
Consuming actions

Consuming actions

But there is a further stage in this downward spiral. Just as evil thoughts lead to evil words, so evil words lead to evil actions. The members of the church at Corinth had many problems, one of which was that when they had grievances against one another, they were not content with just thinking or speaking against one another. They were actually taking action, legal action, ‘against one another’ (1 Cor. 6:7), wronging and cheating their own brothers in Christ (v. 8). While they were consuming one another in this way, they were bringing disgrace upon God’s name in front of unbelievers. What a state Christians can get into when they neglect to ‘love one another’!

Terence Peter Crosby, Opening up 2 and 3 John, Opening Up Commentary (Leominster: Day One Publications, 2006), 36.

Charles Seet and Jeffrey sued one another in court!

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