
I am not ashame of my Bible

I am not ashame of my Chinese Bible, the Chinese Union Version! KJV and NIV are alike, in preaching the Gospel truth!

The fool

Some times, the fool like me is blinded by my own foolishness!

NIV is preaching the Gospel truth!

Since I am not a theologian, I will not write my blog like a theologian. It is better for me to write like a layman here!

Laymen used to preach, it is normal they are called preacher, when they are preaching, you can see they used these words in their sermon to preach about Jesus Christ! The preachers will use these words in their sermon, "Jesus Christ, The Lord, Lord Jesus, The Son, Son of Man, Son of God, Savor, The Savor, God, our Lord, Lord God, Lamb of God, the Lamb.....Lord Jesus" Some time they just use the word "Jesus" to address our Savor, it is quite normal.

One day a hyper critical theologian, I called him, as a challenge theologian, like a challenge child challenging his teacher, he who is teaching the verbal plenary preservation came to hear this preacher's sermon, the theologian started to shout at the preacher, when he heard the preacher call out "Jesus...." in his sermon. The theologian rebuked the preacher openly, "You are a devil, your are attaching the Son of God, when you call the name of the Son of God, you use just the word, Jesus, without addressing Him properly, you must call Him as {the Lord Jesus Christ}...you are not respecting Jesus Christ, when you call Him by His Name! You have subtract words! You devil"

The theologians pick on this to attack the preacher, in fact the preacher had use over thousands word in his sermon to praise, worship, adore Jesus Christ, but the theologian ignore these thousands words, but the theologian like to attack the preacher who is preaching about God!

This apply to NIV, this theologian who is teaching the verbal plenary preservation, likes to attack the NIV, he likes to attack the NIV because people like NIV more than KJV, he wrote that the NIV is subtracting many words from the words of God, for example, in addressing God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and so on....they said the NIV is attacking the person of Godhead, when the NIV had subtracted many words! Disrespecting the Personality of God!

One thing for sure is NIV has over thousands over millions words which are praising, worshiping, adoring God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit! Why can't the theologians see this?

In this I refute these theologians, in attacking the preachers with NIV! But they do not see, that the preachers with NIV are preaching Christ is dead, after three days He is resurrected, He is able to save mankind from sin cursed death! The gospel truth is preached in NIV!

I pray God may open the eyes of the theologians!


Thank God for our spiritual food

Thank God for our daily spiritual food....! KJV, NIV, CUV....!


A kiss! A curse! A swear!

In the end of the Jesus story on his earthly life as a man, there were two persons, they caught my attentions!

Judas betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss, a kiss is a symbol of love! Care, intimate relationship, in kissing the Lord, he was actually betraying his Master! (Mark 14:45)

Is Peter any better than Judas? Peter denied Jesus Christ with curses and swears! Cursing is a symbol of death, swearing is a symbol of truth. (Mark 14:71) In cursing, he was swearing, or taking an oath, does not mean Peter loves his Master at that moment, but rather he disowned his Master!

Kissing our Bible does not mean we love the Bible! Swearing the Dean Burgon Oath does not mean we love the Bible! Think carefully, what are you doing, when you are kissing the Bible and swearing to the Lord!

Those theologians who are saying that they are defending the Bible, actually do not do any good to the Body of Christ, see how they chased away a Chinese pastor and the Chinese congregation because of different opinion about Chinese Bible Version, the CUV!

The theologians said they are defending the perfect Bible, they said the perfect Bible is found in the Hebrew and Greek Text, the underlying text where the KJV Bible was translated from! Does this mean they love the Bible more than us, more than other, more than the Chinese Bible reader! Are they founded this theory presently, far far away from the KJV translators in 1611! None of the KJV translators claimed they had found the perfect Bible, not even they claimed they had found the perfect Bible in Greek and Hebrew, nor any one of them claimed any one TR is perfect, kept pure in all ages, means kept holy for all ages!

Sacred Words!

Those theologians and their followers who took the Dean Burgon Oath, do not do any good to the congregations! See how many Bible colleges in the world are taking this oath? A few? We who do not endorse Dean Burgon oath, are we not believe in an inerrant Bible?

In fact we believe in a inerrant Bible, translated in KJV, CUV, NIV, NKJV, ESV...! We are honest in telling that these Bible translations are not perfect!

We believe God may preserve every Words given to mankind in the original language, the Greek and Hebrew Bibles, they are preserved for us! We must thank God for the Bible! We do not want to tell God how to print that perfect Bible! When to print that Bible, where to print that Bible, this is not humble, this is a pride, a kiss is not a kiss, if it is a kiss of betrayal, a swear is not a swear at all, if you try to put your finger into heaven, where the place God dwelt!

The Bible is the Word of God! The 5000 manuscripts are a witness for the death and resurrection of Christ, other than that I do not know anything, accept Christ died for us! He crucified for us. If we do not believe in resurrection of Christ, we believe in vain! Resurrection and death of Christ is more important than Verbal Plenary Preservation.

God had preserved those 5000 manuscripts for us, and by this I stand, I believe, I preach, that the Bible is the Word of God Almighty!

Verbal Plenary Preservation is like a kiss, dearest kiss to the face of the Lord Jesus Christ! I hope you know what Jesus felt at that moment, when He was kissed by Judas, He asked Judas, "Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss." (Luke 22:48).

