
基督教要义 加尔文著 Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin

一五五九年最后修正版作者自序 题献


卷 一


第 一 章 认识上帝与认识我们自己之间的关系
第 二 章 对上帝的认识之性质与趋势
第 三 章 认识上帝是人心的禀赋
第 四 章 这认识的败坏消灭,半由于无知,半由于邪恶
第 五 章 对上帝的认识表现在宇宙的构造与继续管理中
第 六 章 认识上帝为造化主需凭圣经的指导和教训
第 七 章 圣经的权威必须完全建立于圣灵的见证,以教会的判断作为圣经权威的根据是不敬虔的虚构
第 八 章 圣经之真确性的理性证据
第 九 章 狂妄者以启示代替圣经,是破坏一切敬虔原则——从略
第 十 章 圣经纠正迷信,以真神对抗异邦的众假神
第十一章 以形像加诸上帝是非法的;拜偶像就是背叛真神
第十二章 论上帝与偶像有别,使人知道唯独敬拜他
第十三章 圣经从最初即指示,神的一个本体包含三位
第十四章 由于世界的创造,圣经辨明真神与假神
第十五章 人受造时的情形,灵魂的功能,神的形像,自由意志,原来天性的纯洁
第十六章 上帝以他的权能保守并支持宇宙,又按他的旨意统治宇宙的一切
第十七章 这教义须怎样应用才对我们有益?
第十八章 上帝利用恶人的行为和心思执行他的审判,自己却仍然纯洁无损

卷 二


第 一 章 亚当的堕落是人类受咒诅并从原始状态退化的原因——原罪论
第 二 章 人现在被剥夺了意志自由,并处于悲惨的奴役下
第 三 章 凡出于败坏的人性的,都得定罪
第 四 章 上帝在人心中的运行
第 五 章 斥支持自由意志的论点
第 六 章 基督为沉沦者的救赎
第 七 章 律法的赐与,不是要局限古人于律法之内,乃是要激励他们在基督里得救的盼望,直到他来临
第 八 章 释道德律
第 九 章 基督虽在律法之下为犹太人所认识,却只在福音里才清楚地显现出来
第 十 章 新旧约的类似
第十一章       新旧约的差异
第十二章 基督为完成中保的任务,不得不降世为人
第十三章 论基督之取得真实的人性
第十四章 神性人性的联合何以能组成中保的位格?
第十五章 要明白基督从父所受的使命,和他所给我们的益惠,必须思考基督作为“先知”、“君王”和“祭司”的三种任务
第十六章 基督执行救主的职责赎回我们;他的受死、复活和升天
第十七章 基督的功劳确会为我们博取了恩典和拯救
卷 三


第 一 章 圣灵暗中的运行使有关基督的一切都成为我们的益惠
第 二 章 信仰的意义及其特性
第 三 章 论因信重生,兼论悔改
第 四 章 经院派对悔改的曲解距离福音真理甚远;论忏悔与补罪
第 五 章 补充补罪说的赎罪票和炼狱
第 六 章 论基督徒的生活,兼论圣经所提示的劝勉
第 七 章 基督徒的生活——克己
第 八 章 背负十架乃是克己的一部分
第 九 章 默念来生
第 十 章 论如何善用今生
第十一章 因信称义之名与实的界说
第十二章 上帝的审判与因信白白称义的关系
第十三章 白白称义所必须遵行的两件事
第十四章 称义的开始与继续进步
第十五章 夸耀行为乃是窃夺上帝称人为义所应得的光荣,并破坏拯救的确据
第十六章 驳斥罗马教徒反对因信称义说之谬论
第十七章 律法的应许与福音的应许之间的一致性
第十八章 论赏赐的应许不能当作因行为称义的证据
第十九章 论基督徒的自由
第二十章 论祈祷——信心的主要操练,每日接受神恩的媒介
第廿一章 论永恒的拣选,即神预定某些人得救,某些人灭亡
第廿二章 预定论在圣经上的证据
第廿三章 斥诽谤预定论之谬说
第廿四章 拣选由神的呼召而证实。被弃绝者的灭亡是自己所招致的
第廿五章 论最后的复活

