Even until this moment, the authority is watching my key strokes, they tap my web usage, thinking I am a secret agent, or a terrorist...or a extremist, fanatic, or a politician....but I am not one of them!
Like a cat and a mouse, the cat was chasing the mouse in the begining, the mouse escaped from the chase, it hides in the hole, we are catching one another some other time, some time the cat is being chased by a dog, later the dog is being chased by fox, and the fox was being chased by a wolf, and the wolf later was being chased by a cheetah, and the cheetah was being chased by the lion, and the lion later being chased by the elephant, and later the elephant was being chased by the same little mouse again!
I chased after the theologians, the theologians also chased after me, and then there are other people watching both of us, and they are chasing both of us! And some other will chased after them! We are all involved in a chase!
We offer our prayer for the unity within the Bible-Presbyterian Church world wide. Calling some of their leaders to repent from lust and pride. We reprimand Far Eastern Bible College lecturers for promoting false teaching of Verbal Plenary Preservation. +++ THIS BLOG HAS STRONG LANGUAGE. READER DISCRETION IS ADVICED +++
Bi polar
Even If I had to become Bi Polar for the sake of my own people who are reading CUV, I will rather go Bi Polar, and preach the gospel to them, and even if I write this blog until I become Bi_Polar in the end, I will continue to write, so that these theologians will come to make sense in their theology!
Remember this, day and nigh,t I am writing and writing to turn over verbal plenary preservation, so that the CUV readers and KJV will unite in Christ, in this even if you call me as a Bi Polar, I will happy to continue to write, until the theologians make good sense of their teachings! So that they come to say, that the Verbal Plenary Preservation is only a theory, and at that moment, and time, I will cease to write this blog!
I am not a polar bear!
Remember this, day and nigh,t I am writing and writing to turn over verbal plenary preservation, so that the CUV readers and KJV will unite in Christ, in this even if you call me as a Bi Polar, I will happy to continue to write, until the theologians make good sense of their teachings! So that they come to say, that the Verbal Plenary Preservation is only a theory, and at that moment, and time, I will cease to write this blog!
I am not a polar bear!
The theologians are not bombarded by any one so far, unless they came to read this blog, and they felt like bombarded, even if they were critique in a blog like this, to me it is not a bombard, but I said like a child again, it is a "back-fire" from their own theology "gun," their own theology fire back at them! To make them to walk in balance, write in balance, talk in balance, preach in balance, think in balance, live in balance, lastly they will teach in balance!
Teach all things in balance! A 21th century plea!
Anyway ...I do not like myself, an imbalanced child.
Teach all things in balance! A 21th century plea!
Anyway ...I do not like myself, an imbalanced child.
My politicians are human, and one of the politicians I know, he is a Chinese, speaking half pass six English like me, and some times he used to speak half boiled Chinese with a childish essence like me!
And there he went up to the stage to tame the Christian pastors and leaders with his political agenda, after that he came out giving a few mock cheques, he was not a Christian, but he talked about religions to pastors, he talked about God to pastors, he talked about everything, and I know he wanted to silent our theological sound mind with his political oratory empty promises, empty human voice, I was so surprised when he said he thanked God for this and that.
And there the leaders of the congregations were given a taste of the local political dishes, and the pastors and leaders are getting drunk, not with beer, but with politic power given to them, the politicians shaking hands with the pastors, the politicians thought that the church endorsed them in their corruptions. The politicians are so happy when the church invited them for speech in the churches! The politicians wanting to silent the churches again with mocked promises!
I see this again, and again! they are following the politicians, like the way they are following the Lord, obeying the politicians. They said obedient is a blessing! I do not see these corruptions bring us any good! It bring us temporary unity, temporary success, we have to bail out the politicians one day?
And there he went up to the stage to tame the Christian pastors and leaders with his political agenda, after that he came out giving a few mock cheques, he was not a Christian, but he talked about religions to pastors, he talked about God to pastors, he talked about everything, and I know he wanted to silent our theological sound mind with his political oratory empty promises, empty human voice, I was so surprised when he said he thanked God for this and that.
And there the leaders of the congregations were given a taste of the local political dishes, and the pastors and leaders are getting drunk, not with beer, but with politic power given to them, the politicians shaking hands with the pastors, the politicians thought that the church endorsed them in their corruptions. The politicians are so happy when the church invited them for speech in the churches! The politicians wanting to silent the churches again with mocked promises!
