One liberal theologian at the conference told others, that he regarded Jesus as uniquely the son of God. But he said "have other religions encountered God working on earth? Yes. Has God done something salvific (opening the way to ultimate "salvation") with them? Yes.
Liberal is a liberal, now, they are living in the circle of fundamentalists, and also charismatics, and they do not see Jesus Christ is the only way for salvation!
Do not blame the fundamental and charismatic churches, blame the theologians, blame the Bible College!
Without the Bible College, the Liberals will died!
We offer our prayer for the unity within the Bible-Presbyterian Church world wide. Calling some of their leaders to repent from lust and pride. We reprimand Far Eastern Bible College lecturers for promoting false teaching of Verbal Plenary Preservation. +++ THIS BLOG HAS STRONG LANGUAGE. READER DISCRETION IS ADVICED +++
Go to fly kite!
A pastor was asked sometime to fly kite! Why? He was not good in preaching the Word! He does not have good manners!
Go and fly kite, they told the pastors and preachers!
Pastors and preachers, if you do not know how to preach a nice, good for ears, profitable sermon, and you are not behaving like a pastor, and so the congregation will ask you to go and fly a kite!
You better prepare some kites in your garage!
Like Adam and Eve, they were chased out from the garden of Eden!
Who do you think you are!
Go and fly kite, they told the pastors and preachers!
Pastors and preachers, if you do not know how to preach a nice, good for ears, profitable sermon, and you are not behaving like a pastor, and so the congregation will ask you to go and fly a kite!
You better prepare some kites in your garage!
Like Adam and Eve, they were chased out from the garden of Eden!
Who do you think you are!
Gay ties like marriage - Williams
Dr Rowan Williams at Lambeth Conference
Dr Williams contrasted his views as theologian and church leader
Private letters have been published revealing Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams believed gay sexual bonds were "comparable to marriage".
The correspondence, written in 2000 and 2001, said gay partnerships may reflect God's love like marriage if they showed "absolute covenanted faithfulness".
But the Anglican Communion's orthodox position opposes active homosexuality.
Lambeth Palace pointed out that Dr Williams committed himself to this position last month.
The revelations threaten to reopen bitter divisions over the issue of gay bishops, which pushed the Anglican Communion towards a split and led 250 clergy to boycott the recent Lambeth conference.
The exchange of letters with an evangelical Christian, written when Dr Williams was Archbishop of Wales, described his "definite" belief that biblical passages criticising homosexual sex were not aimed at people who were gay by nature.
But in the letters, Dr Williams drew a distinction between his own beliefs as a theologian and his position as a church leader, for which he had to take account of the traditional and majority view.
And he wrote of his regret that the issue was "very much politicised" and treated by many as “the sole or primary marker of Christian orthodoxy”.
The letters were written in response to a challenge from Deborah Pitt, a psychiatrist and evangelical Christian living in his former diocese in South Wales.
But Lambeth Palace said Dr Williams had made his views on the issue of homosexuality clear at a press conference on 21 July 2008.
"The Anglican Communion has made its position corporately clear through the Lambeth conference and through all the things we have been going through in recent years. As Archbishop of Canterbury that is where I stand, and that is the position I am committed to stand with," he added.
Another liberal theologian! Mr William
Another!another out law!
Another caste in Christianity!
Dr Rowan Williams at Lambeth Conference
Dr Williams contrasted his views as theologian and church leader
Private letters have been published revealing Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams believed gay sexual bonds were "comparable to marriage".
The correspondence, written in 2000 and 2001, said gay partnerships may reflect God's love like marriage if they showed "absolute covenanted faithfulness".
But the Anglican Communion's orthodox position opposes active homosexuality.
Lambeth Palace pointed out that Dr Williams committed himself to this position last month.
The revelations threaten to reopen bitter divisions over the issue of gay bishops, which pushed the Anglican Communion towards a split and led 250 clergy to boycott the recent Lambeth conference.
The exchange of letters with an evangelical Christian, written when Dr Williams was Archbishop of Wales, described his "definite" belief that biblical passages criticising homosexual sex were not aimed at people who were gay by nature.
But in the letters, Dr Williams drew a distinction between his own beliefs as a theologian and his position as a church leader, for which he had to take account of the traditional and majority view.
