
Open letter to Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore

This is an open letter to the redeemed of the Lamb of God, even our Saviour Jesus Christ

              From the outset, I must state that I do not wish to delve with the VPP controversy which is not profitable to the members of the pews other than a passing remark of the afflictions which VPP has inflicted on the church and her testimony. My main intent herein is on "faith and practice", "truth and duty" and " word and conduct" of every Session member (present and past) be he a pastor, an elder or a deacon. 


1.      The VPP as taught by FEBC and brought into Pandan By Rev Quek in 2002 had generated strives, disputes, confusions and divisions in the church. He had made a non-issue into an issue which had caused untold damage to the testimony of the church.  Prior to the entry of VPP into Calvary Pandan in 2002/2003, we had peace and unity, happiness and contentment, serving the Lord with great joy and thanksgivings for the salvation of our soul. But look at what had happened to the church since the VPP controversy came into Pandan? Beside unrest, The VPP issue had ushered in  more harm than good, more heat than light, more deceits than truth.  Had the leaders (in particular, Rev Quek) obediently abided with the "Calvary Pandan B-P Church's Final Statement on the KJB" of 9 May 2004 the Church would have remained in peace, harmony and unity, to this day, without going through all the set backs, heartaches, tears and sorrows which had inflicted on many families.

2.    In the BOE's Final Statement on KJB of 9 May 2004, MT & RT were unanimously affirmed as "the most trustworthy, accurate, and providential preserved copies of the inspired Holy Scriptures, accepted by Bible scholars of the Reformation and conservative scholars of the Protestant Church"  The faithful obedience to this Statement would have preserved the peace and unity of Calvary Pandan to this day. But sad to recall that the pastors, having approved of it, had failed to strictly comply with it.

3.     The only way to peace and unity in Calvary Pandan and with the Chinese Session is the return to this Statement of 9 May 2004. In this Statement the leadership of the Chinese Session and the reliability of the CUV Bible used for preaching and teaching was never questioned. Why then is the BOE and Rev Quek attacking the Chinese leadership for upholding the Statement of 9 May 2004? On what authority is he calling Rev Tang names?

4.      I am no theologian and I do not wish to delve with the VPP issue. What I will say is that VPP is not a "life and death" issue for the salvation of  all the faithful believers in Pandan. "For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God" (Eph 2:8). I reiterate my believe in the aged old doctrine in Article 4.1, 4.2, 4.2.1  of the Church Constitution. I believe the Word of God is perfect, inerrant and infallible. It has no mistakes.I love the KJV bible for it is the best and faithful translation for doctrine and conduct. My believe on them are sufficient and complete for the inheritance of my eternal life. Equipped with this unfeigned faith in God and His everlasting Word, the truly born again believers will meet the Lord God, one day. For these redeemed, they do not need more than this simple faith and trust in God. The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will carry them through in all circumstances, come shine or rain,  joy or afflictions, till they see Christ, face to face.


3.     Beside faith in God, our words and deeds are equally important for our salvation. Having purity of doctrine without purity of conduct our faith in God will be in vain.  Without purity of words and conduct, even honesty, no one can be called the child of God, even though he has all the VPP in him. Faith and practice (word and conduct), truth and duty (honesty and transparency)  must go hand in hand.  Article 5.4 of the Church Constitution says and I quote:

"Truth leads to goodness; the great touchstone of truth is its tendency to promote holiness;  according to our Saviour's rule, "by their fruits ye shall have them.; No opinion can be either more pernicious or more absurd than that which brings truth and falsehood upon a level and represents it as of no consequence what a man's opinions are. On the contrary, we are persuaded that there is an inseparable connection between faith and practice, truth and duty; otherwise it would be of no consequence either to discover truth to embrace it."

4.      Can any pastor, elder, deacon or member in Pandan claim he or she is "perfect and upright and one that fear God and eschewed evil?" (Job 1:1) Can anyone say he or she has never lied or distorted the truth or uttered untruth?  Events which unfolded in recent years in Pandan are evidence of much distortions, lies and untruths before our eyes. God knows who are the peace-breakers and liars. Know ye that "the eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good." (Prov 15:3). ".. the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings" (Prov 5:21)  Hear what the Lord has to say to us: "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings." (Jer 17:9-10). Therefore, take heed of the wrath of God and His soon coming judgment. None can escape it unless he mends his wayward ways and repent of his self-righteousness while the Lord tarries in His coming to us.

5.    Shouting and turf fighting on the new doctrine of  "VPP-KJVism" are of no value or benefit to our souls without purity in words and conduct. What the church leaders need to day is soul searching before God in true repentance of their self-righteousness. Make peace with one another while there is time! For the Lord cometh soon to judge our works (words and conduct). Let no leader in Calvary Pandan be heard of the Lord saying to him, "I never knew you, depart from me, ye that work iniquity." (Matt 7:23)

In His grace and mercy

Elder Joshua Lim

L.LB (Hons) - founding elder and trustee of Calvary Bible-Presbyterian Church since 1973.

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