卷 四


第 一 章 论真教会为众信徒之母,因而我们必须与之联合
第 二 章 真教会和假教会的比较
第 三 章 教会的教师和牧师及其选举和职务
第 四 章 古代教会的情况,和教皇制出现以前教会所用的体制
第 五 章 论古代的教政被教皇的专制所败坏——从略
第 六 章 论罗马教皇首位
第 七 章 论教皇权如何演进到现在的崇高地位并如何败坏了教会的自由和治理——从略
第 八 章 论教会对信条的权力有限并论教皇滥用权力败坏了纯正的教义——从略
第 九 章 论教会会议及其权威
第 十 章 论教皇及其党徒用以虐待人身心的立法权——从略
第十一章 论教会的司法权及其在教皇制度下的滥用——从略
第十二章 论教会的训戒及其对制裁和革除的主要用处
第十三章 论誓愿:仓促发愿之弊
第十四章 论圣礼
第十五章 论洗礼
第十六章 论婴孩洗礼符合基督所设立的洗礼及其记号的性质
第十七章 论圣餐及其所赐恩惠
第十八章 论教皇的弥撒不仅亵渎而且毁灭圣餐
第十九章 论误称为圣礼的五种仪式及其性质
第二十章 论政府


一 答沙杜里多书

二 圣餐短论

三 论教会改革之必要


The Book of Hebrew with VPP

This book of Hebrew is written to the brethren who are going to face trials and troubles.

The writer did not put down his name, so there are many views who are the real writer even in the early church. My dear brother, even the early church also cannot certify who is the actual writer, how about us. Do not quarrel about this; accept the Word of God by faith. Some said the writer is Paul, some said Apollos. No matter who is the writer, his intend of writing is to say, Christianity is higher than Judaism.

1:2, Jesus Christ was giving the revelation.

1:6, “And again, when He bringeth in the first-begotten into the world, He saith, and let all the angels of God worship Him.” These words are not in Hebrew Text.

This is a quotation from Psalm 97:7 and Deut 32:43, found in copies of LXX, Septuagint.

The Hebrew Old Testament has been translated into Greek, by 70 translators, before the Lord has been born in the earth, before the Word became flesh. LXX was there!

The LXX is not a perfect translation, but the writer of Hebrew sees LXX as God’s Word, he read and quoted from LXX, rather than the Hebrew Old Testament, he refers the LXX in writing the Book of Hebrew.

Are NKJV, CUV, NIV, and ESV not God’s Word?

1:7, this verse is quoted from Psalm 104:4, it is in Septuagint, LXX.

1:10-12, these verses are taken from Psalm 102:25-27, they are in LXX.

The writer of the Book of Hebrew sees that LXX is the “Word of God!” even thought it is not perfectly translated.

1:13, this verse taken from Psalm 110.


2:11, Jesus Christ is not ashamed to call them, “brother,” even Christ united with sinners. Jesus Christ is perfect, but He is willingly to stay with imperfect people like us.

Why Jesus Christ wanted to unite with them? Because they had received the truth. (Mark 8:38).

2:12-13, these words are taken from LXX, quoted from Psalm 22:22, Isaiah 12:2 and 8:18.

2:14, Satan tempted man to fall into temptation, and so they may fall into sins. Sins bring death (Rom 7:11), Jesus became flesh, and He resurrected from death, He had victoriously won over death (1 Cor 15:55)

2:17, Christ became like his brothers in every respect, so that he may become a high priest for them, and even to make propitiation for the sins of the people.

Jesus Christ died for his own brothers.

2:18, Jesus Christ is able to help those who are being tempted like us.

3:1-4:13, these are the commentary about Psalm 95:7-11, consider Jesus, think about Him.

3:6, we must hold fast our confidence.

3:7, the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness.” The Holy Spirit says again, in this epistle, in Hebrew 3:15, and 4:7.

Today! This is a warning! Israelites had put God to test, are we?

Testing God with the VPP? Playing with God’s Words!

3:12 do not let anyone fall away from God! Unbelieving heart!

3:13, exhort one another every day! Today!


If the theologians repented, we must restore them into brotherhood, otherwise they will be like the generations in the wilderness.

3:16, there was a generation who heard the message, but rebelled for 40 years, and they all died in the wilderness.

Do not forget!

Even Moses had the perfect Word of God, the 2 tablets of the stones, with God’s perfect Word, but he was refused to enter the Promised Land, Moses was punished. At the end God saved his soul, he was saved by grace.

Are any better than Moses, even to pursue the perfect underlying text!
You intention is good, but what is the profit?

If we do not receive Christ, we will all die in our sins.

Are we any better in reading KJV? Better than those who read NKJV, CUV, and NIV?

Do you think God is only going to choose, and save only those who are reading the KJV!

Are we not sinner? Who are reading the KJV? Like those sinner who read NKJV!

4:2, we all must hear the message by faith.

4:3, come to Jesus Christ today, to find “rest” in Him. (Matthew 11:28-29)

4:4-5, our spirits need rest.

4:6-7, Harden not our heart, there will be no peace, until we repented!

4:11, “spoudazo” speedily!

4:12-13, The Word of God is in the Bible, and the Word of God also in Jesus Christ, (John 1:1-4, 14).