And he wrote of his regret that the issue was "very much politicised" and treated by many as “the sole or primary marker of Christian orthodoxy”.
The letters were written in response to a challenge from Deborah Pitt, a psychiatrist and evangelical Christian living in his former diocese in South Wales.
But Lambeth Palace said Dr Williams had made his views on the issue of homosexuality clear at a press conference on 21 July 2008.
"The Anglican Communion has made its position corporately clear through the Lambeth conference and through all the things we have been going through in recent years. As Archbishop of Canterbury that is where I stand, and that is the position I am committed to stand with," he added.
Another liberal theologian! Mr William
Another!another out law!
Another caste in Christianity!
Archbishops regret gay 'wedding'
St Bartholomew the Great Church
The service was held at St Bartholomew the Great Church
The Church of England's two most senior figures have expressed concern after the "marriage" of two gay priests was held at a London church.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, said an investigation was taking place into the service.
The couple - the Reverend Peter Cowell and the Reverend Dr David Lord - were already civil partners.
But the vicar who performed the ceremony insisted he had no regrets.
Writing for the New Statesman website, the Reverend Dr Martin Dudley said refusing to bless the pair "would have been a negation of everything I believe".
Critics say the service, held in May at St Bartholomew the Great Church in the City of London, broke Church guidelines.
'Amazing flowers'
In a statement, the Archbishops expressed "great concern" over reports of the service.
Those clergy who disagree with the Church's teaching are at liberty to seek to persuade others
Archbishops' statement
They said they could not comment on the specific circumstances of the case because a an investigation had been launched by the Bishop of London.
But they said "various reference points" to the Church of England's teaching on sexuality were "well known" and remained in place.
"Those clergy who disagree with the Church's teaching are at liberty to seek to persuade others within the Church of the reasons why they believe, in the light of Scripture, tradition and reason that it should be changed," they added.
"But they are not at liberty simply to disregard it."
But Dr Dudley, who insisted he was "robustly heterosexual", wrote that he had not carried out the ceremony to provoke traditionalists.
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The Reverend Martin Dudley, who performed the service, said he had no regrets
"It is not we who have whipped up the whirlwind, replacing words of love and inclusion with those of hatred and exclusion," he added.
He described the service as "not a gay rally or demonstration, but a truly joyful celebration".
"Amazing flowers, fabulous music, a ceremony both solemn and oddly homely, familiar words reordered and reconfigured, carrying new meanings.
"Nothing jarred, nothing felt even vaguely inappropriate. New and untried - but not wrong."
Remain celibate
The couple are said to have exchanged vows and rings in front of hundreds of guests in the event, thought to be the first of its kind in the Anglican Church.
Anglicans worldwide are split over homosexuality and conservatives have condemned the service - which had no legal status - as blasphemous.
Critics say the wording of a traditional wedding expressly defines marriage as being between a man and a woman.
But liberals in the Church say the Bible should be reinterpreted in line with contemporary experience.
Under Church of England guidance, gay priests can enter civil partnerships as long as they remain celibate.
Guidance also says that gay couples who ask a priest to bless their partnership must be treated "pastorally and sensitively".
My commentary on this news:
"Do not ask God to bless me! if I am a gay! It is sound like a blasphemy, bless me?"
St Bartholomew the Great Church
The service was held at St Bartholomew the Great Church
The Church of England's two most senior figures have expressed concern after the "marriage" of two gay priests was held at a London church.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, said an investigation was taking place into the service.
The couple - the Reverend Peter Cowell and the Reverend Dr David Lord - were already civil partners.
But the vicar who performed the ceremony insisted he had no regrets.
Writing for the New Statesman website, the Reverend Dr Martin Dudley said refusing to bless the pair "would have been a negation of everything I believe".
Critics say the service, held in May at St Bartholomew the Great Church in the City of London, broke Church guidelines.
'Amazing flowers'
In a statement, the Archbishops expressed "great concern" over reports of the service.
Those clergy who disagree with the Church's teaching are at liberty to seek to persuade others
Archbishops' statement
They said they could not comment on the specific circumstances of the case because a an investigation had been launched by the Bishop of London.
