
Vulgar language?

 Martin Luther was a great man!

Martin Luther mocked fellow reformers, especially Swiss reformer Ulrich Zwingli, and used vulgar language in doing so. In fact, the older he became, the more cantankerous he was. In his later years, he said some nasty things about, among others, Jews and popes and theological enemies, with words that are not fit to print.[1]

Martin Luther with vulgar language? It is normal for him i think. 

Later Timothy Tow praises Martin Luther in his own book.

Timothy Tow wrote, "This would dismantle the glorious work of Martin Luther who broke the shackles of Rome and gave us the Protestant Faith. Therefore, what we needed today, said Dr. McIntire, was a counter 20th Century Reformation. He spoke with unction and in the power of the Holy Spirit."[2]

[1] Mark Galli and Ted Olsen, “Introduction,” 131 Christians Everyone Should Know (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2000), 36.

[2] TimothyTow, The Story of My Bible Presbyterian Faith, n.d., pg 36. 

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