I will not forgive anyone for my soul's sake. I will forgive for Jesus's sake.
Will I forgive you? When you are attacking our brothers and sisters who are reading ESV, NIV, and CUV. You have treated them like dirt. Will I forgive you? When you beg me ten thousand times? Do you want me to forgive you when you are attacking our brothers in Christ? You want me to forgive you so that you may continue to attack the flock of Christ? And continue to destroy the peace and unity in Christ?
I love you when you are my enemy, that is why I continue to warn you to turn back from Verbal Plenary Preservation, return to the LORD. For this, I kneel down for you, I pray for you so that you may love one another in BPC, I remember you day and nights with tears, so that you may accept one another, we have the same Lord Jesus Christ as our head, surrender to Him, surrender not to any false theologian or teacher!
If you dare to preach "forgiveness" on that holy pulpit, bring justice to that holy pulpit too. And I pray that God may bring His justice into your temple, your church, your hearts, and your mind. Behold, the fire of justice is coming onto your congregation, He will strike you with the fear of God. You will repent publicly, this is what I was praying for, all these years.
God will, surely, surely, surely answer my prayers for all these years.
To see you, the lecturers in Far Eastern Bible College repent of their pride and lust. When you stop attacking BPC, God forgives you.
I know many of you are foxes on earth, but by the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be transformed into saints in the heavens. In this, i call unto you to repent from all wickedness.
For this I call unto the LORD, He is faithful to his people on earth.
You, the false theologians and false teachers in Far Eastern Bible College, you have torn the BPC in pieces, I call unto you to tear your hearts, repent before it is too late. The judge is at the door of your churches, each one of you will see that justice in BPC. You will be a witness for the Greatness of God, others will fear God when they see you are punished for the sins of divisions and false teachings.
I called unto the LORD, answer me, LORD! How long will I have to wait? For your fear to come into these false teachers and lecturers.
Answer me LORD, one more time.
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