
2 parachutes and a stick...

A man who was with one blind eye, one hand one leg crippled prayed to an evil spirit, seeking helps from the spirit to topple the country, the spirit told him to wait..After waiting in a cave for a week, the spirit returned with a coffin, inside the coffin there was 2 parachutes, and a bamboo stick for the crippled man.

The evil spirit said to the crippled man, "Tie one parachute at one end of the bamboo stick, an another parachute at another end of the bamboo stick, grab the stick and jump from the cliff, and go and be great in fooling the people with these things."

So the crippled man went out and he jumped with those two parachutes, and he held on the bamboo stick, and the people amazed how can a crippled man flew like a bird, so the people were fooled by the crippled man, the believe in the lies that he is their savior and they made him to the be their head man."

(You may draw a picture, 2 parachutes and a stick...see what it is.)

Until one day, an Indian snake charmer came to the town, and he burnt the coffin with the parachutes and stick in it, and crippled man lost his talismans, and so he lost his evil power and became a bagger begging for food, people scolding him in putting a charm onto them. The snake charmer freed the country from the grips of the evil spirit. Two parachutes and a stick, how they look like?

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