
Over claimed

Christians said they are claiming money, cattle, houses, lands, mountains, rivers, cars from God. Sometimes they over claimed! They told me since God owned everything in heaven and earth. So they claimed everything they want from God.

I try to justify these claims. The Bible, written in the ten commandments, stated to us, do not steal, do do tell a lie, do not covet. But covet to prophecy, and also the spiritual gifts. The greatest gifts is love, God is love! God have given His Son for us!

God gave them the prophecies, spiritual gifts, God also gave them lands, houses, cars, properties and money and etc! Who are they? They are those who speak in tongue, they claimed everything from God! They are happy! Since they became rich!

But they forgot the poor, and then they oppressed the poor and needy, and they are racists, they became false teachers, they became proud, they oppressed the sick, they oppressed the church, they persecuted the church, and they wanted to destroy the church.
They said spiritual gifts are everything!

And some of those who over claimed the perfect Bible! They over claimed the KJV is the perfect Bible, and then over claimed the Greek and Hebrew Bible in 16th century where KJV was translated from are perfect like the original.

But they forgot the poor, and then they oppressed the poor and needy, and they are linguists, they became false prophets, they became proud, they oppressed the weak, they oppressed the church, they persecuted the church, and they wanted to destroy the church.
They said the perfect Bible is everything!

After I heard from both of them, about their claims, so did I claim 100 millions from God, this money is not for myself and my family, it is for the poor man and women, if God give me, I will give this 100 millions to the poor and sick. I hope I am not covet, not over claimed!

If God gave me a Bible, I will keep it and read it until I know it!

If God sacrificed His Son for me, I will follow Him and love Him until I know Him!


Many are called but a few are chosen!

The theologians persecuted the church like Saul!

Paul explained everything!

Galatians chapter 1

13 For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it.

14 I was advancing in Judaism beyond many Jews of my own age and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.

15 But when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace, was pleased ...

But God called him by His grace, from birth!

Matthew explained everything!

Many are called into the church, but only a few are chosen!

Matthew 22:14
For many are called, but few are chosen.

Peter also explained everything!

A few of these chosen, they are peculiar,

1 Peter 2:9, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

Theologians said they are the chosen ones, and then they continue to explained, in so many English Bibles, they the theologians had chosen KJV to be the only Bible in the English world, and then they explained, in so many Hebrew and Greek Bible, they had chosen a few to be the Perfect Bible.

They speak! Is the church listening to them? They explained, but did they explain everything, but they led, but who is following them? They taught, but is that the Gospel truth?

They persecuted the Chinese congregation, they wanted to destroy the Chinese churches!

I am trying to explain to them, but I failed!



Soon after his arrival Ezra was compelled to take strenuous measures against marriage with non-Hebrew women (which had become common even among men of high standing), and he insisted in a very dramatic manner upon the dismissal of such wives (Ezra ix. and x.); but it was only after the arrival of Nehemiah (444 B.C.; comp. Neh. viii. 1 et seq.) that he published the "book of the law of Moses" which he had brought with him from Babylon, and made the colony solemnly recognize it as the basis of their religious and civil code. Ezra is further mentioned as the leader or one of the two choirs singing hymns of thanksgiving at the dedication of the wall (Neh. xii. 36 et seq.), but this note is suspected of being a gloss of questionable historical value.The zeal of Ezra to carry out his theory that Israel should be a holy seed, and therefore of absolutely pure Hebrew stock, was not altogether effective; that his views met with opposition is indicated in the books of Ruth and Jonah.

But Jesus went into Samaria, He asked water from a Samaritan woman, Jesus Christ saved that Samaritan. God loved the world.

Does Jesus love NIV, NKJV, ESV readers?

Alzheimer’s disease and VPP

On the 20th April 2009, Rev (Dr) Timothy Tow passed away. A three-evening memorial service was held in Calvary Pandan B-P Church.

During the first evening, Dr. S H Tow shared with the attendees of the memorial service the life of his great brother (Rev. Timothy Tow). Dr. S H Tow made a very significant and revealing statement about his brother having been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2006. Based upon the medical condition of Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Tow, one can, with very good reasons, excuse Rev Timothy Tow for allegedly advocating the error of VPP. Dr. S.H. Tow[1] was one of the leading medical doctors during the time when he was a practicing physician. His opinion regarding senile dementia is thus trust worthy.

Living long carries tremendous problems. One of them being given prominence in the press is the senile dementia, Alzheimer’s disease. So better you live well than you live long. How can you live well? Answer, live in the Lord Jesus Christ, in Him only there’s peace.

My brother has been suffering from the disease called Alzheimer’s. It was diagnosed only about 3 years ago. But this disease has a very long history. And, oftentimes we do not detect it. My late step-mother had it [for] at least 10 years; the same could have been[said] for Rev. Tow.

They start off with the mental limitations, that is the first sign. Then, they imagine things; they talk things that are not quite right. I detected this when my brother came to Vancouver in the year 2000. But now he is free from all this, how good! Absent from the body but present with the Lord.

China Wine for the theologian!

