
I am a happy man...

Some days ago, I met some happy Chinese Christian men, ..happy go lucky men...

They like to sing a song, "I am a happy men, doing the happy thing. I am a happy man, doing the rightful thing..."

"I am a happy man...happy man...doing the happy things..."

You know what I find out about these Chinese... these happy Chinese men...go lucky men,

I wonder why they are so happy, they are happy! Off course, they are happy!

One day I find out one of them never agree to give tithes for the last ten odds years...

Are they still the happy men?

Read Malachi 3:8

"Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. "But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' "In tithes and offerings.

Are we a happy man? Doing the happy thing?

Happy Chinese men have to give tithes or not?

We must give tithes!

Are we robbing God?

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