The Word of God is

1.Living and active.
2.sharper than any two-edged sword
3.piercing to the division of soul and of spirit,
4.piercing to the division of joints and marrows,
5.Discerning the thoughts and intention of hearts.

Let the Word of God pierce us.

4:14, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, He is higher than us. He is our high Priest. He “sumpatheo” us, He knew all our sufferings.

5:2-3, that is why Jesus sacrifices Himself for us.

5:7, Jesus prayed with loud cries and tears in Gethsemane? The disciples heard those cries and tears.

5:8, next, He suffered on the Cross in obedient.

5:12-13, distinguishes good from evil. Maturity is a growth from being only a child.

6:1-8, we must continue to move from the foundation, pursue perfection!

These are the beginning of Christianity:

2.trusting God
3.washings or baptisms, (sprinklings or immerse)
4.laying of hands, (healings or ordinations of a pastors)
5.resurrection of the dead
6.eternal judgment

We must continue to grow from these!

Here are warnings for those hearers of God’s Word, they were educated in Christianity, but they are not saved.

Even they were enlightened, they saw the glorious Gospel, but they did not receive the gospel, rather they reject the gospel. They had tasted the goodness of Christ, but they did not take in the Christ into their hearts. Even they were touched and rebuked by the Holy Spirit, but they rejected the Holy Spirit in coming to the hearts. They heard the preaching of message on every Sunday morning, afternoon sermon and night sermon, they said the sermons are good, but they did not believe the messages. They even knew there is an eternal judgment coming, that God will judge the wicked, but they still do not want to return to God.

They are the churchgoers, some of them are the elders, pastors, theologians, they called themselves “Christians,” they had every good opportunities and experiences, but they still run away from the truth. In those harden hearts, God the Holy Spirit, will not work in it anymore. They become the enemy of Christ, they wanted to nail the Christ on cross again.

They are the seeds thrown in the thorn, choked; .its end is to be burned. They lost their salvation forever!

So some will eternally lose their opportunities to believe in Christ, the Savior, and they fall into the eternal hell. They are the fall away. “Methodist is saying that these people, seeker of faith, will lost their salvation forever, because they continue to reject the gospel, this is true, they had not fully receive the salvation in the beginning.”

They are the professor of faith, profess with their lips. Their hearts do not believe in Christ.

6:9, the writer said to the readers, they are called “brethren,” “God is still working in them,” so they are not lost forever like the previous churchgoer and faith seekers.

These brothers are professing with their lips, the Lord as their personal savior, and their hearts also believe the Christ is their Lord and God Savior. They are saved.

6:11-15, the writer gave an example of true believer, Abraham, even though he was not perfect, he had taken wives, Sarah and Hagar, he later chased away the slave wife. Abraham by faith was called righteous. The just must live by faith!

6:19, we had an anchor in Christ!

6:20, Christ is our forerunner of our faith, and He opened a lively and new way for us.


7:12-26, Jesus Christ is better and higher than the Levites, human high priest can not save himself, we needed a perfect Priest, the lamb of God, and the Son of God, Christ dies for us even when we are yet sinner. He is our High Priest forever He is praying for us.

8:1, to expound the Old Testament in one verse, the writer said, “We had a high priest, seated on the right hand of the throne.”

8:5, this verse is taken from Exodus 25:40, the wording is from LXX. Greek OT.

8:6, in Christ, we had a better “covenant,” LXX, a better promise. In LXX, the Greek translated Hebrew “covenant”, (Joshua 9:6, Judges 2:2, 1 Samuel 23:18)

Christ came, is to save sinners, descended, crucified, resurrected, He is the OT and NT, He is even better than the Bible. He is the one we must look for after reading the Bible, He is the Perfect Word in fresh, He is better than all the MSS!

Why God preserved all those 5000 plus New Testament MSS? Until man can put them together and translated into the all kinds of languages. Why? So that we may find that perfect way, perfect truth, perfect life, The Lord Jesus Christ. He is better than all the scriptures put together, even the Perfect Bible.

9:1, the writer looked highly the Old Testament! He mentioned the Israelites wondering in the wilderness, and even there was Moses’ tabernacle, Jesus Christ is the better sacrifice, better tabernacle, better than everything, anything on earth.

Why Christ is better, because:

9:12, Christ’s atonement once and for all.

9:14, Christ’s blood purified our conscience, 70x70 purified? It is 100% purified!

9:15, Christ is the mediator.

9:22, without the shedding of Christ’s blood there is no remission of sins. Forgiveness is given because Christ died for us.

10:5-6, Even Jesus was quoted from LXX, He says these words, and actually it is the reading of Psalm 40:6-8, the wording is different from Hebrew Text, nearer to LXX.

