
The funny mentalist.

We have ordinary hard head fundamentalists, I called them the funny mentalist.

Their arrogance with their man-made VPP-KJV-only theory.

They want every one to talk and walk like them.

First step they probably take on you: they will try to turn over you, they want to brain wash you to accept their funnymental, VPP-KJV-only. They want you to respect them at the same time.

If you reject their view at this point of time.

They will take the Second step: they try to stay away some distances from you, but they are still warning you. Hoping you will repent from sin of rejecting their "truth"

If you still reject them at this point of time.

They will take the third step: they will try to say to you, "stay away from us," and they will call your name names, like "Neo-Evangelical, liberals, modernist...."

If you still reject them at this point of time.

They will take the forth step: they will see you like seeing ghosts, they treat you as an unbeliever. 

They probably will take the last stand to ask you to leave fundamentalists alone, they want you to avoid criticize them, do not touch them, be silent and serve the Lord as usual...and it is suggested to me by these funny mentalist, it is better for me to leave fundamentalism, since I do not like fundamentalism so much, just leave fundamentalism, go away and take another stand like Evangelical or Neo-Evangelical...They indirectly said to me, "I do not like to see your face in fundamental circle!"

I had met many of these funny mentalist in Bible Presbyterian Churches, still they want some respects from us in the end after all those unnecessary squabbles!

They like to say to every one, "For you cannot do anything against our truth, but only for the truth."

Funny but it is true.

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