
Deadly sinful followers of Christ

I have written that in Christian kingdom there are so called the carnal Christians, making divisions in the leadership, theology, denominations, spiritual gifts, they are causing divisions here and there in the churches, Paul called them as carnal, or babe in Christ, in 1 Corinthians.

And then he had written words to warn us, describes another type of Christian, in the book of Romans, about the deadly sinful "Christian," why they are called as a dead Christian, Paul explained to his readers, the reason because some of them are sinning!

Paul warned the believers in Christ, so that they will not offer their body to sin...some have offered themselves as the instruments of wickedness...selfish ambitions is a kind of sin!

Romans 6:13
Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.

Some have pride in the world, that is a another deadly sin! Some Christian, Christ's followers have become slaves to sin, leading them to death! Sin is deadly to all of us!

Romans 6:16
Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

The mind of this kind of Christian is death! Deadly fallen Christians!

Romans 8:6
The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace;

Paul made his conclusion here, count ourselves dead, if we are sinning...this is applying to the bishops, elders, archbishops, theologians and pastors, Bible teachers! I have seen a many deadly followers of Christ, living in sin, they have becoming worsen from carnal to dead follower of Christ.

Paul was speaking about us!

Romans 6:11
In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Lastly Paul wanted all of us, to live a new life, alive to God in Christ Jesus! There is no other way, through our faith in God, Trusting in the Lord is a way out for us who have been fallen asleep!

When the Holy Spirit is with you

When I click on the weekly, a sense of Holy Spirit came, the flow of the Holy Spirit came forward onto me, like a little stream in me, I knew this weekly is anointed by the Spirit! I read it, the Holy Spirit makes sense to me after a moment, follow this man, the writer, Dr T, a man with Holy Spirit!

But I say to the Holy Spirit, this man is a VPP man! But the Holy Spirit told me, follow him, and to continue to write, hoping many will come to read this blog, and be blessed! Even then, follow him the writer, learn from him.

Then I penned these words quickly! "Not matter what happened in the BP churches, the Holy Spirit does not forsake you the BP! You, therefore, do not forsake the Holy Spirit, the laying of the hands, that Spiritual gift have been given to you!....Do not like the Anglican and Lutheran Churches in US, they had fallen under the homosexual sins! This sin is more serious than the Verbal Plenary Preservation! So, unite ye BP, and do not look back, what happened, let it happened, but look forward to the final assignment! Stand for the truth of the Gospel!

Stand fast, from that Great Evangelist John Sung, the revival came once to you, you must catch the fire again, that great day is approaching, and take heed that you are not looking back with your plow, but you must look up ward!

Waiting in unity!

The One who is coming, our Messiah, even His shoes string we are not worthy to untie, how are we going to be wise enough, in deciding all His Holy Words in a single TR, and then understand all the content in the Bible? Who are we to quarrel over His a few missing Words! He has His faithful witnesses for thousand of years, are you one of them?....."

Lastly, I say to the Lord, "Lord, I will follow this BP pastor, if he is a great man on earth, he is the younger brother of Dr.TT, I will learn from his speech, I will follow his path, I will listen to his sermons, I will read his books, I will follow his writings, I will learn to speak like him, I will continue to be like him, is it all right for me to forsake that Verbal Plenary Preservation than?"

The Lord smiled to me, the Lord answered to me in an non audible sense, it seem good to God, the Holy Spirit is happy, He is allowing us to follow that man without the Verbal Plenary Preservation.

The problem now is, weather this man Dr T, allowing us to follow his leading without that VPP or not? Or he is insisting us to follow him to endorse VPP. I am quite confused in this moment even in the end time, before the dawn! May the Holy Spirit lead us, so that we may not worry tomorrow!

Can we be united without the Verbal Plenary Preservation? Indeed, yes!

Father in heaven, may Your will be done, please strengthen us. In Jesus Christ's Name, I prayed.

Calvary Pandan BP Church Weekly

Church Weekly for 20 September 2009

My dear readers,

1. When God is angry

The Word of God in Romans 1 says, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness … For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly …” (Rom 1:18, 26-27).

Two thousand years ago, God’s Word foretold the rise of sexual perverts in the Church (“who hold the truth in unrighteousness”). These men live according to the desires of their “natural self,” the flesh. How sad it is to incur the wrath of God all because of the “lusts of the flesh”!

2. When a Church incurs the wrath of God

A church is expected to be “the light of the world.” But many churches today have lost the light and become “synagogues of Satan” and thereby fall under the wrath of God.

From America comes an amazing news report: a gathering of members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) passed a vote approving homosexuality in the church. Suddenly out of the blue came a tornado which struck the steeple of the church building, toppled the cross on the steeple and left it hanging upside down. -- Christian News Report Aug 31, 2009.