I see this again, and again! they are following the politicians, like the way they are following the Lord, obeying the politicians. They said obedient is a blessing! I do not see these corruptions bring us any good! It bring us temporary unity, temporary success, we have to bail out the politicians one day?
The Ja la la cafe, Tokyo. This is a very popular meeting-place in the capital city of Japan. But it is not just humans who fill the room. There are also animals. A large, white cat lies on one of the tables. A young man has his arm around this beautiful animal. He is smiling for his friend, who is taking a picture of him. Another young man holds a different cat in his arms. He passes his hand again and again over the animal's brown fur - stroking it. Its soft hair is so gentle to his touch! The cat purrs happily. After a while, the young man looks at the clock on the wall. It is time to go. He places the cat gently back onto its special seat. It has cost the young man ten dollars to spend one hour with the cat. But he believes that it was worth the money. And he will return to the Ja la la Cafe as soon as he can.
The Ja La la Cafe is just one of many animal cafes in Tokyo - there are more than one hundred and fifty of them! These businesses rent out several kinds of animals - cats, dogs, and even insects! Many Japanese people love animals. And they would like to own one. But there are reasons why this is not possible. They may not have room for an animal in their home. Or, they may travel a lot for their job. So, the idea of renting an animal for friendship is very popular. Kaori works as a server in a restaurant. But on Sunday afternoons she does not work. So, she rents a dog. For her, the dog has become like a real friend. And yet she knows that this can only ever be a temporary solution. She says:
"When I look into his eyes, I think he is my dog. But then I take him back to the animal cafe. And he runs away from me. He starts to get excited when he sees the next person waiting for him. And that is when I know he is only a rental dog."
In Japan, you can rent animals as friends. But, you can also rent people! "Hagemashi Tai" is another rental business in Tokyo. It rents out actors who can play the part of family members. For example, a single mother with children may want to rent a ‘father' for a few hours a week. This ‘father' may then spend time playing with the children. He may help them with their schoolwork. Or he may help to solve any problems they have. The rental father cannot be there all the time. But some people believe that having a temporary father - even just for a few hours - is better than nothing.
The idea of renting friendship may seem strange. Some people believe that it goes against the true values of friendship. It usually takes time for people to become good friends - time to share experiences and create memories. Spotlight asked a number of people about their experiences of friendship. Here is what they said:
"The best thing about friendship is: knowing you have someone to talk to."
"Friendship continues through life. And you can be yourself with your friend. You do not have to try and act in a particular way! You know your friend very well and he knows you very well...it is a trusting relationship."
"A friend is someone to share life experiences with. Someone to share ideas with. Someone to share life itself with - this is the best thing."
"I may make a stupid mistake. Or I may be worrying about something small. But I know I can tell my friend about it, and it will not make any difference to our friendship. She is always there for me."
So, can renting a friend for a short amount of time each week be like normal friendship? It may be possible. But some people would say that it reduces the worth of the person seeking the friendship. Surely everybody deserves to have a friend - they should not have to pay for one!
However, some people find it difficult to make friends. They may have lonely, loveless lives. One place that they may look for help is the Internet. Websites such as Facebook and hi5 offer friendship through the computer. Online messages, sharing pictures, discussing issues with people - these create links of friendship.
Andrew McCollum is one of the people who started Facebook. Andrew says that they did not create Facebook as a friendship-making website. He says that they started it as a way for existing friends to communicate online. They did not want to damage real face to face friendships. Instead, they wanted to improve them. Andrew McCollum describes Facebook like this:
"Facebook does nothing more than provide a service. It is a bit like a very big telephone book - but Facebook has different kinds of information - information that people add about themselves".
Many people do make new friends through the internet. But they may not have the chance to meet and spend time together. Humans are social beings - they need the company of other people! They always have. Listen to this:
"It is better to have a friend than to be all alone. When you work with a friend, you will get more enjoyment out of what you earn....and if you fall, your friend can help you up."
That advice comes from the Christian Bible. It is over two thousand years old.
Today, there are plenty of places where we can meet new friends- sports clubs, evening classes, at work, in a church - anywhere that people meet together. Making time in life to meet people with similar interests can be a good thing. It is not always easy to take the first step. But it may result in making friendships that will last a life-time!