You kiss, you curse, you swear....what are doing to the Son of man?

Let dance!

We have a dancer for all of us in the end of time!

See how she danced, how she sung for the people in the end time!

Her name is Ho Yeow Sun!

China Wine! China Wine!

Aren't you touch by her husband?

See how her husband pastor loved her! Her husband still loved her!

God commanded us to love, "Husband love your wife!"

China Wine, China Wine!

Theologians love your pastors!

Do you love one and another? No? Why?

Pastor love your church!

Do you love your church?

Husband do you love your wife?


Let us Christian pray for the peace in Jerusalem

You the theologians wanted so much for a perfect Bible, here is a word for the theologians who are teaching the Verbal Plenary Preservation, they want the Word of God, let the Word of God speak to them:

Galatians 5:14



How important is the theologians, know how to love their neighbors in Christ?


Write a thesis 2000 pages, entitles: "Thy Neighbor!"


An agreement in black and white!

"Israel has indicated that it will be willing to consider a temporary halt to granting permission for further construction."

No so, the Israel may continue construction in the land belong to Abraham, the land of Abraham had been given to his sons, and the king David, and so until to this generation, the land is given in 1948 to Israel! The land in 1948 is the alloted land given to Israel! Israel may continue to build constructions on that piece of land given in 1948.

Do not stop construction for your people! But at the same time, you must offer a state in the state to the people of Palestine! If you do not give the state to the Palestinian People, surely our Lord, the God of Christian people, will angry with Israelites! Jesus Christ will not happy with Israelites!

We want to see a peace agreement for the people of Israel and Palestine, in black and white! The black and white men are involved in this peace keeping!

Our Lord, your Messiah is coming soon, if He sees you are not right to the people of Palestinians, you the people of Israel, son of David, you are in troubles! Calamities are coming toward the people in Jerusalem in the end times!

Prepare to meet your Messiah, the gate in the wall will be opened soon!

My enemies are reading my blog

Even when I am using my wireless broadband to write my blog this moment, they also receive the signal from my usb modem, they intercept the wireless signal, and then they turn on their computer to read my blog, and looking at my websites which I am visiting, they are sitting together to see what I am looking at.

They hacked the wireless broadband, and they continue to lay prey and ambush us! The devils are roaring like lions! Internet is a dangerous place for the children of God! The lion walked around in the internet! Beware! There is no absolute privacy in the internet!

Do you love the children of God?

Today, the Lord is still asking the theologians this same question, He asked 2000 years ago to Peter, three times He asked him at the lake side! With breakfast, burning fish, 153 fishes caught.

Theologians, if you love the young children, you should have taught them that KJV and CUV is the Word of God, the Holy Bible, kept holy, kept pure for all ages!

If we are reading the KJV and CUV, if we find any uncertainty in their wordings! These uncertainties are the surface things! It is normal!

As a layman, or a Bible teacher, he or she should refer to the Greek and Hebrew of the Bible! These are the deeper things, this is second level of the depth, second level of the truth! These some called the underlying texts of the KJV and CUV. Usually most of the problems can be solved when we refer to these Greek and Hebrew texts, most uncertainties are minor problems!

If in these Greek and Hebrew Texts, the Bible teachers or the layman, in some uncertainties, or the pastor cannot find any meanings for the words in KJV and CUV, he or she may refer to the Bible commentaries, he or she may do a word study!

If in this next deeper stage, the uncertainties are not explained, he or she must pray to God for wisdom! And let God teach us the meaning of the words!

Finally, you have to explain the Bible! The Lord then asked you this question at last, when you are teaching the students "Do you love the children of God?"

God have given you the Bible Presbyterians!

God is still giving, until today, God is still giving, he gave you the Bible Presbyterians, and they are living in the world, so you must love your denomination! Lord prayed that His disciples are united! They are in the world, but they do not belong to the world.

Submission to Rulers and Masters

1 Peter 2:11-17

Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.

Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.

Do not sell your heart to sinful desire!

A face to bring people to Christ!

God gave the Bible to mankind according to His will, firstly He gave the first part, the Old Testament, after that He gave His only Begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ to mankind, after Jesus was crucified, and resurrected, God gave Him totally to save mankind, after that God gave the second part of the Bible, the New Testament! The Bible is given!

After God gave us the Bible, God sees that is not enough to edify us, after that God did not stop giving, after that God gave us the Apostles and prophets with signs and wonders! And then God gave us some more, the great devoted men and women throughout the history.

And God raise up great hymns writers, great musicians! Still God did not stop giving, He was still giving, He gave us the great Reformers in the 16th Century, Martin Luther, John Calvin.... After that God did not stop giving, after that God gave us great and small servants of God, taking care of us! All of them, love the Word of God, the Bible.

And lastly God gave you, a face! Yes, a face, why this face is so important to you, at last, a face? Yes, God gave you a face, so that with your face, when other look at your joyful face, at least you may bring some one to God! Honor your God with your face!
And with that face, people will recognized you!

A face also can bring people to God too! May God give me a good looking Christian face!~I do not want a theologians' face! But a Christian's face like the stoned Stephen!


Luke 4:18-19

Jesus likely read from the Hebrew Bible: Most scholars agree that Jesus, being Jewish, would have read from the Hebrew Bible, which at that ...