But they said "various reference points" to the Church of England's teaching on sexuality were "well known" and remained in place.
"Those clergy who disagree with the Church's teaching are at liberty to seek to persuade others within the Church of the reasons why they believe, in the light of Scripture, tradition and reason that it should be changed," they added.
"But they are not at liberty simply to disregard it."
But Dr Dudley, who insisted he was "robustly heterosexual", wrote that he had not carried out the ceremony to provoke traditionalists.
Cannot play media.You do not have the correct version of the flash player. Download the correct version
The Reverend Martin Dudley, who performed the service, said he had no regrets
"It is not we who have whipped up the whirlwind, replacing words of love and inclusion with those of hatred and exclusion," he added.
He described the service as "not a gay rally or demonstration, but a truly joyful celebration".
"Amazing flowers, fabulous music, a ceremony both solemn and oddly homely, familiar words reordered and reconfigured, carrying new meanings.
"Nothing jarred, nothing felt even vaguely inappropriate. New and untried - but not wrong."
Remain celibate
The couple are said to have exchanged vows and rings in front of hundreds of guests in the event, thought to be the first of its kind in the Anglican Church.
Anglicans worldwide are split over homosexuality and conservatives have condemned the service - which had no legal status - as blasphemous.
Critics say the wording of a traditional wedding expressly defines marriage as being between a man and a woman.
But liberals in the Church say the Bible should be reinterpreted in line with contemporary experience.
Under Church of England guidance, gay priests can enter civil partnerships as long as they remain celibate.
Guidance also says that gay couples who ask a priest to bless their partnership must be treated "pastorally and sensitively".
My commentary on this news:
"Do not ask God to bless me! if I am a gay! It is sound like a blasphemy, bless me?"
Chaste system
Theologians induce that Christianity has 4 castes, this is a test for the theologians to take to continue to be a "caste 1" theologian, they must retake some exams, to update their knowledge about Christianity.
1. List those 4 castes, A,B,C,D, and explain them.
2. Are these castes, divisions dividing the churches?
3. Is the higher caste looking down to the lower chaste?
4. Is the higher caste helping the lower chaste?
5. Is caste system encouraged by Christ?
6. Is caste system a biblical teaching? Is verbal plenary preservation promoting caste system in Christianity? Why?
7. Is KJV reader the highest caste? Why?
8. Is Charismatics the highest caste? Why?
9. Is higher caste the richest?
10. Is lowest caste the poorest?
You must get 8 out of ten to "pass out" the test!
1. List those 4 castes, A,B,C,D, and explain them.
2. Are these castes, divisions dividing the churches?
3. Is the higher caste looking down to the lower chaste?
4. Is the higher caste helping the lower chaste?
5. Is caste system encouraged by Christ?
6. Is caste system a biblical teaching? Is verbal plenary preservation promoting caste system in Christianity? Why?
7. Is KJV reader the highest caste? Why?
8. Is Charismatics the highest caste? Why?
9. Is higher caste the richest?
10. Is lowest caste the poorest?
You must get 8 out of ten to "pass out" the test!
A forgotten Marriage!
Pastors, when you were laid on your heads by some one, to ordain you as a man and a servant of God, you were spoken with these words. But you have forgotten these few words.
"I ordain you to be a servant of God in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that with this laying hands, you receive the gift of goodness, that you will not covet any man's money!"
"I command you in the Name of the Lord, in front of the everlasting King and the One who is all seeing even all evil and good, and that with this laying of hands on you, you receive the gift, that you are going to live by faith, work by hope and serve by love."
"I command you pastors in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you are receiving the gift of preaching, with boldness you will speak without fears, you will speak with the authority from the Bible, you are going to speak as God is speaking in you, and you are to preach with a great and powerful voice and visions given, to prepare the way for the returning of the Great King! Make haste!"
"I now pronounce you to be the man of God, and command you to be the servant of God, and faithfully you will follow the Lord, until death you depart from the your ministry, and now you may kiss the Bible!"
After few years, what happened, you had forgotten those words, and you had broken God's heart, you quenched the Holy Spirit in you, you are lacking the glory of God! You become a thief to the Lord!