Scholar found that in New Testament, there are few hundreds places are quotation from LXX.

The people in Christ’s time, they were using the LXX, Greek translation of OT, rather than referring to the Original Text, the Hebrew Text. They were using LXX rather than Hebrew Original Text. Jesus Christ never rebuked them in using the LXX.

Jesus Said, “even to the jots and titles, the Bible is fulfilled!”

Like the Chinese brother today, usually they will read the CUV, rather than asking themselves to read KJV, or the Hebrew OT, the Greek NT.

The LXX translations are different from the original text, so LXX is different from Hebrew Text. LXX wording is not like Hebrew Text. LXX is translated nearer to the original meaning. (Compared 1 Cor 14:21 and Isaiah 28:11-12)

But the LXX reader at Christ’s time never doubt anything about the Word of God, they sees LXX is the Word of God, and they subdued to the authority of the Old Testament in LXX Greek translation.

Even though there are changes made in LXX, the meaning more or less nearer to the original meaning, (compared Gal 4:30, Gen 21:10)

Sometimes there are word by word translations, literally. (Compared Matt 2:15, 22:43-45, John 10:34, 19:36-37, Romans 4:3)

Sometimes the writer mix the verses together, like (Romans 11:26-27, compare Isaiah 59:20-21, 27:9)

Sometimes they quoted loosely like Romans 9:27 from Isaiah 10:22-23.

Sometimes like Mathew quoting Micah, Matthew 2:6 from Micah 5:2.

The Bible is the Word of God, if there is the truth of gospel, the truth of the Gospel certifies the Word is true, the Bible is inspired!

10:11-14, all the enemies are defeated by Christ in the end.

10:16-18, quoted from Jeremiah 31:33-34.

10:19, by faith, we can come nearer, nearer, closer and closer to God, through Jesus Christ’s blood.

10:23, let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for He who is promised is faithful.

10:24, stir up one another to love and good works. This is why Christ die for,..this is why we are called Christian!

10:25, and so we meet together in Christ, we called it fellowship, for encouragement, and not argue about words, we must not quarrel about words, even words from the Bible, we should not quarrel, encouraging one another, instead. The Day is drawing near, there is war and rumor of wars, even wars in our midst, but forget not to encourage!

10:26, there is a warning, who deliberately sinning, all kinds of sins, falling way from the truth, deliberately sinning is including those quarrel about words, wavering, wars in our midst, and those words and things which discourage others.

10:29, those who furthermore go beyond that, quarrels and quarrels, even has spurned the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant, by which he was sanctify, and has outrage the Holy Spirit of grace!

How severe is the punishment for those who do those deliberate sinning? The Holy Spirit has not He called you to encourage other from the day He called you into ministry? Did not He has spoke this clearly in the Word of God, and how about we forget this, and we continue until raising wars among us, even split the whole congregation?

When, Moses, Miriam, and Aaron, they were quarrels among themselves, in the wilderness for authority, they dare not to split the whole congregation of Israel. They are one, until King David, he fall into sin, in the time of Solomon, Solomon fell into gross idolatry. Next, the Monarch divided into two, in his son, Rehoboam, (sound like BOMB, 13017713). What lesson we can learn from these people? Spiritually?

10:30, Quoted from Deuteronomy 32:35, another example of different wordings.

10:32, the believers were called to endure suffering.

10:33, sometime they were publicly reproach and afflicted, bad treated. This is also like Christ’s suffering. Inside out, the persecutions, they were called to live beyond life, even death.

10:34, until the plundering of their property, but they knew they had a better possession in heaven. Never mind!

10:35, be confident!

10:38, “the just shall live by faith,” taken from Habakkuk 2:3-4, LXX, and written again in Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11.

10:39, we must believe!

11:1, to live by faith is not easy. Have Faith in God.

11:4, Abel by faith, give offering to God, consider better! Faith is better!

11:13-16, by faith the pilgrims and travelers looking for a better heavenly city.

11:21, by faith, Jacob worship God, “by leaning on the staff”, it is quoted from Genesis 47:31, from LXX.

11:26, Moses looked down on riches and treasures in Egypt.

12:1, run the race ahead, lay aside sins.

12:2, endured the cross, the glory of Christ.

12:3, Jesus Christ had this “antilogia,” contradiction from sinners.

12:4-6, grow spiritually, chasten by God.

12:7-8, God’s children, beloved.

12:9-10, partaker of holiness from God.

12:11, peaceable fruit is given!

12:12, lift up the hands, pray! Leg, go for gospel preaching!

12:13, do not give up, the end of life is eternal life!

12:14, peace with all men, and without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.

12:15, any root of bitterness springs up trouble you? Defiled?

