
Jeffrey Khoo, Quek Suan Yew, Prabudass Koshy's "Hyper-Text" movement

This new “Hyper-Text” movement is promoting “Perfect TR” and “KJV-only”—promoting extreme textual fundamentalism with a rigid adherence to the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible and the Textus Receptus (TR), harming the entire Christianity in the end time. 

Explanation of "Hyper-Text"


Jeffrey, Quek and Prabu are emphasizing an extreme focus on textual perfectionism, claiming that the Bible’s original manuscripts and their preservation in the TR/KJV are flawless or supernaturally perfected. The term “hyper” suggests a more radical stance than mainstream KJV-onlyism, which already asserts the KJV’s superiority over other translations.

Perfect TR:

The Textus Receptus (“Received Text”) is the Greek New Testament compilation used for translating the KJV. These KJV-only advocates view the TR as divinely preserved and error-free. “Perfect TR” implies an absolute, unerring view of this text, rejecting even minor historical criticisms or variations found in older manuscripts (e.g., Codex Sinaiticus or Vaticanus).


A belief that the King James Version is the only legitimate English Bible, often framed as inspired or superior to modern translations (e.g., NIV, ESV) and sometimes even to the original Hebrew/Greek texts. Extreme KJV-only groups may claim the KJV corrects errors in older manuscripts.

. What “Hyper-Text” Promote?

Absolute Textual Inerrancy: Asserting the KJV and TR are perfect and unchanging, with no scribal errors or translational flaws.

Rejection of Scholarship: Dismissing modern textual criticism, archaeology, or linguistics that challenge the TR/KJV.

Conspiracy Theories: Claiming that newer Bible translations are corrupted by secular agendas or “Satanic” influence.

Elevation of KJV as Advanced Revelation: Some fringe groups (e.g., Ruckmanites, following Peter Ruckman) teach that the KJV supersedes the original Greek/Hebrew texts, a view “Hyper-Text” might amplify.

Comparison to Other Movements

Mainstream KJV-onlyism:

Advocates prefer the KJV but may tolerate other translations. They often defend the TR’s reliability but don’t always claim “perfection.”


Followers of Peter Ruckman argue the KJV is advanced revelation, correcting errors in the Greek/Hebrew. This is a more radical subset of KJV-onlyism.

"Hyper-Text" push further—claiming the TR/KJV is mathematically perfect, or that altering a single word constitutes heresy.

"Hyper-Text" Criticisms and Dangers

Anti-Intellectualism: Rejecting scholarship undermines engagement with history, linguistics, and textual evidence.

Division: Fracture churches by accusing others of “compromise.”

Misplaced Faith: Elevating a translation (KJV) to the level of divine inspiration risks idolatry of the text over its message.

Conspiracy Mentality: Blaming “corrupt elites” for modern translations can fuel paranoia and isolation.

Jeffrey Khoo, Quek Suan Yew and Prabudass Koshy's "Hyper-Text" is an extremist within KJV-onlyism. They focus on textual purity, not grace theology. 


Their “Hyper-Text” movement is an ultra-conservative fringe within KJV-onlyism, advocating for a perfect, unchanging Bible text (TR/KJV) and rejecting all critical engagement. Many mainstream Reformed theology and even many KJV-only advocates distance themselves from such extremism, prioritizing the Bible’s message over textual perfectionism. Stay clear from "Hyper-Text," it is a highly dangerous movement, and those who follow it will kill everyone who stands in their way; beware. 

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Jeffrey Khoo, Quek Suan Yew, Prabudass Koshy's "Hyper-Text" movement

This new “Hyper-Text” movement is promoting “Perfect TR” and “KJV-only”—promoting extreme textual fundamentalism with a rigid adherence to t...