No so, return to the Lord, this moment, He is laying His hands on your head this moment, to ordain you again, do not look back, you are heading to heaven with you plow, and glory is coming back to you, His anger is not long, His mercy is forever, His heart is happy when you look to Him, the Cross, there He died for you, pastors do cry sometimes, Jesus wept even, why you are sadden this moment, my dear pastors, you are called not to fear, be strong in the Lord, nothing in the world is against you, not even great sin and mighty death, no, not one accuse, but go sin no more!
Do not fear for the damage brought by the teaching of Verbal Plenary Preservation, it is a small matter, the split does hurt some of you, but BP churches are called to be faithful, do not be a coward like me, but you must become a stronger man, because many haven't heard the voice from heaven, the gospel must be preached, and so make haste, start to mend those broken relationships in the BP circle, and God is willing to bring the promises He promises to your forefathers! Stand, and be strong in the Lord, for the Lord is near, nigh you go to Him, and you will find peace and grace! Make haste for the day of dawn is near! Wait not more to say, "I love you!" to your fellow servants, did not you see, even the theologians also have the same yoke like you, the Gospel? They preach the gospel with another different tone, and with a cane! They preached Christ awhile with their hands whipping on the Bible! That sound is scaring some of us, but that whipping sound will not remove the corner stone laid, for the foundation is the Rock, Jesus Christ."
Have you forgotten even that the Church is married with the Lamb! Not with those theologians? Who are these theologians who are whipping our Chinese Bible and CUV readers! They had been called as heretic because they split the church with those whippings! They had divided the unity Christ called us for! They had broken the yoke in Christ, they had been called as the heretic because they had made divisions in the churches, those divisions are very dangerous, and this division is a kind of corruption that weaken the churches!
"I ordain you to be a servant of God in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that with this laying hands, you receive the gift of goodness, that you will not covet any man's money!"
"I command you in the Name of the Lord, in front of the everlasting King and the One who is all seeing even all evil and good, and that with this laying of hands on you, you receive the gift, that you are going to live by faith, work by hope and serve by love."
"I command you pastors in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you are receiving the gift of preaching, with boldness you will speak without fears, you will speak with the authority from the Bible, you are going to speak as God is speaking in you, and you are to preach with a great and powerful voice and visions given, to prepare the way for the returning of the Great King! Make haste!"
"I now pronounce you to be the man of God, and command you to be the servant of God, and faithfully you will follow the Lord, until death you depart from the your ministry, and now you may kiss the Bible!"
After few years, what happened, you had forgotten those words, and you had broken God's heart, you quenched the Holy Spirit in you, you are lacking the glory of God! You become a thief to the Lord!
No so, return to the Lord, this moment, He is laying His hands on your head this moment, to ordain you again, do not look back, you are heading to heaven with you plow, and glory is coming back to you, His anger is not long, His mercy is forever, His heart is happy when you look to Him, the Cross, there He died for you, pastors do cry sometimes, Jesus wept even, why you are sadden this moment, my dear pastors, you are called not to fear, be strong in the Lord, nothing in the world is against you, not even great sin and mighty death, no, not one accuse, but go sin no more!
Do not fear for the damage brought by the teaching of Verbal Plenary Preservation, it is a small matter, the split does hurt some of you, but BP churches are called to be faithful, do not be a coward like me, but you must become a stronger man, because many haven't heard the voice from heaven, the gospel must be preached, and so make haste, start to mend those broken relationships in the BP circle, and God is willing to bring the promises He promises to your forefathers! Stand, and be strong in the Lord, for the Lord is near, nigh you go to Him, and you will find peace and grace! Make haste for the day of dawn is near! Wait not more to say, "I love you!" to your fellow servants, did not you see, even the theologians also have the same yoke like you, the Gospel? They preach the gospel with another different tone, and with a cane! They preached Christ awhile with their hands whipping on the Bible! That sound is scaring some of us, but that whipping sound will not remove the corner stone laid, for the foundation is the Rock, Jesus Christ."
Have you forgotten even that the Church is married with the Lamb! Not with those theologians? Who are these theologians who are whipping our Chinese Bible and CUV readers! They had been called as heretic because they split the church with those whippings! They had divided the unity Christ called us for! They had broken the yoke in Christ, they had been called as the heretic because they had made divisions in the churches, those divisions are very dangerous, and this division is a kind of corruption that weaken the churches!