Root of bitterness in my heart, so it grows the tree of bitterness, and bear the fruit of bitterness! It continues to choke my life! And the root spread silently.

Hates, prides, fighting, quarrellings, is growing in me. My family, fellowship and society are troubled, defiled, destructions. May God forgive me!

12:16-17, Fornicator! They are the defectors and disobedient.

When a man becomes a profane person, more than the speech, it is about his life, Esau sold his birth right, and he became “profane,” to treat something sacred as common He treat his birth right as common. And he sold his birth right, exchanged it for food. He even wanted to kill Jacob!

Which is more profane? Treating birth right as common or treating the Word of God as common.

Mistreating God’s Word, it is sinful or not sinful?

My dear friend, so you treat God’s word as common? If so, afraid that, spiritually, you will become like Esau, profane! Not carnal, but profane.

All men are liars? Be honest!

Do you treat VPP as a sacred teaching?

Do you treat something sacred like Chinese Union Version as common?

Do you treat NKJV as common? Do not do that!

Do you treat ESV as common? Do you?

For more than 20 years, a man professing Christ as his savior, as a seeker of truth, he dare not to say that CUV is not sacred, dare not to say Chinese Union Version is common. Even he went on to study KJV, NKJV, NIV…dare not to say they are common, they are treated as sacred! He afraid he is judging the Word of God wrongly. All translations are not perfect.

If you look on that “underlying text,” a TR from KJV, as sacred, as perfect, you must not look down on that CUV as common! It is wrong! Totally wrong!

Esau afterward was rejected, situation was irrevocable. Esau missed the blessing! When he treat the sacred as common! He did not receive grace.

12:18-22, Mount Sinai, and Mount Zion, which one you choose?

Mount Sinai, Moses received the Sacred Stone, the Ten Commandments, and the gift of covenant of law.

On Mount Zion, Christians received the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior, giving covenant of grace.

12:23, there are names written in heaven.

12:24, the Blood of Christ speaks better things.

12:25, God speak from heaven. Warning.

12:26, God shake the heaven! Quoted from LXX, Haggai 2:6.

12:28-29, Since you have received the kingdom (Matthew 3:2), which cannot be moved so Christian must:

1.Give thanks, do not tremble because the hardship now, do not murmur or worry about the suffering on earth.
2.Serving the Lord, in this please the Lord.
3.fearful fear the Lord, they are living in covenant of grace, but God is still a fire (Deut 4:24)

13:1, lastly, Lets brotherly love continues. In Christ’s love we lived?

13:2, entertain strangers.

13:3 do not forget the prisoner.

13:4, respect the covenant of marriage, it is a sacred bond.

13:5-6, do not covet of money. Do not worship money. Be content (Phil 4:11)

God is taking care of his children, quoted from Deut 31:6, LXX. Do not fear man, what man can do on to us?

13:7, some teachings about Christian belief:

1.Respect those leaders who are good in conducts.
2.Jesus Christ is the same every day, forever.
3.Do not follow strange and different doctrines, those doctrines are not profiting, no edification at all, do not follow them.

VPP is a strange teaching or not?

Do not follow them who teach this teaching if you find this teaching is wrong!

13:12, Jesus Christ sanctified His people with His own blood.

13:15, sacrifice of praise is the fruit of our lips. Put away the root of the bitterness!

13:16 do not forget to do good!

13:25, Grace be with you all. Amen.


What is Septuagint?

The Word of God is what, in this epistle?

Professor of faith, processor of faith

Without the shedding of Christ’s blood there is no remission of sins

The meaning of “a profane person.”



You think people do not know who is the culpits behind the bombing of World Trade Centre. Look at the picture and you will know. Look very familier. They are talibans, they are still living on earth, next door? Maybe!

Some talibans are living in the church now, and they called themselves, christians, elders, some times they even called themselves pastors too.

Theological Study

What I learned from the Bible:

1. Firstly, Luther's "justified by faith," this doctrine must come first, apart from Romans Catholic. (Book of Romans)

2. Next is, Methodist's doctrine, "some seekers of truth, fall back from the truth, and lost their salvation," because faith without work is death, and some of these 'christians' are hearers of word, and they are not doers, so they are not truely born again. (Book of Hebrew)

3. Lastly, John Calvins "once saved always saved!" This is the truth from the Bible, this is applying to those born again believers, they are preserved and saved. (The New Testament)

These three types of doctrine, complementing each others, they are the truth from the Bible.

100% Purified Drinking Water

Now a day, I saw people are buying water filters, big and heavy, some of them look like a rocket, some look like a big bottle, some are indoor, some are outdoor, some cost thousands!

I am also looking for a big water filter, so that I may have 100% purified drinking water, I am sick of this 99.9% purified drinking water.

