
Pastor and a terrorist wife

The end time is a dangerous time. The pastor may taken a wrong wife to be his wife, so I write this before hand to the sons and daughters who are living in the end time.

A pastor is a christian, he is a Christ's follower, he must trust in God, and he some time may mistakenly taken a terrorist as a wife, under this circumstance hes is living under great pressure, great danger, to live with the wife who is following the terrorism.

“°What if the pastor's wife is a terrorist”¡± This is a question never asked in seminary, but this can be true. This is possible in the end time. The wife was probably under the grips of terrorist under some cruel men, she may be living under a threat from he terrorist, so she become a under covered agent for the terrorist, maybe her private pictures may had been taken, these pictures have become a black mail to the woman, or her family member's life is in danger, the terrorist black mailed her to work for them, or her brother's life is under the control of the terrorist, so the wife succumb and fell prey to the terrorist. The woman married to the pastor maybe controlled by the terrorist.

The woman probably has a double faces life, she is living like a angel and another time she is living like a demon, she may be a saint and a prostitute at the same time, she become a worshipper in the Lord's day but at the other day she sold her life to the world. She is the husband's wound. She ruined her husband ministry and life. And then there are times she was called to over turn her husband from doing the duties as pastor.

1. She is not spiritually filled. The devil taken her foot hold. She is demon processed, exorcism needed to free her.
2. The pastor was tempted to fell in love with her because of her beauty. And she is becoming a temptation to him. And he is living under lust and lust has taken him. The is the weapon the terrorist will use to attack the pastor, a beautiful lady, beware.
3. The wife, because she is the terrorist, sooner and later she will be practising her terror in the marriage, and because she is a undercover agents, and she has another man in her heart from the past, and the pastor is not her husband spiritually, the pastor husband knew she is not close with him heartily, but it is too late, the family life become a sacrifice to the terrorism.
4. The husband has to take time to understand her wife, when he knew her wife, it is too late, they had given birth to sons and daughters. It is too late to called a divorce. The sons and daughter will become another victims.
5. And the wife had to follow the man behind her shadow, the terrorist, and she cannot follow her husband, the pastor's command is over turn, time after time, sooner and later, the husband will find out the problem in living with a woman who try to overturned Christianity, a woman who stopped and cancelled prayer meeting anytime she like to, a woman who over turn worship service with many plans and devices, in disturbing the worshipper with bad music, with cries and sadness, she makes the worship a contempt to the Lord, and she controlled the ministry with her will, and the woman times after times she makes the church without financial support, she stolen money from the church, and she is living as a greatest thorn to her husband, and she is happy in destroying the church, she is good in ignoring the fellowship, she will ignore the Sunday school, she will changed the time of the prayer meeting whenever she likes, she will stopped the family worship any time she likes, she will not do the visiting to any home, all these are mean less to the wife, the wife wanted other things than these spiritual things, she wanted the world, money and lust. And she is over turning the husband to follow her, with her outlooks and clothes.
6. She kept another man as her lover, and secretly the terrorist, another man control their marriage. The terrorist control the pastor though the wife as a proxy. The wife sometime had secret meeting with her secret lover the terrorist by phone, by secret meetings at work place, and sometime the wife send money secret to the terrorist in supporting the terrorism. The husband cannot do anyhting accept showing frustration through quarrels, to protest, but these quarrels cannot solve his problem at all, he is controlled by the terrorist, but the pastor husband does not have any proof to prove his conviction. No one will come to help the pastor, no one will believe a pastor had taken a terrorist as his wife.