-From Spotlight Radio Program3524
The Ja La la Cafe is just one of many animal cafes in Tokyo - there are more than one hundred and fifty of them! These businesses rent out several kinds of animals - cats, dogs, and even insects! Many Japanese people love animals. And they would like to own one. But there are reasons why this is not possible. They may not have room for an animal in their home. Or, they may travel a lot for their job. So, the idea of renting an animal for friendship is very popular. Kaori works as a server in a restaurant. But on Sunday afternoons she does not work. So, she rents a dog. For her, the dog has become like a real friend. And yet she knows that this can only ever be a temporary solution. She says:
"When I look into his eyes, I think he is my dog. But then I take him back to the animal cafe. And he runs away from me. He starts to get excited when he sees the next person waiting for him. And that is when I know he is only a rental dog."
In Japan, you can rent animals as friends. But, you can also rent people! "Hagemashi Tai" is another rental business in Tokyo. It rents out actors who can play the part of family members. For example, a single mother with children may want to rent a ‘father' for a few hours a week. This ‘father' may then spend time playing with the children. He may help them with their schoolwork. Or he may help to solve any problems they have. The rental father cannot be there all the time. But some people believe that having a temporary father - even just for a few hours - is better than nothing.
The idea of renting friendship may seem strange. Some people believe that it goes against the true values of friendship. It usually takes time for people to become good friends - time to share experiences and create memories. Spotlight asked a number of people about their experiences of friendship. Here is what they said:
"The best thing about friendship is: knowing you have someone to talk to."
"Friendship continues through life. And you can be yourself with your friend. You do not have to try and act in a particular way! You know your friend very well and he knows you very well...it is a trusting relationship."
"A friend is someone to share life experiences with. Someone to share ideas with. Someone to share life itself with - this is the best thing."
"I may make a stupid mistake. Or I may be worrying about something small. But I know I can tell my friend about it, and it will not make any difference to our friendship. She is always there for me."
So, can renting a friend for a short amount of time each week be like normal friendship? It may be possible. But some people would say that it reduces the worth of the person seeking the friendship. Surely everybody deserves to have a friend - they should not have to pay for one!
However, some people find it difficult to make friends. They may have lonely, loveless lives. One place that they may look for help is the Internet. Websites such as Facebook and hi5 offer friendship through the computer. Online messages, sharing pictures, discussing issues with people - these create links of friendship.
Andrew McCollum is one of the people who started Facebook. Andrew says that they did not create Facebook as a friendship-making website. He says that they started it as a way for existing friends to communicate online. They did not want to damage real face to face friendships. Instead, they wanted to improve them. Andrew McCollum describes Facebook like this:
"Facebook does nothing more than provide a service. It is a bit like a very big telephone book - but Facebook has different kinds of information - information that people add about themselves".
Many people do make new friends through the internet. But they may not have the chance to meet and spend time together. Humans are social beings - they need the company of other people! They always have. Listen to this:
"It is better to have a friend than to be all alone. When you work with a friend, you will get more enjoyment out of what you earn....and if you fall, your friend can help you up."
That advice comes from the Christian Bible. It is over two thousand years old.
Today, there are plenty of places where we can meet new friends- sports clubs, evening classes, at work, in a church - anywhere that people meet together. Making time in life to meet people with similar interests can be a good thing. It is not always easy to take the first step. But it may result in making friendships that will last a life-time!
-From Spotlight Radio Program3524
Sarai mistreated Hagar; so she fled from her. Genesis 16:6
Are you tired of waiting for God, of following his time schedule? Have you ever wanted to be in control now and ask for God’s blessing or forgiveness later? Most of us have. At times like that, we need to remember Sarai’s impatience and Abram’s compliance.
Sometime earlier, God had affirmed his promise to Abram and Sarai (Genesis 15). And yet in our reading for today they sideline God in their decision making. Sarai is impatient, and she has a plan. If Abram will treat her maidservant as a wife, Sarai believes she can build a family through Hagar. Abram agrees to the proposition, and the next thing we know Sarai’s plan is “working”—but it doesn’t work out so well.
Hagar becomes pregnant, and Sarai begins to suffer from comparison and competition. Hagar despises Sarai, and Sarai begins to mistreat Hagar. Eventually, Hagar becomes an outcast.
God has seen Sarai’s frustration, and he has seen Hagar’s despair. He redeems the misery of the moment, but Sarai’s plan will have bitter consequences. There will be hostility among brothers, and there will be division between the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac. At this moment, however, God protects life and hears the outcast mother’s cry. God has a way prepared for the future, and God will ensure that his will is done.