Right words from a pastor!
Church Weekly for 23 August 2009 (
3. Evil fruits of Atheism and Evolutionism
The apostle Paul’s Roman Epistle exposes the evil effects of Atheism and Evolutionism. The evidence for Creation is present everywhere, demonstrable and visible for all to see, but men refuse.
“Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:19-20).
Since men refuse to acknowledge God their Creator, “… God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves … For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient” (Romans 1:24-28).
Refusal to acknowledge the Creator does not make men good. On the contrary, they fall into grievous sins.......
Lovingly in the Lord
Dr SH Tow, Sr Pastor
3. Evil fruits of Atheism and Evolutionism
The apostle Paul’s Roman Epistle exposes the evil effects of Atheism and Evolutionism. The evidence for Creation is present everywhere, demonstrable and visible for all to see, but men refuse.
“Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:19-20).
Since men refuse to acknowledge God their Creator, “… God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves … For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient” (Romans 1:24-28).
Refusal to acknowledge the Creator does not make men good. On the contrary, they fall into grievous sins.......
Lovingly in the Lord
Dr SH Tow, Sr Pastor
Life B-P Church Weekly - 23 August 2009, (
......So make every effort to maintain a spirit of joy in your work and to be a cheerful worker. Do not drag your feet or do your work grudgingly. Do not gripe about your pay and work conditions. Take pride in doing your best for the Lord in every task you are assigned to do. And be sure to give all the credit to Him after doing it.
......So make every effort to maintain a spirit of joy in your work and to be a cheerful worker. Do not drag your feet or do your work grudgingly. Do not gripe about your pay and work conditions. Take pride in doing your best for the Lord in every task you are assigned to do. And be sure to give all the credit to Him after doing it.
12 disciples
In every 12 disciples of Christ, there is one Judas among them, beware!
One day Jesus told Judas, Judas is His student and disciple, "Go and do what you want to do." Jesus meant it to Judas, "Go ahead with your plan, if you wanted to betray me or kill me, go ahead, kill me then."
In every 12 disciples there is one murderer, beware! After some times later, Judas sold Jesus with a price, 30 pieces of silvers!
In every 12 disciples there is some one who is looking for silvers! In every 12 fundamentalist, there is one Judas! In every 12 charismatics, there is one Judas!
12 is a perfect number, but in this perfect number there is one which is not belong there! You thought every one is good in these 12? Not so!
When fundamentalist meets a charismatics, the fundamentalist must be prepared to be killed by the charismatics! When the charismatics, meets a fundamentalist, the charismatics must be prepared to be killed by the charismatics!
Christians whom I met are alike, we practice character assassination, this is a hidden sin, this is a murder, we are like Judas sometimes, but we do not admit this!
These few years, I heard from some parents one of of most strange phenomena in the area between 21th century science and fictions! A few parents destroyed their expensive desktop, they were furious and angry with the computer they bought for their sons and daughters, because their sons and daughters kept on quarreling and fighting over the computer, every one of them wanted to use the computer at the same time, time is wasted. Parents threw and smashed their computers into pieces!
If God sees us fighting over the perfect Bible, churches split over the Verbal Plenary Preservation, this is a minor theological bug and man made jargon, fighting over these Bible versions and those versions, over these manuscripts and those manuscripts, and quarreling over these gifts and over those spiritual gifts, and if Adonai sees us, we are murdering one another, killing one and another, how is He going to say on to us? Is He happy, in saying these words to us, "Go ahead with your planning!" Is Adonai has to react like those angry parents, when they see their sons and daughters fighting over the computers? Once, some 2000 years ago, Adonai Jesus Christ went into the temple in Jerusalem and He cleansed the temple Himself! Judas killed himself for that 30 pieces of silvers!
It is better for us to stay in peace and do not quarrel over minor issues! Beware the lion, which is looking for some of us, to devour us, do not forget its scheme and planning!
May God bless the 12th disciples!
One day Jesus told Judas, Judas is His student and disciple, "Go and do what you want to do." Jesus meant it to Judas, "Go ahead with your plan, if you wanted to betray me or kill me, go ahead, kill me then."