7. The wife had taken the husband's finance resources in control, under the name or for the sake in caring the sons and daughter, she control the husband's incomes and expenses, and so she control the ministry, if the ministry is a pioneering work, this will become worsen, she is the one who run the ministry, by the her mercy, the wife may bring up and down to the ministry according to her will. The husband cannot divorce her according to his work, his belief, his testimony, his God does not allow any such divorce, so the wife usurp the power like a man, she control and lead her husband, she controls her husband in finance and authority, and she makes her husband as a donkey to ride where she want to. She ruined the servant of God, and she destroyed the work as a pastor. She even sometime tempted the husband to give up the good work as a servant of God, rather to work for the secular work. For this I say, it is better for a man not to take a wife, like the Romans Catholic. Like Paul who kept single some say. “°I you have wife do not ask for a divorce, if you are single it is better not to ask for a wife!”±8. The pastor has to be long suffering in living with a terrorist, he has the enemy in his closet, the enemy is sleeping next to him in the bed, the enemy bear sons and daughter to him, and the enemy brought constant danger to the pastor, the enemy is his wife, the Bible said, the fresh in his fresh, and the bone in her bone had become the terrorist. The husband indirectly was force to kill himself, and the pastor must be killed secretly, in sickness, in road accident, in suicide, and in what ever meant, the terrorist wanted the wife to kill the husband at last. No one come to help the pastor.
9. The terrorist drained all money, love, sex from the woman married to the pastor. The pastor was living in poverty. The pastor are living with a dried well, the wife taken everything the husband needed most from his wife woman, but the woman he loved had given these to another man, the terrorist. The pastor lived in sadness, he cried to God, the Adonai.
10. The wife will not obey her husband, but she wanted the husband to follow her where she wants to, what she wanted to do the husband must obey her, if not the wife is good in turning over her husband in giving many reason, until the husband gives up his decision. This is an over turn, great pressure in following a terrorist wife, even the pastor ws tempted to killed himself. May God help him.
11. The terrorist wife as a secret agent, are well trained by the devils and demons, she is covered up, people will not believe, if you say she is a terrorist, people will not believe she is so cruel to the husband, and this the end time, a dangerous time on earth, give thank to God if you have found a good wife, if you found your wife is not a terrorist, give a thousand thanks to God, you have found favor in God.
12. In the future, the time is becoming more and more dangerous, ex specially to the pastor, who are single, beware, in choosing a wife, in walking the narrow way, see no one taken a terrorist as a wife, if he does, he found troubles for himself. May God lead us not to temptation!
13. The pastor has to over turn his terrorist wife, a task. But it is impossible, unless the Lord helps. They are living in a warfare, the wife and husband influencing one and another, it is like iron sharpen iron. Let pray so that the pastor will makes the wife repent from terrorism and become a Christian wife.
14. There is a time to born and a time to die, I pray for the theologians, who are reading Bible, give grace to the people who are reading CUV, NKJV, NIV, and even ESV. In this dangerous time, it is good for you to stick to a Bible version which is closest to the original autograph or the perfect Bible, if you do not have the perfect Bible, do not ask for a perfect Bible. Stand fast in the Lord, for the warfare is great!
15. I say with a heavy heart to see theologians are like the secular politicians who are proclaiming empty promises, this is to say about the Verbal Plenary Preservation, who is dare to say he has the perfect Bible in the end time.
16. Many are praying the Lord, Lord, Lord, only a few to be chosen, and many people pray that the Lord to come, maranatha, may the Lord come soon, but they do not want to pray for the coming of the great wars, hungers, earthquakes, sickness, rumours of wars, pray for the abomination of desolation, standing in the holy place, they do not want to pray for the coming of the tribulations, they do not want to pray for coming events in the end time. (Matthew chapter 24). Pray for the coming events of the end time and prepared for them.
17. Some do not want to pray for the gospel to the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole world, but rather indulged themselves in endless genealogies of Bible versions....this is a waste of time and energy, my sons, be strong in the Lord, and let go the VPP, the end time events do not need such a perfect Bible, what we need is the faith kept pure in all age, that faith is only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ, no other places. Amen.
18. Beware there is false Christ and false prophets, and there are signs and wonders, even the elect are tempted to believed in them. Some pastors who in later time mistaken a terrorist as his wife.....

See that no one lead you astray (Matthew 24:4) Do not take a terrorist as your wife, chose your partner with two opened eyes. Amen.

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