The Bible college is a school of the Holy Spirit, and the church is a house of prayer. But the theologians who are teaching the VPP had made the Bible college to become the school of the theologians, and the church is a house of self ego and pride!

And you see what happened? How many full time students enrolled in their so called military Bible seminary? From number 100 reduced to 50 person. Is this a blessing from God? Or is this a curse to the Bible College?

They do not welcome any one who come in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They only welcome those who are worshiping them, obey their humanoid theologian, they preach hypocrite, teach in pride.

So God raise up a dancer for them!

Like the the Charismatics leaders, the charismatic leaders like to tell other especially those they do not like, they said, they do not like the look of so and so person, they do like the face of this brother and that brother, and they do not like to see your face, and they tell other they are angry to see your face, they said your look is not a spiritual face, they had sixth sense to tell their future, a Singaporean pastor in mega church tell other that he has secret agent from the heaven, the Holy Spirit, telling him who is bad and who is good.

And it is better for you to have a look yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twxf2LraoEE

Chinese Wine! Chinese Wine! The dancer is the pastor's wife.

I guess the women who is dancing in this youtube is dancing for the theologians who are teaching VPP!

The Bible college needed a dancer to cheer them up, if they continue to preach VPP!

Verbal Hypocrite Theologian

The Bible college teacher who is teaching this Verbal Plenary Preservation wrote a passage below, and he put on his church website!

I say he is acting in hypocrite!

Weekly 30 August 2009
.....It is not what we say that makes us Christians but whether we obey the perfect Word of God. Holding leadership positions such as pastors, elders, founders of churches, deacons, and Christian deeds like giving of tithes and offerings, and taking the Lord’s Supper will not make us Christians. It is the contrite sinner, who sincerely repents of his sins according to Holy Scriptures and does the heavenly Father’s will, who is truly born again.

(end of his writing)

What is saying? Is he any better than other?

Let me propose to him:

Is he repenting from the sin of chasing a Chinese pastor and Chinese Congregation away because they are using a CUV! And at the same time they do not endorse his theological stand?

Is he repenting from the sin of promoting a cult, a heretical views about our Bible in the Bible College and Churches?

Is he repenting from the sin of promoting divisions among the BP churches?

Is he feeling any regret in leading the young servants into these schism?

Is he feeling any regret in attacking the Chinese Bible and Chinese Congregations?

Is he apology for what he had done to Christians in BP churches?

Is he any better than a sinful man?

No, he never repent, regret from what he had done! May the Lord grant him forgiveness!


The Dead Sea Scrolls

Channel NewsAsia - Thursday, August 27 SINGAPORE:

Singaporeans will be treated to a touch of history spanning over 5,000 years through the Dead Sea Scrolls and The Ancient World exhibition at The Arts House.

More than 100 artefacts will be featured in the exhibition — a first in Asia.

The exhibition includes four fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest—known Hebrew manuscripts of the bible.

Also on display is the Lunar Bible, so called because it is the first bible to be taken to the moon.

Visitors will also be treated to one of the earliest forms of written expression via clay cuneiform tablets.

They can also view the names of Polish Jews who survived the Nazi occupation through a Holocaust Survivor Scroll.

The Dead Sea Scrolls and The Ancient World exhibition opens Thursday and will run till September 20 2009.

The world is waiting

We Christians are waiting for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, Messiah, Adonai in Hebrew, the Savor to return soon.

What about the world, the world is waiting for another man, not our Christ, but they are waiting for the anti Christ to come to the world, he the anti Christ will arise among the human, there is one mentioned in the Bible, he is called the supernatural man, a man who called himself as "god," when he is sitting in the temple.

Which one are you waiting for?

Christ or Anti Christ?

We Christians cannot unite with the anti Christ, and so the Church will not unite with the anti Christ to form the one world church.

True church, the body of Christ must awake, and we must wait for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are not waiting for the anti Christ.

The lamb is a lamb, the lambs will be separated from the goats at the end.

We are waiting, when we are reading the Chinese Union Version, and some are waiting with the KJV, some with NIV, all must come together at the end to receive the Lord, when we see Him face to face in the sky, and they we will be united in heaven!

There is only one mediator between God and man! He is Christ.

The church on the earth are not totally united, we are in troubles, until to the end, we are united at last in heaven!

My commentary is that even the KJV cannot unite the church! It is Christ, Himself who will come to unite the church, when He bring us together in the clouds! And leads us into the heaven in the end. The feast of the Lamb is prepared for you.

Are you ready?

Did you say?

May Your kingdom come!


Solomon and the VPP theologians are alike!

The book of Kings goes on to state:

1 King chapter 11

And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice and had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods. But he did not keep what the LORD commanded. Therefore the Lord said to Solomon, "Since this has been your practice and you have not kept my covenant and my statutes that I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you and will give it to your servant. Yet for the sake of David your father I will not do it in your days, but I will tear it out of the hand of your son. However, I will not tear away all the kingdom, but I will give one tribe to your son, for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem that I have chosen."


