

Churchmanship can be defined as the manifestation on theology in the realm of liturgy, piety and to some extent spirituality. Different groups may identify more with one or the other, or some balance on the two:

1. Highly orthodox church

Fundamentalist, Puritan, Eastern Orthodoxy...reformed...

(some fundamentalists like to think they are living in the 16th century, they like to attack others! they think they are the most holiest, most faithful, most perfect type of Christian)

2. Evangelical

More evangelical in their belief and practices. Word and preaching is central in the service.

3. Charismatic

Knowing The Holy Spirit is our Holy God, A Divine Person living in us!

More teachings about the Holy Spirit in the ministry.

Exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit universally, in every churches!

Worship in the Spirit.

These three kinds of churchmanship, are under one Head, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, we are called and united in Christ, we should care and love one another!

This is called the 21st century ecumenical movement!

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