In every 12 disciples there is one murderer, beware! After some times later, Judas sold Jesus with a price, 30 pieces of silvers!
In every 12 disciples there is some one who is looking for silvers! In every 12 fundamentalist, there is one Judas! In every 12 charismatics, there is one Judas!
12 is a perfect number, but in this perfect number there is one which is not belong there! You thought every one is good in these 12? Not so!
When fundamentalist meets a charismatics, the fundamentalist must be prepared to be killed by the charismatics! When the charismatics, meets a fundamentalist, the charismatics must be prepared to be killed by the charismatics!
Christians whom I met are alike, we practice character assassination, this is a hidden sin, this is a murder, we are like Judas sometimes, but we do not admit this!
These few years, I heard from some parents one of of most strange phenomena in the area between 21th century science and fictions! A few parents destroyed their expensive desktop, they were furious and angry with the computer they bought for their sons and daughters, because their sons and daughters kept on quarreling and fighting over the computer, every one of them wanted to use the computer at the same time, time is wasted. Parents threw and smashed their computers into pieces!
If God sees us fighting over the perfect Bible, churches split over the Verbal Plenary Preservation, this is a minor theological bug and man made jargon, fighting over these Bible versions and those versions, over these manuscripts and those manuscripts, and quarreling over these gifts and over those spiritual gifts, and if Adonai sees us, we are murdering one another, killing one and another, how is He going to say on to us? Is He happy, in saying these words to us, "Go ahead with your planning!" Is Adonai has to react like those angry parents, when they see their sons and daughters fighting over the computers? Once, some 2000 years ago, Adonai Jesus Christ went into the temple in Jerusalem and He cleansed the temple Himself! Judas killed himself for that 30 pieces of silvers!
It is better for us to stay in peace and do not quarrel over minor issues! Beware the lion, which is looking for some of us, to devour us, do not forget its scheme and planning!
May God bless the 12th disciples!
An old pastor told me an old time story, he said, "Now a day people wanted their horses to run faster and faster, but they never give any grass to their houses, it is ridiculous."
A young girl heard the pastor's words, and she said, "If it is so, it is better for us that we do not keep any houses at all!"
The old pastor is actually not talking about mere horses, he is saying that churches now a day do not take good care for the pastors and staff workers and their family! And they asked their staff workers to work harder and harder, but they see that they do not need financial support, and even if they paid their pastors and staff workers, they like to use these words to support their view about pastor and staff workers, they like to talk to them about giving and receiving, it is more blessed to give than to receive!"
Even though I do not totally agree with the old pastor that the churches were ignoring the pastors and staff workers financially, maybe there is one or two churches. But I find there are still a lot churches taking good care on their pastors and staff workers!
I think I am not spiritual in this writing, I am like a frog, jumping here and there, looking for food. Mosquito...insects, fly and worms.
A young girl heard the pastor's words, and she said, "If it is so, it is better for us that we do not keep any houses at all!"
The old pastor is actually not talking about mere horses, he is saying that churches now a day do not take good care for the pastors and staff workers and their family! And they asked their staff workers to work harder and harder, but they see that they do not need financial support, and even if they paid their pastors and staff workers, they like to use these words to support their view about pastor and staff workers, they like to talk to them about giving and receiving, it is more blessed to give than to receive!"
Even though I do not totally agree with the old pastor that the churches were ignoring the pastors and staff workers financially, maybe there is one or two churches. But I find there are still a lot churches taking good care on their pastors and staff workers!
I think I am not spiritual in this writing, I am like a frog, jumping here and there, looking for food. Mosquito...insects, fly and worms.
The Bible, speaks!
Few days ago, when I was flipping the sacred Bible, my eyes stopped onto this verse, this is the verse describe about myself, in writing this blog,
Proverbs 18
2 A fool finds no pleasure in understanding
but delights in airing his own opinions.
God is speaking to men and women until today! Though a small little voice hidden under the sacred pages of NIV, NKJV, CUV and KJV....! This is what I say, the underlying perfect voice of God!
The voice is not a human voice, but a voice, that speak to our spirit and soul! The Holy Spirit speak when we are meditating on the sacred pages of Holy Bible!