The fact is that the water is older than me!

The water had existed on earth when Noah build the Ark!

The Holy Spirit hover on the water in the begining!

Water was used for baptism on Jesus Christ!

Our bodies are made of 70% water


Last Days' reformation

“For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you.”- 1 Peter 1:24-25

2 Timothy 3
Godlessness in the Last Days
1But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.
6They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth. 8Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth—men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

Paul's Charge to Timothy
10You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, 11persecutions, sufferings—what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. 12In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Death certificate

When a human was born, he or she will be given a birth certificate stated his or her name, and gender.

The Bible stated that we are born as "A Sinner"

when a human died, the medical doctor will write a death certificate, down there stated the cause of the death, some doctors will write "carcinova"..cancer, some will write, "old age,"...

the Bible says the cause of our death is "sin !"

Only Jesus Christ can save you and me ! No other way, or other person can save us !

Only Jesus Saves


Yes Man ?

One day, a friend, Mahax, a Christian brother, talked about "Christian leadership" in my town, he told me, one day, Ah Thir, the church leader whom we both knew had problem in his church, and he had left the church, I asked Mahax why?

Because Ah Thir had a fight and boxing with a brother in Christ, infront of the whole church members, on Sunday Worship, the chairman of the service, told the congregation, that Ah Thir had an affair with a sister in the congregation, Ah Thir was so angry, he went up the stage, and there at the pulpit, they had the fight of the year. What a fight, what an unity!

I am very afraid, after I heard the story. I may not be killed by the terrorist on the street, but by a hearer of the "Word of God!" in own bossom! Killed by our own brother in Christ? Who else wanted to be a "YES man" or to be a "hearer of the Word"

God wanted us to be doer of His Word.


The cloud of light?

A man waited for nearly 12 years,
only to see the light of God again,
The light of God return in one morning, on a sunny morning,
that unusual morning,
only that the day is brighter,
the light came,
like cloud in light, light in cloud,
hanging on the ceiling,
shining on him,
like a thin,
bright shining cloud,
He waited for 12 years,
why so long?
God waited for him,
because he lived in sin.
The light of God,
stay away from him.
Until he repent and turn away from sin,
the glory of God return...

God is waiting for you...

The Book of Philemon with VPP

The name of Philemon means “loving,” and the name Onesimus means “useful.” This letter is a masterpiece of graceful, tactful and delicate pleading for a forgiving spirit. It is about one Christian’s plea to another to forgive and restore a third person. This letter is about reconciliation and relationships between Christians. Consider the perfect Bible and this letter.

After Paul introduced himself, he went on to bless them. He prayed.

Verse 3; grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Verse 4, love and faith of the Philemon ARE SEEN.

1.Toward the Lord Jesus Christ.
2.toward the saints


Verse 7, the heart of the saints is refreshed through Philemon.

Philemon 9-10, “For love’s sake…appeal to you.” This is “appeal” is “parakaleo,” this is the Greek word verb form of the noun, “Comforter.” (John 14:16) The Holy Spirit. This appeal, and this call, is the tenderest words in the Bible.

Verse 13, the imprisonment for the gospel is mentioned, Paul rather died for the Gospel.

Verse 14, 2 kinds of Goodness, goodness in, which is better?

2.Free will.

Verse 16, Paul focus on a newly convert, a beloved brother, this love, is the highest form of love, God is the source.

Onesimus is a brother,

1.in the fresh
2.In the Lord.

Verse 18, if he has wronged you. One of the most beautiful examples of imputation! “God declares the believer righteous.” Paul used this method to appeal Philemon.

Verse 20, “refresh my heart in Christ.” NOW ! In Prison, refresh me! Paul appeal.

Verse 25, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

Enslaved by an Argument!

There is a transforming power in Jesus Christ. From a slave to a brother in Christ. The Christians have spirit kinship, by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The theologians are looking for a perfect underlying text, THE KJV UNDERLYING PERFECT GREEK TEXT; they cannot forgive anyone who does not endorse Verbal Plenary Preservation (VPP), MAYBE they have no found any Word such as “forgiveness” in his perfect underlying text.

Are they INDIRECTLY saying THOSE WHO DO NOT ENDORSE VPP cannot reach God? And they INDIRECTLY saying there is no bread of heaven given accept the perfect Bible, ACCEPT THE PERFECT UNDERLYING TEXT?

They forget that the Lord is the bread of Life. And they continue to mislead the flock from the Good Shepherd, SO THEY SPLIT THE BP Churches INTO PIECES.

What good is this perfect underlying Text?

