to see and listen, searching the truth untold, and then let the Holy Spirit may come to live in the joint of our souls, He is our real teacher!

There is a space for corrections! What about in the Bible College? Is there something missing in my life, some place called the mercy seat? Is there a mercy seat in the Bible College?

I do not think so!

Two things in my life

Firstly that I can pray to God, and read that Book called the Holy Bible!

Are we still wondering God is real or not?

More than 2000 years ago, in pain He bear our sins.

Moment by moment, after there on the cross, He gave us the New Testament! He said it is finished!

The greatest moment in mankind had been accomplished!

In the end time, it is the time for you and me to pray and read the Bible!

And do not waste your time to quarrel and fight for the perfect TR!

In everything give thanks!



Bamboo is one of the most eco-friendly materials on earth. It grows quickly and doesn't need pesticides.

Some one had made bamboo fibres into towels.

These towels are silky, soft, light weight and highly absorbent.

This made me think of the towels Jesus used to wiped human feet, hands and faces. He work as a laborer!

And He is friendly to others.

But sad to say, I am not friendly!

Do I fit to call myself a laborer for Christ? No!

May the Lord make me to become a friendly man!

Jesus' Words will never pass away!

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

It is after Jesus Christ informed to us about the situation of the end time, then he gave us this verse, verse 35!

Verse 35 is about His fulfilling Words, He means His promises are forever!

But why He says this after He gave us "the end time" forecast?

Jesus is indicating to the theologians, see that you prepared well to face the end time, rather than you fight and quarrel for Jesus Words!

Even you wanted that perfect TR so much so you hate even your brothers in Christ, but you have to wait after the end time plan is accomplished!

You must keep watching, look at the end time world events!

That few missing words, sway you away, in the end time?

And you are losing your mind when you see your brother face to face in the civil court! For you sue your brothers in Christ for those a few missing words!

I am ashame of you, when you say you are a theologian, a doctor! Because of you! I dare not say I am a theologians, not even dare to call myself a scholar, and not even a esteem over other, even dare not to eat with strangers when I was invited, rather I lived like a rat running on the street, every one shout, beat it, beat it! But you sue you own BP pastors in the civil court! Let me tear that attire of your theologian suit, but I can not tear your heart!

You sue you own BP pastor in the end time!

Can't you wait until the end time events happened one after another?

Where is your patient? Do you have any hope or trust, in Jesus' Words?

Laborers are few! We must pray for laborers!

The Lord never tell us that the theologians are few, the Lord never say, the scholars are few, He never say to us, the pastors are few, He haven't said the elders are few in the church! God called some to be, pastor, elders....teacher....! Even though they are needed, but laborers are few!

Who say this!


we are all laborer for Christ!


I see many like to be theologians, eating, drinking and killing!

Are you ashame of yourself, to be called a laborer, rather than a theologian in Christianity?

Even you are starting a seminary, it is because you are training the laborer for Christ!

verse 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

Those who wanted to be the leaders in the the church, they must work as a servant, not as a theologian!

The charismatics are laughing at me, when they read my blog, they said I am very rough and rude, having no manners!


I thanks my God for sending Your messages across the lands, that You are coming!

But sad to say, the politicians do not know about this, and so I called onto the Lord, send stronger messages to the politicians and theologians this time!

The theologians in FEBC despised the prophets who are speaking unto them, they attack the prophets from the Lord Almighty.

But sad to say, they pay more respect to the lawyers in the court!

And they persecuted the prophets sent to them!


The thing belong to the theologians!

Matthew 22:21
"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."

I make another point here,
Give to the theologians what is theologians'.....give to the people what is the people's.

Return all these arguments and quarrels into the Bible colleges, back to square one! Let the lecturers and students humbly study the Word of God! Do not have prejudice on us the CUV readers! The Chinese Christians are innocent in this matter! Being fair is in a teaching! Teach this good teaching!

Let the churches alone, let them read the KJV and CUV freely! If NIV and NKJV belong to our people, do not forbid them to read the Bible!

Give to the theologians what is theologians', I see this Verbal Plenary Preservation belongs to the theologians!


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