Father, forgive us for our impatience. Help us to submit our plans, dreams, and wills to your will. May we remember Jesus’ words: “Not my will, but yours be done.” Amen.
Are you tired of waiting for God, of following his time schedule? Have you ever wanted to be in control now and ask for God’s blessing or forgiveness later? Most of us have. At times like that, we need to remember Sarai’s impatience and Abram’s compliance.
Sometime earlier, God had affirmed his promise to Abram and Sarai (Genesis 15). And yet in our reading for today they sideline God in their decision making. Sarai is impatient, and she has a plan. If Abram will treat her maidservant as a wife, Sarai believes she can build a family through Hagar. Abram agrees to the proposition, and the next thing we know Sarai’s plan is “working”—but it doesn’t work out so well.
Hagar becomes pregnant, and Sarai begins to suffer from comparison and competition. Hagar despises Sarai, and Sarai begins to mistreat Hagar. Eventually, Hagar becomes an outcast.
God has seen Sarai’s frustration, and he has seen Hagar’s despair. He redeems the misery of the moment, but Sarai’s plan will have bitter consequences. There will be hostility among brothers, and there will be division between the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac. At this moment, however, God protects life and hears the outcast mother’s cry. God has a way prepared for the future, and God will ensure that his will is done.
Father, forgive us for our impatience. Help us to submit our plans, dreams, and wills to your will. May we remember Jesus’ words: “Not my will, but yours be done.” Amen.
Five Solas
These theologians say this Verbal Plenary Preservation is sola KJV, Sola KJV is consist of 5 solas:
* 1 Sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone")
* 2 Sola fide ("by faith alone")
* 3 Sola gratia ("by grace alone")
* 4 Solus Christus or Solo Christo ("Christ alone" or "through Christ alone")
* 5 Soli Deo gloria ("glory to God alone")
Without Verbal Plenary Preservation there is no Sola scriptura? No reformation in the 16 th century?
* 1 Sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone")
* 2 Sola fide ("by faith alone")
* 3 Sola gratia ("by grace alone")
* 4 Solus Christus or Solo Christo ("Christ alone" or "through Christ alone")
* 5 Soli Deo gloria ("glory to God alone")
Without Verbal Plenary Preservation there is no Sola scriptura? No reformation in the 16 th century?
Up to you!
A man told me this, the truth about money and full time workers,
If God called you to serve Him, He will responsible for your finance, and if God did not call you to serve Him, you are responsible for your own finance, it is up to you...!
If God have provided you a Bible, are you going to serve Him?
If God called you to serve Him, He will responsible for your finance, and if God did not call you to serve Him, you are responsible for your own finance, it is up to you...!
If God have provided you a Bible, are you going to serve Him?
You must pretend to see nothing about those iron colors faces, let them do what they want, you as a good man continue to work and walk up rightly, and because since they are lazy pirates, they will hate you, and the whole world come to know their race! They are famous for these pirates bravery, if they wanted to become terrorist, let them do it, and the whole world know it, if they wanted to become pirates, let them do it, and the whole come to know it, if they wanted to become murders, let them do it, let the whole world know them! See this man is your king, a murderer, and let the whole world know him, and he is famous because of wickedness! And then be ashame, there is the truth, we cannot do any thing against the truth!
You as a good man, so you do not follow them, follow people whom are walking up rightly, and the whole world will come to respect your race! Hard working, then the country will be come prosperous, there is no other way.
If your race is hardworking, the whole world will know it, they will respect you, and you be proud of it, if your race is lazy, gluttonous, liar, the whole world will know it, be ashame of it, until to the end of the world, your race has this bad name attached with, the bad name will not disappear from the surface of this earth, it is better for your race to have good name then pure gold!
I had seen the Sikh people among us, they are more hardworking than us the Chinese, they worked from morning to the evening, keeping cows sometimes, having estates, from generations, I am proud of them, they saved money little by little, even they are a minority in the country, they are our example in term of spirituality! They have simple food, and simple life....and a longer life on earth, and your see their sons and daughters, carrying their loads with joy! They are good men from generations!
I had some childhood friend like that, the Sikh young men, the Sikh people is a marvelous people that the Chinese must learned from, they are peaceful living with you! Go and find them out!
Good name is better than reaching the moon with shame!