At that split of second, the Spirit of God rebuked me!
1. That I am fool,
2. I have no pleasure in understanding.
3. Delight in airing my own opinions!
Even until today, my writing did not bring me any where, my understanding is void, I do not understand any thing at all, until I kneel down to pray to God!
There is a little important in water baptism, there is very important in baptism in the Holy Spirit, covering by the Holy Spirit is far most important!
Searching the sacred pages is important, but the illumination from the Holy Spirit is more important than holding a perfect Bible.
Having a title like a theologian did not guarantee our place in heaven! But living a born again life is far most important!
In the end, the dust will go down to the dust, but the men and women belong to God will return to heaven, you do not need to be a theologian to have this assurance, simply trust some one who is graceful to love you until to the end, some one who is able to save you forever and some one who is peacefully helping you every moments, some one who is talking to you when you are hopeless, some one who is able to bring you through death and sin. You must find that person! I see that person is none other than the Adonai Jesus Christ. God come to mankind, in Jesus Christ!
May God forgive me, because I am living in hypocrisy. I remember some one sung in a hymn, "take time to be holy!"
Proverbs 18
2 A fool finds no pleasure in understanding
but delights in airing his own opinions.
God is speaking to men and women until today! Though a small little voice hidden under the sacred pages of NIV, NKJV, CUV and KJV....! This is what I say, the underlying perfect voice of God!
The voice is not a human voice, but a voice, that speak to our spirit and soul! The Holy Spirit speak when we are meditating on the sacred pages of Holy Bible!
At that split of second, the Spirit of God rebuked me!
1. That I am fool,
2. I have no pleasure in understanding.
3. Delight in airing my own opinions!
Even until today, my writing did not bring me any where, my understanding is void, I do not understand any thing at all, until I kneel down to pray to God!
There is a little important in water baptism, there is very important in baptism in the Holy Spirit, covering by the Holy Spirit is far most important!
Searching the sacred pages is important, but the illumination from the Holy Spirit is more important than holding a perfect Bible.
Having a title like a theologian did not guarantee our place in heaven! But living a born again life is far most important!
In the end, the dust will go down to the dust, but the men and women belong to God will return to heaven, you do not need to be a theologian to have this assurance, simply trust some one who is graceful to love you until to the end, some one who is able to save you forever and some one who is peacefully helping you every moments, some one who is talking to you when you are hopeless, some one who is able to bring you through death and sin. You must find that person! I see that person is none other than the Adonai Jesus Christ. God come to mankind, in Jesus Christ!
May God forgive me, because I am living in hypocrisy. I remember some one sung in a hymn, "take time to be holy!"
Lamentation no. 3
Lamentations 4:17
Moreover, our eyes failed, looking in vain for help; from our towers we watched for a nation that could not save us.
If the days ahead is becoming harder and harder, simply hook to the Lord's help! Leaning to the arms of God!
To the Israelites, have you read the Psalm, what did God tell you about these end time?
Psalm 118:9
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.
Psalm 146:3
Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.
The time is nearer and nearer for you to make a choice to make peace, and that you are going to surrounded by armies one day! And no one is coming to help you, and you are alone that moment! Remember to call onto the Adonai, and He is coming in colorful cloud!
Luke 21:20
"When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near.Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city.
Even our life is getting harder, a man called onto the Name of Adonai is a blessed man!
Moreover, our eyes failed, looking in vain for help; from our towers we watched for a nation that could not save us.
If the days ahead is becoming harder and harder, simply hook to the Lord's help! Leaning to the arms of God!
To the Israelites, have you read the Psalm, what did God tell you about these end time?
Psalm 118:9
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.
Psalm 146:3
Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.
The time is nearer and nearer for you to make a choice to make peace, and that you are going to surrounded by armies one day! And no one is coming to help you, and you are alone that moment! Remember to call onto the Adonai, and He is coming in colorful cloud!
Luke 21:20
"When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near.Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city.
Even our life is getting harder, a man called onto the Name of Adonai is a blessed man!
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Spiritual matters require spiritual discernment
An unbeliever lawyer (or any secular authority) should never decide doctrinal issues in the church. Spiritual matters require spiritual disc...