
To stop the wind!

To stop the strong wind, you have to say sorry to God publicly, you said sorry because you have killed and disturb God's people, print those apologies on the major newspapers, and repent from it, may the Lord stopped the wind for a while! And the country will be free from the strong winds!

Maybe this will work?



I see the enemies of Israel like to take this "Nazi" as a name for their sons and daughters!

the father : Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, come here, papa has buy you a gun!

Nazi : Papa, let me see the gun! Wow!~ What a heavy and shining gun!

the father : Nazi, when you grow up, you must remember why I give you the name!

Nazi : Papa, why you give me this name?

the father : Nazi, you are the enemy for the people of God!

Nazi : Papa, I do not understand what you mean!

the father : Nazi, one day you will understand what I mean!

Nazi : Papa, why you buy me a gun?

the father : Because you are my son!

pastors had become terrorists!

This posting is not for the non Christian!

I see in the end, some pastors had become terrorists, they had one objective in hidden darkness, they wanted to bring troubles for the churches!

They are working doubling works, one side for the truth, another side for the devils, and I see there is no end in these men, accept the trouble end. I see man purpose in their heart to attack a man! And we better walk away from trouble, and these trouble makers, do not give any time for these men. They come in high position in the churches.

I see when they come to pray for a man, but they pray with a proud look, harsh words, and with evils eyes, and these pastor stand like a policeman, preying on poorer pastors. And they become hireling, not to look after the flocks, but the hireling to attack the servant of God. When they come, they come with authority, and that authority is not from God, and you know it is from who. And I see them walked and prayed aloud, with gnashing teeth! I see they come with contempts. And the disciples of Christ, living in dangers.

Some of these terrorists pastors do not work every day, some time they work, some time they do not, but they had much money to eat and drink every day, and they said these all are the blessing from God! They lay on bed to device many evils on the poor and the sick, but the churches had put their trust in them.

One day, Jesus saved his disciples out of troubles.

Jesus Walks on the Water in Matthew 14

22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 24 but the boat was already a considerable distance[a] from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

25 During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear.

27But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

28"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."

29"Come," he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"

32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."

34 When they had crossed over, they landed at Gennesaret. 35 And when the men of that place recognized Jesus, they sent word to all the surrounding country. People brought all their sick to him 36and begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak, and all who touched him were healed.

Heavenly Father, please saved some pastors who have been fallen away from the peace and grace and even the mercy of God, please come and rescue these servants, and we are meeting these servants who are becoming agents for the terrorism. And God lead us not into temptation, and rescue us from evil and harms. I commit this country, the churches on this land into Your mighty hands, may the Lord guard us and lead us. I pray in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.


Do not become a terrorist pastor! Do not start to!

Community center without the truth!

I had met leaders of the churches who do not want to build any church building at all, because they said that is a waste of money, they held meetings at members house, they said they are home church, this is Christianity, and this is biblical, as the earliest Christianity in first century, but they build big houses for themselves, next they laughed at the poor and sick Christians. Is this Christianity? They are postmodernist!

And they lay their hands on the heads of the members, and the people fall down, and I do not jealous them for they had that "gift," that make people fall backward! And they had made the prayer meeting as a place to slanders leaders and pastors of other churches, and they said God is hearing their prayers, so their churches become the churches for the rich and strong. I see they are happy in doing this to Christianity, and I am sad about this, surely God hear those poor men cried.

And they said that they believe in one God, but they do not believe there is an absolute truth! And they said Bible is subjective, some time it is right. And I looked at their faces, they look like angels on earth, with big cars and holding high position, and they see me a poor fellow without blessing from God. I am sorrowful in hearing the rich men shouting at the poor!

With one mouth come out blessing, and with this same mouth came out cursing, in the same prayer meeting, how can this be the case, see these postmodernist had infiltrated our churches, and they continue become the thorns in our flesh. And so they spy on us, and they step on our heads, and they continue to rebuke us with iron faces and teeth, I see they are so mighty in the earth, the community is liking these postmodernist, and the Baptist and Charismatics are making friends with them. The churches is not without problems! And the postmodernist told me that there is salvation in other religions, and so I went back home, alone, without looking back to these postmodernist.

These postmodernist do not build churches, but they build community centers! Without absolute truth! They forget that Jesus Christ was preaching the truth on earth!

And one day the devils came to Him.

Matthew 4:8-10,

.... the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me."

Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.

The end of the world is near, why? Because the churches are looking for these splendor in the world! They do not want the absolute truth in Jesus Christ!

For they said the Bible is from man not from God! Postmodernist is a bible postmortem?


Lamentation 1

Lamentations 3:14
I became the laughingstock of all my people; they mock me in song all day long.

Jeremiah 38:6
So they took Jeremiah and put him into the cistern of Malkijah, the king's son, which was in the courtyard of the guard. They lowered Jeremiah by ropes into the cistern; it had no water in it, only mud, and Jeremiah sank down into the mud.


The churches in the end time, kept many pets as toys for the members, these pets came from the Bible Colleges, seminaries, the churches member kept these pets as many as they like.

Some times they do not like these pets, so some time they give away these pets to other churches, because some times they find out these pets are too fierce, too difficult to keep as a pet, some times too fat, eat too much, some times too skinny, too shy, some times too dumb, they will induced young men to call their pastors "stupid," they are rebellious, the Christian here I see, they like to use this word, "stupid," some times they do not like the pets because the pet does not has a nice face or nice skin or fur to look on to, some times they see their pets are getting old, some times they sees their pets getting sick too often, some times they like another breed of pets, so they are ready to give away their pets anytime they like. They will buy another new pets! They will kept as many pets as they can. Some times they are proud of their pets, they give their pets, names, cloths, houses, money and so on, if they like the sound come out of that pet! Some time they will called those unsound dog as the mad dog! They will chase them away! They scared of mad dogs bites.

What kind of pets I am talking about? These pets are actually, the pastors and bible students, staffs in the church, the members, kept them as pets, they will give away their pastors to another church, if they find the pastor cannot live peacefully with them, they have the authority to give away the pastor, like what, they can buy a new pet in the markets! So what?

Poor pets, lastly ended as like stray dogs, walking on the streets! No one like a poor, ugly, smelly and sick dog, are you willing to take care a pet like that in your church? No way, you better keep some poor mice as your pets, because they eat a little scum from your tables! Did you know that a pastor sometime is living poorer than a poor mice in the church. Who care since all of them are pets!


who is my neighours?

You said you wanted to pray for the neighbor and the country. But you hate the fellow Christian who does not pray in tongue! You looked down to them! You looked down to them who are poor in material and spirit!

You said you wanted to pray for the nations, you wanted to be the light of this world, you are liars! Your prayers are detestable things. You are praying and fasting to make people feel good for a time, after that you started to punished those who are poor and weak in the churches. You called yourselves the leaders of the nations!

You bishops said you wanted to unite the churches, but after the prayer and fasting you started to bring punishments to those who are not agreed with you! You are the rich fool young men!

You elders said you are kind and going charity work, but in the dark you breed many terrorists and murders to attack the pastors, you asked the pastors to leave the churches, since you do not like him!

You deacons said you are good and so good, so that you pray like the pharisee in the temple!

Money blinded you eyes! Lusts make you a killer! Hates make you a murder!

Repent! Before you pray and fast!
I am going to pray for your victory, so that the corrupted kingdom will be ended as soon as possible, we must act in steps, arranged them.

You are going to to patrol our country seven times, and the seventh times, the strong walls of the corruptions will collapsed! The people will shout for joy!

Heavenly Father, may my God bless us with a good government. Where the people will lived in peace and there are prosperity for every hardworking man. And the racism and terrorist "must must" be stopped. Let make the country "strong strong!" I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, Isa Almaseh, Amen.


What I needed now?

(1) Patient

Proverbs 16:32

Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.

Better to be patient than powerful;
better to have self-control than to conquer a city.

Up on to this point of time, I need to be patient, patient is better than military power!

(2) wisdom

Ecclesiastes 7:19
"Wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city."

In this verse in Ecclesiastes 7:19, wisdom also better than political power!

(3) the holy place and praise

The Ecclesiastes writer wrote that even some of the wicked come and go from the holy place and received praise in the city, at the end they too, die! What is the meaning in standing at the holy place, praying and reading the Holy Bible, or it is like the theologians who are pursuing the perfect scriptures, but he is called a wicked man, he received praise, and die in these! It is meaningless to him!

Ecclesiastes 8:10
Then too, I saw the wicked buried—those who used to come and go from the holy place and receive praise in the city where they did this. This too is meaningless.