You as a good man, so you do not follow them, follow people whom are walking up rightly, and the whole world will come to respect your race! Hard working, then the country will be come prosperous, there is no other way.
If your race is hardworking, the whole world will know it, they will respect you, and you be proud of it, if your race is lazy, gluttonous, liar, the whole world will know it, be ashame of it, until to the end of the world, your race has this bad name attached with, the bad name will not disappear from the surface of this earth, it is better for your race to have good name then pure gold!
I had seen the Sikh people among us, they are more hardworking than us the Chinese, they worked from morning to the evening, keeping cows sometimes, having estates, from generations, I am proud of them, they saved money little by little, even they are a minority in the country, they are our example in term of spirituality! They have simple food, and simple life....and a longer life on earth, and your see their sons and daughters, carrying their loads with joy! They are good men from generations!
I had some childhood friend like that, the Sikh young men, the Sikh people is a marvelous people that the Chinese must learned from, they are peaceful living with you! Go and find them out!
Good name is better than reaching the moon with shame!
Book Bussiness
The people in the end times, do not like to read books, they are too busy to read books, they like to listen to interesting sermon on Sunday, drinking coffee and tea when they are free, chit chatting at nights, driving big cars, living in big houses, pursuing careers, counting money, having secret sins, with wives, and murders and killings, and they have faces and teeth stronger than iron, and I see them like to have fun in attacking Christian brothers and sisters, and these are the Charismatics, those who have drums, the pride of speaking in tongue! This is so called revival in the end times....surely the end, the days are nearer, that judgment is coming to the Charismatics! And so we the fundamentalists!
Lust in the eyes, lust in the fresh.....and pride of this life are seen even in the Charismatic and fundamentalist. No one can escape the judgment, do not think we have the spiritual tongue, the gift, the spiritual gifts, the Bible, the KJV Bible and drums, we can escape the fire from heaven, except we repent, we perish!
The extreme fundamentalist came to ask us, what Bible versions are you using, and on the other hand, the Charismatic came to ask us another question, did you baptize in the spirit or not....and they fight over this and that, today, tomorrow, and yesterday. The fighting is the same!
Even the man who are sick with cancer, was induced by the theologian, provoked to fight for a pride before he die! What is the end of that man, he died in pride!
When you come to this east coast, you must pray for this east coast, for the people who are living in dangers, many had been killed not accidentally. I pray, may God lead us not into temptation, protect us from evil and harm.
The temptation, the evil and the harms are in the churches in this east coast! Please come and pray for us! The darkness had taken our east coast! Which east coast I am talking abut, it from Bedok until to the north into the North Siberia!
I have failed to pray, may God forgive me! Me too are too busy with my selfishness!
I am a man who had taken the sour grapes!
Lust in the eyes, lust in the fresh.....and pride of this life are seen even in the Charismatic and fundamentalist. No one can escape the judgment, do not think we have the spiritual tongue, the gift, the spiritual gifts, the Bible, the KJV Bible and drums, we can escape the fire from heaven, except we repent, we perish!
The extreme fundamentalist came to ask us, what Bible versions are you using, and on the other hand, the Charismatic came to ask us another question, did you baptize in the spirit or not....and they fight over this and that, today, tomorrow, and yesterday. The fighting is the same!
Even the man who are sick with cancer, was induced by the theologian, provoked to fight for a pride before he die! What is the end of that man, he died in pride!
When you come to this east coast, you must pray for this east coast, for the people who are living in dangers, many had been killed not accidentally. I pray, may God lead us not into temptation, protect us from evil and harm.
The temptation, the evil and the harms are in the churches in this east coast! Please come and pray for us! The darkness had taken our east coast! Which east coast I am talking abut, it from Bedok until to the north into the North Siberia!
I have failed to pray, may God forgive me! Me too are too busy with my selfishness!
I am a man who had taken the sour grapes!
2009 cc 的神学家
耶穌在世上的時候,並沒有用深奧的哲理來闡明真理,反而是使用生活中容易明白的比喻和故事把天國的奧秘啟迪出來。 所以请您作个讲明道理的神学家吧!
整本聖經的內容都是以基督為中心;「約」的內容也是以基督為中心。舊約時代所立的約,都是為引進新約;新約乃是舊約的成全。 请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理的神学家吧!
