

Being a PASTOR is ranked among the most difficult "professions" in the world.

This is because a PASTOR must be at the same time:

•preacher • example • advisor • formator • planner • minister • visionary • director • mentor • friend • nanny • reconciler • marriage counselor • youth director • leader trainer • Bible teacher • psychologist • intercessor, etc.

Besides being:

• church porter

• corporate administrator

• event organizer

• first to arrive and last to leave (sometimes)...

And yet, all pastors face constant criticism such as:

- "the Holy Communion doesn't fill me"

- "the sermon is too long"

- "just think about money"

- "endless fund raising"

in addition to many others ...

One of the most difficult things in a pastor’s life is knowing that the people for whom they give their life will betray them.

The PASTOR is usually the most lonely person in the community: you can even see a PASTOR is always surrounded by people, but rarely by people interested in their problems, needs or even in their life, let alone in the demands that the communities themselves place on them.

IF you have a PASTOR as friends, take care of them, protect them, pray for them, understand their vision, support them, but above all love them, don't forget the promise of Jesus Himself. "And I will give you shepherds after my heart, who will feed you with knowledge and intelligence" (Jer 3:15).

Therefore, take care of them because "they personally watch over your souls, since they will be accountable for them" (Heb 13,17).

Let us honour with our prayers the lives of all those men of God who have sacrificed so many things, including some of their own needs and that of their families to fulfill God's call.

Value the time a PASTOR dedicates to you.

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