
Quotes from Joseph Ng

…everyone following this board will have seen through the smoke and mirrors of "perfect preservation" as defined by the VPP-KJBOs, you know, Bomberg-TR-Beza something, word-perfect, yada yada. which, of course, is all true--except for the exceptions, heh heh.

…well, as the saying goes, you can fool some people some of the time, but can you ever fool the Lord?

…it might be flattering to consider oneself among the Bible-believing and -defending remnant, but lying about the nature of preservation--not the least the numerous variants within the KJB and its underlying textual bases--isn't conclusive proof of spiritual authenticity.

…one interesting tidbit in the events leading up to the High Court and Appeals Court drama is VPP-believing FEBC's initiative to "go to court before the unrighteous, and not before the saints" (1 Cor. 6; as recorded in FEBC's own Jul 2012 Burning Bush):

…too bad they couldn't find their Salt Lake City for their bait-and-switch bibliology and had to play dog in the manger with Life BPC over the church's premises.

…50 yrs and still making VPP KJBO disciples out there.

…so much for "Yea hath God said." i guess it's okay that it's the VPP KJBOs themselves who are rumbling and levering to pry God's children from their faith in God's Words in the CUV Bible to a newfangled version of their preference.

…interestingly, when asking if the Bible is perfect today, the question should be when it was ever not perfect. did it have to wait for a school of Anglican scholars in 17th century England to attain perfection?

…while doctors take the Hippocratic Oath not to harm the vulnerable,

KJBOs seduce the vulnerable to take the Hypocritical Oath.

some piety.

...any movement that works against Christ and His Apostles' teaching n example can't be of God, regardless of claims of knowing Satan's strategems n protestations concerning an edifying motive.

…question of the season: is it okay to lie at Christmas to demonize modern versions and to exalt the KJB?

the damage has been done in the sowing of a false doctrine of the Scriptures, but like in all circumstances in life, our Lord is Sovereign. nor have we seen the work of the angels, one day, in separating the tares from the wheat.

…and so the heresy of VPP King James Onlyism continues to spread the world over, and so many of their Fundamentalist coreligionists continue to abet the contagion.

…it might be flattering to consider oneself among the Bible-believing and -defending remnant, but lying about the nature of preservation--not the least the numerous variants within the KJB and its underlying textual bases--isn't conclusive proof of spiritual authenticity.

Joseph Ng
"For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven."

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