
100% purified water

One day, a sick man went to see a doctor

The sick: Doctor, I am sick.

Doctor: Let me check...You are dehydrated, you need to drink more water.

The sick: What kind of water, should I drink?

Doctor: You have to drink purified water, 100% purified, perfect water.

The sick: May I take Essentia Ionized Water? Because I have one at home. That Only purified 99.9%.

Doctor: No, you must not drink that water, you must drink 100% purified water. Not any water, you will die after if drink other kinds of water, for instant 99.9% purified water! That is not good enough, you must drink 100% purified water. Do not say I did not tell you this.

Above is an illustration: How a theologian in a Bible College in Singapore told his students to read KJV only. The theologian told his students, other Bible versions like NIV, ESV, CUV...are not 100% purified like KJV! In order for one to be saved, he or she must read the KJV because the underlying Greek Text of KJV is purified 7 times, 100% perfect. This is how internal warfare began in BPC. The BPC infighting began and this issue of the "perfect Bible" split the Bible Presbyterian churches in Singapore. All because 99.9% is not good enough! We must read the 100% purified perfect Bible. That 0.01% is so important. Theologians fight until today. BPC cannot be united as one, because of that 0.01%. Please look into our hearts first, our hearts 100% pure? 100% Purified? Without sin and iniquity? Full of love? Full of truth? Full of hope? Full of faith? Full of the Holy Spirit? 

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