Amazing Act of God:

A tornado damaged Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN

“Rev Mark Dankoff comments: In the Bible, God has often shown His anger by using natural means: earthquakes, a flood, hail and yes, even whirlwinds. Since God is the same yesterday, today and forever, it should come as no surprise that His past actions would be consistent with today.

On Wednesday, the ELCA convention voted on its ‘human sexuality’ statement. This proposed statement included a blatantly pro-homosexual message. The vote to accept this statement was scheduled to be held at 2 pm. Knowing that there are no coincidences with God, a decidedly strange turn of events took place.

For the first time in 90 years, a tornado touched down in downtown Minneapolis at, you guessed it, 2 pm. The tornado went through the western section of downtown, causing damage to the Central Lutheran Church building, which was being used as a central meeting place for the convention. The damage to the church building was extremely interesting. The cross on the steeple was completely blown off, and left hanging upside down (re: picture). Maybe you already know that an upside down cross is a satanic symbol for the rejection of Christ. Also, the tornado completely destroyed two outdoor venues, one of which was serving alcohol. The interesting thing about this is that no severe weather was forecasted for that day.

If I was in the ELCA, I would repent and get out while I can. Oh yes, the vote to approve the pro-homosexual ‘human sexuality’ statement passed with exactly two-thirds of the vote, which is 66.6% (a Satanic number!) There are no coincidences with God. This is completely true and cannot be ignored. Please pass this on to others who need to know. Brad Brandon, WOTR.”

3. Seminaries where Homosexuality is encouraged
(Christian News June 8, 2009)

“Here’s the truth behind the recent revelations of sexual misconduct by Catholic priests – the truth that no one else has dared report. Investigative journalist Michael S Rose has interviewed more than 150 priests, seminarians, and others to blow the lid off the radical liberal subculture in the Catholic Church. Rose reveals how liberals inside the Church have encouraged and promoted non-celibate homosexual priests, while at the same time driving orthodox Catholic seminarians out of the priesthood as too ‘conservative’ and ‘judgmental.’

Millions of Americans are asking how the current scandals in the Catholic Church could have possibly happened. Many pundits now claim these scandals prove the need for modernizing and liberalizing the Catholic Church. But Michael Rose says liberalization is the very cause of the problem, not the solution.

Through dozens of shocking, real-life stories, Rose demonstrates how traditional, conservative, and “orthodox” priests and aspiring priests have been discouraged and ostracized – while homosexuality is encouraged and the basic tenets of the Catholic Church are discarded.”

4. “A Real Hell – But No One in it”
(March 25, 1991)

“While there is a real Hell, according to various theologians there is no one in Hell. ‘The rekindling of Hell,’ the cover story of the March 25, 1991 U.S. News and World Report quotes Rev Avery Dulles, a prominent Roman Catholic theologian, as saying ‘Hell is there and ready to receive anyone who meets the condition for falling into it … but it’s quite possible that no one will really go there.’ Dulles has been an associate and mentor of Rev Richard Neuhaus, a liberal Lutheran who recently joined the Roman Catholic Church. A few months ago, Neuhaus was honored by Lutheran Forum.

Neuhaus says that, while he believes there is a Hell, he doesn’t think anyone is in Hell. The former Lutheran was recently named “Catholic of the Year” by Catholic Twin Circle. Both liberal Protestant and Roman Catholics now allow their theologians to teach that no one is in Hell. Top officials of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod have been allowing such liberals as Dr Fredric Niedner, an LCMS clergyman who teaches at Valparaiso University, to say that even Judas is not in Hell.”

5. What shall we say to all this?

Without a doubt, the “last days” and perilous “end times” are with us. What then must we do? God’s Word has the answer. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world” (1 Pet 5:8, 9).

God bless all readers.

Lovingly in the Lord
Dr SH Tow, Sr Pastor

My cats

The Chinese terrorists hated me so much, when they read my blog, they hated me until they wanted to kill my cats! My pet cats are missing for these few days! I hope you tell me where are my cats! I am quite concern over their lives!

A Cat has nine lives, the Chinese said, do you believe this?

How about my Bible, it is forever!

New Testament Manuscripts

For a moment, I hoped someone would send me a Papyri manuscript, especially the P46, and then I will go and see those theologians, and we will study together on the top of Bukit Timah, mediating for 40 days and nights without eating and drinking up there, dying to search the word of God! So called, Living by the word of God!

But later, I changed my mind, I see it is only joking and kidding, people will see that we are out of our mind, so it is better for me to challenge the theologians in the world wide web!

And again the theologians may not satisfy! Maybe the theologians wanted all the Church Fathers to resurrected from their graves to testify that P46! To testify the authentication of all the 5000 manuscripts, are the Church Fathers not angry with us when they see us quarreling after 2000 years Christ died, for these few words, I hope we better don't disturb them with our wisdom from the earth! You wanted to crucify the Lord again?

Let the Church Fathers resting in peace, let the peace from God come to us! Am I killing my time with this blog? Funny!

