

Sometimes ago I talked with a Bible Presbyterian pastor, he told me he cannot follow the footstep of an older pastor, because this old pastor often stuck him with knife from the behind! He was saying to me, that the old pastor, betrayed him. When the younger pastor give their respect to the older pastor, but the older pastor betrayed the younger one.

That is why, this younger pastor left the older pastor to start his own ministry! This happened even in the Bible College, often when we see some different views in explaining doctrines and teachings.

Often times, unnecessary quarrels may be avoided when they see that all those are minor issues, as far as we concerned, that the Lord's Name must be glorified by all in the first far most place!

But some times, the terrorists leaders may gave out orders to kill so and so, and their followers will carried out that orders, as commanded by their leaders, they killed and murdered.

This is too often happened in the Bible College, and even the principal may gave out order to oust or chase away some Bible lecturers who are not in line with their ideology or doctrine, this is too, I see a kind of suicide bombing in the Bible College, some lecturers were chased out from the Bible college due to some minor issues, what a waste of time and man power!

That is why, the fundamentalists are facing the inner spiritual pride that, they cannot tolerrant even some small differences among them.

Human brains some times cannot explained the Bible at all, but give times for the eyes and ears to see and listen, searching the truth untold, and then let the Holy Spirit may come to live in the joint of our souls, He is our real teacher!

There is a space for corrections! What about in the Bible College? Is there something missing in my life, some place called the mercy seat? Is there a mercy seat in the Bible College?

I do not think so!

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