
What days are these days?

What days are we living in, these are the last days, the end of the world is approaching!

Where men kill each other like killing an animal, when they see these killings and hurting a game it self. They have fun in disturbing and hurting the follower of Christ, they enjoy it. The followers of Christ are self defeating in lusts and prides! And so many people are becoming the smoke in the air! Vanished like that, no one care, they come and go!

I see the politicians came to speak aloud, and they wanted to tame the Church! They wanted the church to keep silent upon the corruptions and killings, and some of the followers of Christ had betrayed the Lord even His followers, and they followed the corrupted men! They love money and statue in the society more than the love of justice for the people!

And then the theologians at the other hands making voices that some scriptures texts are corrupted here and there, I see this is no use in helping the people in this end time! What is corrupting a man? The heart corrupting a man! Things that come out from the heart that defile a man! To a man who is defiled, to him, everything is defiled, nothing is good! Corruption is worsen from time to time but it started in the heart!

The end time there are calamities and difficulties that broken the bondage of denominations, the church at the end will be united as one, when the fires from heaven came down on to mankind in the end. The earthquake will break the four walls of the church buildings, and the church will has an external focus, and then they will move on a little step further, and the hunger will come like a wind, and then the people will start to look for food, rather than spiritual food, beware, do not fight over scripture texts, contend with the KJV and CUV you have in your hands, give thanks for your neighbors, I had prayed for you, that you escaped the coming calamity upon the BP churches! I do do regret when I had told you this before hand, this is not a curse, but this is a plea that you repent, and then the blessings will come to you as God promised.

My simple plea is this, unite ye BP churches, and this is a test in heaven, in the "Name of Jesus Christ, that foundation stone of the BIble college had been laid, and this is in the Name of the Lord Jesus you must welcome every one, if not the lamp stand will be taken away from you for a time, until you say Blessed is the man who come in the Name of the Lord, and then you do not despised your neighbor because of the Bible versions they are reading, and then the Lord will sent you blessings upon blessings. Did not ye see the land is barren? Can't you see that? And the blessings are withhold now!

What days are these days, why we are living in these evil days, because you are like an actor acting for the gospel sake so that the world may see the truth? Yes or no? I had written many words about you, and are you listening? Or are you stubborn like me? Please ignore this post, because this is only a writings in the blog.

Are you playing a game, the "manuscript game," seek and hide in the piles of old and new manuscripts? In these evil days? Are you having fun, in seeing, the world in darkness? Do you care a day, when the moon will stand still a moment? To speak to you, unite! Do you care for the world like what the Bible tells you to?

What are these days, are these the days you should be proud of your perfect Bible? And the rest of the world suffers? Are these the days you are counting on to, where the people had lost their focus and faith? Are you come in the Name of KJV? Or are you come in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ? Let me, say this again, may the Lord heal us, my days are dying, draw me closer to You, Lord!

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