The thing belong to the theologians!

Matthew 22:21
"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."

I make another point here,
Give to the theologians what is theologians'.....give to the people what is the people's.

Return all these arguments and quarrels into the Bible colleges, back to square one! Let the lecturers and students humbly study the Word of God! Do not have prejudice on us the CUV readers! The Chinese Christians are innocent in this matter! Being fair is in a teaching! Teach this good teaching!

Let the churches alone, let them read the KJV and CUV freely! If NIV and NKJV belong to our people, do not forbid them to read the Bible!

Give to the theologians what is theologians', I see this Verbal Plenary Preservation belongs to the theologians!

1 thessalonians 5:21

"Test everything. Hold on to the good."

I made a restatement here, test every Bible translations, hold to the good Bible translations! Test every Bible versions, hold on to the good Bible versions!

Before you do any test on the Bible version, firstly you must study those 5000 manuscripts! Do not make any judgment without referring to those manuscripts, and even with Dead Sea Scrolls!

5000 manuscripts, where are they?

The worse has yet to come!

Before you read my posting, you are invited to visit this page :


(1 Thessalonians 5:19-22)

1.Do not put out the Spirit's fire;

2.Do not treat prophecies with contempt.

3.Test everything. Hold on to the good.

4.Avoid every kind of evil.

I make a restatement here, I called this as the 4 corners of the wind in the end time! Like 4 angels guarding the churches! Like the 4 pillars, build on the corner stone! This is the truth needed for the end time church!

This is also another test for the theologians who are teaching the verbal plenary preservation that KJV Only is the word of God, and they had despised other Bible versions! They had chased away the servant of God, they had put out the Spirit's fire....they had treat the prophecies with the contempt...they are doing a kind of evil!

So we have to avoid them!

The Bible told us not to forbid people to speak in tongue! Read 1 Corinthians 14:39-40

39 Therefore, my brothers, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. 40 But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.

These theologians forbid people to speak in tongues! Even though Corinthians Tongues was not a HUMAN language! Since they forbid people to speak in tongues, WE had to persevere in dealing with these theologians!

But the worst is yet to come!



Lord, hear my plea, open the eyes of these theologians! Let us hold on the good Bible Versions. Amen, Amen, Amen!


I am not ashame of my Bible

I am not ashame of my Chinese Bible, the Chinese Union Version! KJV and NIV are alike, in preaching the Gospel truth!

The fool

Some times, the fool like me is blinded by my own foolishness!

NIV is preaching the Gospel truth!

Since I am not a theologian, I will not write my blog like a theologian. It is better for me to write like a layman here!

Laymen used to preach, it is normal they are called preacher, when they are preaching, you can see they used these words in their sermon to preach about Jesus Christ! The preachers will use these words in their sermon, "Jesus Christ, The Lord, Lord Jesus, The Son, Son of Man, Son of God, Savor, The Savor, God, our Lord, Lord God, Lamb of God, the Lamb.....Lord Jesus" Some time they just use the word "Jesus" to address our Savor, it is quite normal.

One day a hyper critical theologian, I called him, as a challenge theologian, like a challenge child challenging his teacher, he who is teaching the verbal plenary preservation came to hear this preacher's sermon, the theologian started to shout at the preacher, when he heard the preacher call out "Jesus...." in his sermon. The theologian rebuked the preacher openly, "You are a devil, your are attaching the Son of God, when you call the name of the Son of God, you use just the word, Jesus, without addressing Him properly, you must call Him as {the Lord Jesus Christ}...you are not respecting Jesus Christ, when you call Him by His Name! You have subtract words! You devil"

The theologians pick on this to attack the preacher, in fact the preacher had use over thousands word in his sermon to praise, worship, adore Jesus Christ, but the theologian ignore these thousands words, but the theologian like to attack the preacher who is preaching about God!

This apply to NIV, this theologian who is teaching the verbal plenary preservation, likes to attack the NIV, he likes to attack the NIV because people like NIV more than KJV, he wrote that the NIV is subtracting many words from the words of God, for example, in addressing God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and so on....they said the NIV is attacking the person of Godhead, when the NIV had subtracted many words! Disrespecting the Personality of God!

One thing for sure is NIV has over thousands over millions words which are praising, worshiping, adoring God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit! Why can't the theologians see this?

In this I refute these theologians, in attacking the preachers with NIV! But they do not see, that the preachers with NIV are preaching Christ is dead, after three days He is resurrected, He is able to save mankind from sin cursed death! The gospel truth is preached in NIV!

I pray God may open the eyes of the theologians!


Thank God for our spiritual food

Thank God for our daily spiritual food....! KJV, NIV, CUV....!

Spiritual matters require spiritual discernment

An unbeliever lawyer (or any secular authority) should never decide doctrinal issues in the church. Spiritual matters require spiritual disc...