
Faith come by hearing, hearing by the word of God!

Faith come by hearing, hearing by the word of God!

"....The VPP of Scripture is a position of faith that is based solely on the Word of God."

I personally do not agree on this statement!

Just in case, they quoted this verse, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom 10:17) to support their VPP.

VPP is a blind faith, not base on the Word of God, VPP is a teaching from man, not from God's Word! Where in the Bible, saying that we have only one perfect Bible translation! Tell me that verse! And which Bible verse say we have many other corrupted Bible translation, for example Chinese Union Version.

In saying Chinese Union Version is a corrupted Bible translation, they are attacking the Chinese Bible, it is attacking those who translating the Bible into Chinese language! Are they the translators not pious than us, more pious than those false theologians? Who are we to attack those devoted Chinese Bible translators! Great sin in attacking them! We believe Chinese Bible is not perfect, but it is accepted as our Bible translation! There are better Bible translations, off course!

The day those theologians split and chase after the Chinese Pastors away, that day they have done a great sin unto the Body of God! Listen to this, "the body of Christ is one!" This is well know in our Bible. Never before we have any time this in our Bible "the Bible of Christ is one!" No, never!

The devil try to confuse some of us, and the theologians have believe in its lies!

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