From Sodom and Gomorrah, DEATH, the theologians move on to the Dead Sea, they tried to find the living water in the Dead Sea. They cannot find any living water there, so the theologians dig a pit and jump into it, and they said, “We had find the perfect underlying text of the KJV, it is 70 times purer than the entire Bible in the world, let us died for it.” And they said they have the victory through the perfect Bible. Is this another religion they have found in the pit they dug?

They took around the perfect “Bible,” when they had found a child, who has nothing, and they took the child by their arms, and they asked the child to read his KJV, and then they said “this is not enough” and they pursue the child to read the Greek Perfect Bible, they said they are seeing God in the perfect underlying text. They wanted to pass the perfect Greek Bible to our children. The theologians argued about this “word,” that “word,” this article 4.2.1, this constitute 4.2.1, they made the church like a parliament, and they argue the “words” in the Westminster Confession, so there were the endless quarrels and useless arguments began! And then they continue to argue for this landmark, that landmark, this and that undone.

And the theologians who are teaching VPP said, they are the fundamentalist, and they said confidently that they have found the “foundation.” And they accused us, that we are not the fundamentalist. And they asked those brothers in Christ, “Where in the world is God?” And all their theologians said, “Perfect, Perfect, Perfect! Do not pray for one another, but pay for one another for a Perfect Bible!” They see that prayer meeting is not important than a perfect Greek NT Text, so they sacrifice the prayer meeting!

Perfect, perfect, perfect, not need to preach Christ, but pay for one another for a Perfect Underlying Text,” so they sacrifice the pulpit, and overturn the unity of the congregation for the sake of a perfect underlying text.

And they continue, “Therefore, be it resolved together for the Perfect Bible, if we BP churches do not resolved in a perfect underlying Bible, we will not talk to them and greet any of them any longer, no more a beloved brother in Christ, but stink and hated brother in Christ”


Read, Proverb 12:18, Proverb 18:21, and asking these theologians who is this Balaam in Old Testament? How about our spirit, do we want to be like Balaam? We must move on from learner to be a probationary. Even to maturity. Do we continue to curse, and not to bless those who read CUV, NKJV, and NIV?

Paul wanted young Timothy, “Not to argue about words.” 2 Tim 2:14, do not become a slave to “mere languages,” slave to “words”

Justin Martyr said they read, “The memoirs of the apostles or the writing of the prophets.” (Apology 1.67). They never claim their copies were perfect! There were Latin and Syriac versions of the NT by Ad 200, and a Coptic one within the following century. No one claimed the Latin and Syric versions are perfect!

"The authority of the Holy Scripture……dependeth not upon the testimony of any man or church, but wholly upon God…it is to be received…” (Westminster Confession of faith, 1.4) The Bible is to pass judgment on the theologian, not he the Bible.

"If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?” (John 3:12) Jesus Christ wanted us to believe the Bible! By faith. Paul does not want us to quarrel about words! The word of God, our Bible is thus NOT to be reduced to a miscellaneous argument of “words” We must fully believe and obey His Word! The very Word of God!

There are “words” or things in the Bible which are hard to understand, but this does not keep us from understanding, assuming they were intended to be understood. But we must know when and how to put a stop to endless and useless argument. (1 Cor 2:14.) There is no end to study for complete understanding; it requires sincere Bible study. Stop enslaving ourselves in argument of “words” The truth will set you free! (2 Cor 3:17)

Paul had fought the good fight, but he did not want to fight over mere “word,” the mere meaning of “word”! Do everything for edification, not for endless and useless strive about “words.” “STRIVE NOT ABOUT WORDS TO NO PROFIT….” (2 Tim 2:14)


It is equally important today that all men should have access to the Bible in a language that is meaningful them. We knew, King James Version has met the test of universal acceptability. The reverence for the text is obvious in the high degree of faithfulness to the original Greek and Hebrew which is characteristic of the King James Version.


The people who read the KJV, they must make sure they understand the Bible well. But, others should be allowed to read NKJV, NIV, CUV, freely, as God's Word, or as for a reference and commentary. Understand the Bible COME FIRST! Unity must not be sacrificed! For no profit! For a argument.


Where is the universal acceptability for VPP?


The meaning of “philemon” is?

What is the meaning of “appeal” in this epistle?

Slavery in Christianity

Profit of VPP


We need the 15 th Century Reformation !


491 years ago when Martin Luther protested against the Roman Catholic teaching on their indulgences, and produced the 95 theses against this doctrine and other doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), the Protestant movement came into being. It was a great movement which saw the Church turning back to the Bible.

The days before Luther's reformation was the dark ages. It was a period of time when the Bible was kept from the common people. The RCC used the Latin Vulgate as the sole Bible in Christendom in those days. Not many people could understand Latin. This was the language that was "inspired by God" in those days. No one could go against the Latin Vulgate. To do so would be a death sentence. But when the reformation came to the Church, the Bible was given to the people in their own languages. It was the greatest moment in Christendom when believers could read the Bible in their own language and not be executed. God's Word is now available to everyone in the world!

