
NIV is preaching the Gospel truth!

Since I am not a theologian, I will not write my blog like a theologian. It is better for me to write like a layman here!

Laymen used to preach, it is normal they are called preacher, when they are preaching, you can see they used these words in their sermon to preach about Jesus Christ! The preachers will use these words in their sermon, "Jesus Christ, The Lord, Lord Jesus, The Son, Son of Man, Son of God, Savor, The Savor, God, our Lord, Lord God, Lamb of God, the Lamb.....Lord Jesus" Some time they just use the word "Jesus" to address our Savor, it is quite normal.

One day a hyper critical theologian, I called him, as a challenge theologian, like a challenge child challenging his teacher, he who is teaching the verbal plenary preservation came to hear this preacher's sermon, the theologian started to shout at the preacher, when he heard the preacher call out "Jesus...." in his sermon. The theologian rebuked the preacher openly, "You are a devil, your are attaching the Son of God, when you call the name of the Son of God, you use just the word, Jesus, without addressing Him properly, you must call Him as {the Lord Jesus Christ}...you are not respecting Jesus Christ, when you call Him by His Name! You have subtract words! You devil"

The theologians pick on this to attack the preacher, in fact the preacher had use over thousands word in his sermon to praise, worship, adore Jesus Christ, but the theologian ignore these thousands words, but the theologian like to attack the preacher who is preaching about God!

This apply to NIV, this theologian who is teaching the verbal plenary preservation, likes to attack the NIV, he likes to attack the NIV because people like NIV more than KJV, he wrote that the NIV is subtracting many words from the words of God, for example, in addressing God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and so on....they said the NIV is attacking the person of Godhead, when the NIV had subtracted many words! Disrespecting the Personality of God!

One thing for sure is NIV has over thousands over millions words which are praising, worshiping, adoring God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit! Why can't the theologians see this?

In this I refute these theologians, in attacking the preachers with NIV! But they do not see, that the preachers with NIV are preaching Christ is dead, after three days He is resurrected, He is able to save mankind from sin cursed death! The gospel truth is preached in NIV!

I pray God may open the eyes of the theologians!

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