Why Bible Presbyterian churches split? Because of Bible version !
Some Churches now a day do not care much about what Bible versions you are using ! If you do not believe, do a survey, then you will know how important is Bible version.
Basically they stick to the simple Christianity, in God we trust.
Bible version is not the problem any longer ! Do not make this as a problem, do not make this as an excuse to split!
The charismatic has split the churches last decades, in the begining they said, "speaking in tongue" is a sign of a believer's salvation, they said if you do not speak in tongue, you are not saved....this was a serious mistake. Then they change their view about tongue...Then they say, "speaking in tongue" in a sign of the filling of the Holy Spirit, or the fullness of the Spirit...this was also another mistake, later they change their view again. Lastly some charismatic, see the tongue speaking is a spiritual gift, mainly for prayer. Some may speak, and some may not speak in tongue. Now they understand the Bible, not all speak in tongue! Even speak in tongue also must be controlled, 2 or 3 speak in church, not all together, now they understand the Bible better, before that they are carried away by emotions and feelings.
Now a day, charismatic churches see "tongue speaking is not a problem." Off course there are still some hard headed charismatic insisting "speaking in tongue" is a sign of salvation, but they are becoming lesser and lesser now a day. The charismatic had done many mistake in dealing with the tongue speaking issue, God still use them to revive many churches, to look seriously into the gifts, miracles and healings, even the Holy Spirit.
What about Bible Presbyterian churches in Singapore, they are doing the same mistake like the Charismatic, the BP churches are insisting, KJV is the best Bible version, the Greek and Hebrew text of the KJV is perfect without errors! This is a serious mistake, this will takes sometimes to be corrected. Unholy split among BP churches needs to be amended.
The BP is making mistake like the charismatic! I think both denomination do not learn the lessons from each other well enough! History repeat itself again last few years.
Because of so many splits among the churches, due to small fractions, small issues, lastly most churches, tired of these splits, now they start to understand the Bible better, that denomination is not an important issue any longer, many denominations have their distinctions and differences, but they do not see that a problem to split any longer.
That is why you hear some say "there is no absolute truth even in all the churches....no even one hold the perfect truth, each has it own strong and weak point" Now, a day, churches work together closer, without looking into the Bible versions, NIV or KJV or even its perfect Greek and Hebrew, tongue speaking, and denominations.
Do not speak of to put a person into court just because of a "Bible version choice"
Do not speak of to put a person into court just because of a "few missing words."
Do not speak of to put a person into custody just because of a ".................," you name it.
The Bible wants us to speak in love...
The Bible wants us to speak the truth in love...
The Bible wants us to speak ...................you name it.
The churces are too tired of splits! Let us rest in unity. Why not?
Why not stay in unity in ICCC, this is at least what we can do!
Why not stay together in peace in ICCC, this is at least we may look for in ICCC!
Why not ?
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