Have we forgotten the Reformation? Today, there are people in the fundamental Church who insist that the Church use only the King James Version (KJV). They say that the KJV is the "inspired" Word of God in this modern Century.

Have we forgotten the Reformation? Did not the RCC behave in that manner? They forced the people to read Latin Bible. They said the Latin Bible was the only Scripture God had given the Church. They insisted that if they did not read the Latin Bible, they would miss God's Word. Such extremism is never to be tolerated. Luther brought the Bible to the people in the German language, so did Tyndale and other reformers. They all wanted the common people to have the Bible in their own languages so that they could read God's Word and be saved.

Have we forgotten the Reformation? The Reformation occurred when they returned to the reading of the Bible. Without the Bible, the Church has no truth to proclaim and no Gospel to share to a lost world. Why should the Church be reading only the KJV when the masses of people today do not understand it? Depriving the lost to understand the Scripture is a sin. It is hindering the unsaved to know the truth.

Thank God !

In Grace Church, we must never go to the extreme as these people are doing today. Our official Bible is the KJV, but we will also use the New King James Version (NKJV), New American Standard Bible (NASB), and the English Standard Version (ESV). God's precious Word has been given to the people to read for edification and for comfort.

Have we forgotten the Reformation? No, we have not in Grace Church. We treasure this moment of truth. We have the Bible in our own languages today, be it in Chinese, Tamil, or English. We will seek to know God's Word as we read it and share the glorious truth to a lost world.

Thank God for the Reformation of the 16th Century, whereby the reformers had held the Bible highly. We, in Grace Church, have also believed in the infallibility of God's precious Word (2 Tim. 3 : 16-17) and that it is inspired and inerrant. Thank God for the courage of Martin Luther and the Reformation.


___________________________________Qouted from a BP Church !

A dying man prayed

To the people,

Division in Cretan is very serious! There are pirates. Some people are worst; they are liars, evil beasts, and lazy gluttons. Empty talkers, holding on not to commandment of God, but human commandments. You must stop some these from teaching, but do not cast them away. Rather, cast away the devils and spirits which are teaching their doctrines among us. These kinds of spirits or devils must be cast out by fasting and prayers.

One day, a man teach this doctrine in his classes, doctrine from the spirits and devil’s,

This theologian said, “Hindus and Muslims all believe that their Scriptures, the Bhagavad Gita and the Koran respectively, are perfect. Yet Christians who claim to believe in the one living and true God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and Christ the only Mediator and Saviour of the world, are not so quick to believe they have an existing infallible and inerrant Scripture. What a shame! If we adopt Bauder’s position, then Christianity is no longer true, and Christians shall become the laughing stock of the religious world. Indeed, if the Christian Bible is not perfect, infallible and inerrant, “then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; … If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable” (1 Cor 15:14-15, 19)…..”

This theologian is not preaching or teaching about Christ’s doctrines, he is preaching delusion, lies. He is trying to confuse the hearers and the students.

May God help us. May God deal with these spirits and devils which are putting doubts into the hearts of the teachers and hearers of Christian churches.

I do not care what Hindus and Muslim believe about their Scripture, I had nothing to do with their perfect scriptures. Even, if they are having their perfect underlying scripture text. I will not be bordered. The Hindus and Muslim do not have the Holy Spirit, this I know.

Be very sure about what we teach and said, that all true Christians have God, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Do not compete the Bible, CUV, NKJV, NIV with Bhagavad Gita and the Koran. Do not confuse the young hearer.

Stop laughing at us, since we already have the faithful Bible.

God in heaven, by the mercy of the Lord, please hear my prayer, because I had been bought very low, the water nearly overcome me. Give me strength to work harder, more good works, even more faith, more love, let me died even by faith.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command the devils and spirits which are teaching these kind of doctrines to be stopped, to cast out, into the hell of fire, out of Church forever, and may the peace of God come, and filled us. Amen.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, He is living, He is the fire, and He is the truth, I command you, the devils and spirits to go away at once! Do not come back again.

Protect all of the theologians from errors and enpower them!

May your light shine! Shine! Like fire, and cloud of light shadow every BP ministers and theologians in FEBC !

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe the Bible in my hand is the Word of God, in your most powerful name, I command the devils and the spirits, seen or unseen, to cast out and be bond forever and ever in our Church. Amen, free all brethren from these delusions and lies, and continue to trust the Bible and preach Christ.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


Applying God’s Word Today

Many statements in Scripture indicate that the Bible is given to us for more than satisfying our curiosity about what God is like, what He h...