What is the meaning for living another day

1.To write down my thoughts and to be patient, since I am impatient.
2.To pursue wisdom since I am a foolish man.
3.To stay away from wickedness, may God create a cleaned heart in my heart!


What days are these days?

What days are we living in, these are the last days, the end of the world is approaching!

Where men kill each other like killing an animal, when they see these killings and hurting a game it self. They have fun in disturbing and hurting the follower of Christ, they enjoy it. The followers of Christ are self defeating in lusts and prides! And so many people are becoming the smoke in the air! Vanished like that, no one care, they come and go!

I see the politicians came to speak aloud, and they wanted to tame the Church! They wanted the church to keep silent upon the corruptions and killings, and some of the followers of Christ had betrayed the Lord even His followers, and they followed the corrupted men! They love money and statue in the society more than the love of justice for the people!

And then the theologians at the other hands making voices that some scriptures texts are corrupted here and there, I see this is no use in helping the people in this end time! What is corrupting a man? The heart corrupting a man! Things that come out from the heart that defile a man! To a man who is defiled, to him, everything is defiled, nothing is good! Corruption is worsen from time to time but it started in the heart!

The end time there are calamities and difficulties that broken the bondage of denominations, the church at the end will be united as one, when the fires from heaven came down on to mankind in the end. The earthquake will break the four walls of the church buildings, and the church will has an external focus, and then they will move on a little step further, and the hunger will come like a wind, and then the people will start to look for food, rather than spiritual food, beware, do not fight over scripture texts, contend with the KJV and CUV you have in your hands, give thanks for your neighbors, I had prayed for you, that you escaped the coming calamity upon the BP churches! I do do regret when I had told you this before hand, this is not a curse, but this is a plea that you repent, and then the blessings will come to you as God promised.

My simple plea is this, unite ye BP churches, and this is a test in heaven, in the "Name of Jesus Christ, that foundation stone of the BIble college had been laid, and this is in the Name of the Lord Jesus you must welcome every one, if not the lamp stand will be taken away from you for a time, until you say Blessed is the man who come in the Name of the Lord, and then you do not despised your neighbor because of the Bible versions they are reading, and then the Lord will sent you blessings upon blessings. Did not ye see the land is barren? Can't you see that? And the blessings are withhold now!

What days are these days, why we are living in these evil days, because you are like an actor acting for the gospel sake so that the world may see the truth? Yes or no? I had written many words about you, and are you listening? Or are you stubborn like me? Please ignore this post, because this is only a writings in the blog.

Are you playing a game, the "manuscript game," seek and hide in the piles of old and new manuscripts? In these evil days? Are you having fun, in seeing, the world in darkness? Do you care a day, when the moon will stand still a moment? To speak to you, unite! Do you care for the world like what the Bible tells you to?

What are these days, are these the days you should be proud of your perfect Bible? And the rest of the world suffers? Are these the days you are counting on to, where the people had lost their focus and faith? Are you come in the Name of KJV? Or are you come in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ? Let me, say this again, may the Lord heal us, my days are dying, draw me closer to You, Lord!


The stern words for the Isrealites and the theologians!

Proverb 14:21

בָּז־לְרֵעֵ֥הוּ חֹוטֵ֑א וּמְחֹונֵ֖ן אַשְׁרָֽיו׃

مَنْ يَحْتَقِرُ صَاحِبَهُ يَأْثَمُ، وَطُوبَى لِمَنْ يَرْحَمُ الْبَائِسِينَ.

He who despises his neighbor sins,
but blessed is he who is kind to the needy.

What is this to do with us, it does, the Israelites are sinning, because they had despised the neighbour, the Palestines. Why they do not be kind to the needy now, after the terrorists are being fought, this is the time to give them the land if they come for peace making even for a short time.

This time the USA, UK and UN and the Palestian People will make a resolution, with the mandate given in 1948!

What is this to do with the Verbal Plenary Preservation? It does, the theologians who are teaching this Verbal Plenary Preservation are sinning, because they dispised their neighbour, and even their own kinsman, and these are sins that opened for all of us to see, and when I wrote this, I have washed my hands twice!

Yes, I am sinful, when I dispise any one of the neighbours! Lord, please help me to be humble! May God forgive me!


Miranda Warning

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Spiritual matters require spiritual discernment

An unbeliever lawyer (or any secular authority) should never decide doctrinal issues in the church. Spiritual matters require spiritual disc...