
Testing of the spirit 4

There is one Christian denomination, very sound in "doctrine," fundamental, a conservative church. They take the name "Jesus" and put as the denomination name, but the bible tells us, not to use the name of God in vain. One day the founding pastor of this denomination visited his mission stations in a third world country, and he called his missionary, they had fellowship, the founding pastor wanted to test the young missionary to see whether he is faithful to the leaders or not, so he brought some durians, the founding pastor ate all the durians, and then he cooked the seeds of the durians, and he asked the young missionary to eat the seeds of durians, yes, the seeds are tasteless, but they can be used to test your spirit, to see whether the young missionary is called or not. If you do not want to eat the leftover cooked seeds, you fail. As a young preacher, you must humbly finished the seeds as old founding pastor told you to, silently finished them, you are called to suffer for the name of Jesus! You want people to respect you ? Do you respect other? Do you want people do the way on you like what you did to others? Do you have the license to kill and also the license to heal? Surely the founding pastor has put the name of Jesus in shame, and he used the name of the Lord in vain, by asking young minister to eat the durian seeds and not the durians. Even though he paid salary to the young preacher, is he been fair to the young preacher? One day a spirit spoke through a woman, she says some words and curse this denomination, revenge will come and something will try to destroy the denomination. Believe it or not?

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