究竟要怎樣入今天會眾的語境去宣講上帝的話,而又不流于庸俗和不符合真理呢?這是每一位傳道者的掙扎。 这就是要请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理, 不分膚色,爱好和平的神学家吧!
神並沒有呼召我們在挫折感、罪惡感中事奉祂。祂要我們用喜樂、能力來自由地事奉祂。如果我們知道祂是如何呼召我們,而我們又能順服地回應祂的呼召,那麼,我們就必經歷自由、喜樂及能力。事奉耶穌,乃是一件喜樂的事。是絕對值得的。今日本人请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理, 不分膚色,爱好和平, 不乱解经的神学家吧!
當今是靈界大混亂的時代,邪靈常會假冒聖靈的工作使基督徒不能分辨。今天,每一位牧師、傳道、長執及平信徒必須正確的認識「聖靈」。应传合乎聖經及神學的教導,也包括衛道、解經與佈道,使讀者能獲得多面性的真理。请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理, 不分膚色,爱好和平,不乱解经, 圣灵充满的神学家吧!
「信心」這個主題貫穿於馬丁路德所有的著作中。他深愛神,也希望人們都相信基督,並且在信仰上成長。他極力宣揚因信稱義的道理,並且努力維護這個教義。而「為靠信心」這個思想,就在《信心日引》中表露無遺。请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理,不分膚色,爱好和平, 不乱解经, 圣灵充满, 满有信心的神学家吧!
神學教導应以實踐為出發點,讓一般信徒能把聖經中的教導應用在日常生活中。请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理,不分膚色,爱好和平, 不乱解经, 圣灵充满, 满有信心,满有爱心的神学家吧!
在牧会时,请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理,不分膚色,爱好和平, 不乱解经, 圣灵充满, 满有信心,满有爱心, 满有盼望的神学家吧!
放弃 VPP 的纷争吧,安份守己,成为世上的光,世上的盐,打那更美好的争战,为基督而作神学家。
整本聖經的內容都是以基督為中心;「約」的內容也是以基督為中心。舊約時代所立的約,都是為引進新約;新約乃是舊約的成全。 请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理的神学家吧!
究竟要怎樣入今天會眾的語境去宣講上帝的話,而又不流于庸俗和不符合真理呢?這是每一位傳道者的掙扎。 这就是要请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理, 不分膚色,爱好和平的神学家吧!
神並沒有呼召我們在挫折感、罪惡感中事奉祂。祂要我們用喜樂、能力來自由地事奉祂。如果我們知道祂是如何呼召我們,而我們又能順服地回應祂的呼召,那麼,我們就必經歷自由、喜樂及能力。事奉耶穌,乃是一件喜樂的事。是絕對值得的。今日本人请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理, 不分膚色,爱好和平, 不乱解经的神学家吧!
當今是靈界大混亂的時代,邪靈常會假冒聖靈的工作使基督徒不能分辨。今天,每一位牧師、傳道、長執及平信徒必須正確的認識「聖靈」。应传合乎聖經及神學的教導,也包括衛道、解經與佈道,使讀者能獲得多面性的真理。请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理, 不分膚色,爱好和平,不乱解经, 圣灵充满的神学家吧!
「信心」這個主題貫穿於馬丁路德所有的著作中。他深愛神,也希望人們都相信基督,並且在信仰上成長。他極力宣揚因信稱義的道理,並且努力維護這個教義。而「為靠信心」這個思想,就在《信心日引》中表露無遺。请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理,不分膚色,爱好和平, 不乱解经, 圣灵充满, 满有信心的神学家吧!
神學教導应以實踐為出發點,讓一般信徒能把聖經中的教導應用在日常生活中。请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理,不分膚色,爱好和平, 不乱解经, 圣灵充满, 满有信心,满有爱心的神学家吧!
在牧会时,请您作个讲明耶稣基督,简化道理,不分膚色,爱好和平, 不乱解经, 圣灵充满, 满有信心,满有爱心, 满有盼望的神学家吧!
放弃 VPP 的纷争吧,安份守己,成为世上的光,世上的盐,打那更美好的争战,为基督而作神学家。
Pray in the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 6:18
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Pray in the Holy Spirit! With this in mind....all kinds of prayers and requests....!
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Pray in the Holy Spirit! With this in mind....all kinds of prayers and requests....!
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Spiritual matters require spiritual discernment
An unbeliever lawyer (or any secular authority) should never decide doctrinal issues in the church. Spiritual matters require spiritual disc...