Micah 6:8

Beni of Jacob, you must be graceful to the people around you, did not you see your enemies are in God's hands. Trust in Adonai, the Messiah, He is coming to you soon. And He had send you greeting from heaven, and He is sending you angels from heaven, layers of heavens are opened to welcome you, be strong in Adonai, and take heed, the angels are ahead of the coming of Adonai, you son of men, rejoice in Adonai!

And so prepare to meet Him, Adonai your God, as He is coming with clouds, and with angels, to meet you, Son of Jacob, your God, He is God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, He is faithful, and He promised to you, for thousand of generations, if you loved Him, and follow Him, read Micah 6:8, what Adonai wanted from you?

הִגִּ֥יד לְךָ֛ אָדָ֖ם מַה־טֹּ֑וב וּמָֽה־יְהוָ֞ה דֹּורֵ֣שׁ מִמְּךָ֗ כִּ֣י אִם־עֲשֹׂ֤ות מִשְׁפָּט֙ וְאַ֣הֲבַת חֶ֔סֶד וְהַצְנֵ֥עַ לֶ֖כֶת עִם־אֱלֹהֶֽיךָ׃

4 angels are sent, 4 winds are prepare to blow, trumpets are ready to sound, are you ready? If you are ready, then you know you are ready, if you are not ready, the world is watching you, sons of David, why you are worried with many troubles, trust you in Adonai! Be strong in Adonai!

The theologians who are teaching Verbal Plenary Preservations are ready to meet the Adonai, with the perfect Bible, KJV underlaid by Greek and Hebrew texts, they are proud about it, and be gone all the Bible version, and they had chased away the Chinese brothers in Christ, they too will see the Adonai, how about you? Why are you still living like living under the life under the Mt. Sinai, not so, you are freed from Mt Sinai, the ten commandments are given, it is in the past, you remember the ten commandments very well, you had put over your forehead, but you had forget that Adonai is coming with thousand of angels to establish His kingdom forever! Trust in Adonai, if He is your Adonai, if He is your God! Put your trust in Him, tribe of Benjamin had his trust in God, not in man!

After the agreement with your neighbors, and the world will rejoice awhile, you will hear the sound of horses, coming from the north! Do not fear about it! The sound will gone after awhile!

This Micah 6:8, will be fulfilled in you?

WHO are you to judge!

Now a day Christians like to hear good songs, they danced, sung, and rejoice with shouting! Entertainment in worship! They said, If You are happy, God is happy! And then they like to sin, openly and secretly and they said to the pastors, "who are you to judge!" What is theology to present day Christian, old fashion! Mud Headed, gullible pastors, who are you to judge a boy like Patrick, because God so loved the world!

What is Bible is all about? They said, "I cannot read the Bible, so what? I am still a Christian, I am going asleep when I read my Bible, so what, but I am still a Christian leader! Listen to me! So why it is in grace, I continue to sin, so what?"

We are in troubles, Christianity is under bondage of old man not born again, the Jehovah Witness old man pretending to be good, Bible says we are renew in Christ, but some like to live in old man not born again!

Old man not born again like me like to use words like "My people, my people...." I felt I am out of places, I refrain from using, "my people...my people" any more.

One day, in a vision, I saw an angel with white wings was sent to mankind, he came, and he stand taller than man, and then with his hands he open our heads, he knocks open the human skull, and there in the skull, is seen blood, full of innocent blood, with serpent living in human skull! And the angel cleansed the skull, and he grasp the serpent in that skull, and then he throw the serpents away from human skull!

Man, we needed angel to come to open our skull, it is full with deathly sin! You cannot say to the angel, "who are you to judge!" You do not dare to challenge the angel!

Who are you to challenge the Son of God? God had sent His only Begotten Son to die for mankind, and He defeated the serpent, and bound for a thousand years! Jesus Christ was prepared as the Lamb of God, He was sacrificed for our rebellious, because we tent to say to God, "Who are you to judge!"

Repent, if not, we all perish, and how dare you to say, "I perish, I perish." To night your life may be taken from you, where are you going, after you die?

Who are you, to decide your life after death, who do you think you are, rethink about your life, and redo your decision in Christ, Is Christ in you? Is Christ in you, pastors?

Is Christ in you, theologians? Is Christ in you, church leaders, elders, is Christ in you, deacons, Is Christ in me?

A young girl told me, "Work out your salvation in fear and trembling!"

Christian do not murder, be strong!


KJV-Only Doctrine of 'Grave' Concern to B-P Pastors

KJV-Only Doctrine of 'Grave' Concern to B-P Pastors

Monday, Mar. 9, 2009 Posted: 6:29:15PM HKT

The facade of Life B-P Church, the church founded by B-P founding pastor Rev Timothy Tow in 1950. The school he founded, FEBC, is occupying the premises behind the church.

Correction Appended

Once the fastest growing denomination in Singapore, the Bible-Presbyterian Church is now wracked by infighting that threatens to divide and destroy the conservative mainline evangelical group.

At the heart of this division is what is known as the "textual debate" or "King James Version-only controversy", which has divided B-P churches along two lines.

Spiritual matters require spiritual discernment

An unbeliever lawyer (or any secular authority) should never decide doctrinal issues in the church. Spiritual matters require spiritual disc...