
Funny #1

Some days, the Fundamentalist will come and talk to you and he then will read a passage from the King James Bible, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, (2 Corinthian 6:17)....Come out from World Council of Churches, come out from WCC, come out from Charismatic and Pentacostal Churches, come out from Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist, they are the unclean things, because they are forming ecumenical movement with the Roman Catholics, etc...they are the harlots in the end times."

How do you dig a deeper hole for yourself after you've shot yourself in the foot? These are the funnymentalists! Beware!

Funny #2

After sometimes, you believed in their so called "truth", and you came out from WCC, out of Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist...., and so you followed the fundamentalists. After some time, one of them, stood up, and preached a five points sermon, 1. We are the best Christians. 2. We are the end time prophets. 3. We are the fundamentalists and reformed. 4. We are holding forth the Word. 5. We are preaching the whole counsel of the Gospel. 

In the beginning you are happy. This is the silliest thing to say after you've shot yourself in the foot and dug your own grave...........I am happy!

Funny #3

Then you joined their militant movements, such as 21th Century Reformation, King James Bible the Best movement, anti-NIV, anti-NKJV movement, Creationism, no tongues no miracles movement, anti-Billy Graham movement, anti-Charismatic movement, anti-Gay movement, you joined all those fundamentalism movements. Sooner and later, you will find out, they like to criticize people, they like to attack the enemies strongholds, they are trained to become the militant Christians!

DEEP thought of the day.............This next funny must surely win the award for Most Tragically Hilarious Statement By A Theologians. "KJV is perfect!"

Funny #4

Suddenly, one day, bang! A big quarrel broke out among these fundamentalists, they tear each other apart, they sued one another in the high court. Now, they do not see each other eyes to eyes anymore. They called names, they rebuked each other. Now, churches split. They cried, they shouted and banged the tables, they searched the whole Bible, and a party says the Bible translations, the Greek and Hebrew Texts have scribal errors, another party says we have the perfect Bible, the Greek and Hebrew Texts are perfect without error, so they quarrel days and nights. People confused and scattered here and there, still they said, KJV the best. Some say “not sure, I have to check, what is this Verbal Plenary Preservation?”

That's because we pick and choose. Ok now I understand.

Funny #5

In the end, you are shocked, tired, frustrated, confused, these fundamentalists called you out of World Council of Churches, WCC, out of Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist, Charismatic churches, ....then...to drag you into fights. Funny isn't it? They will fight verbally, spiritually, militantly, these funnymentalists like to fight, they are born and living for debates and quarrels, they cannot live without debates and quarrels, they are militant ascribed themselves, they made you the gun powder, to shoot the other side, Christians became enemies! Neighbor became enemies! Brothers became enemies, pastors became bullies. Fundamentalist like to make enemies, no peace, no grace, no hope, no way! They are so daring to say, "We are preaching Christ, not ourselves!" They do not care weather you have food to eat or not, they do not care if you have good sleep or not. They can quote thousands of Bible verses to support their fighting. Cold blood! Now you know the true color of fundamentalism, if you like it, you stay, if you don't, you have to leave this fundamental circle.   

And the final words of the day............

HaHaHaHaHaHaHa, funnymentalist is really funny anyway!! Many jokers!!

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