Many of these so called scholars, theologians, and pastors, taught their followers, that a Christian cannot be devoured by the devil! Is it true?
Do not say the roaring lion cannot devour a Christian! I am foolish to say this! St Peter said the devil is seeking whom he may devour, St Peter was mentioning this to the Christians, he was talking to us Christian may be devoured by the lions.
Do not be proud of your VPP, KJV perfect Bible, or whatever things like tongues speaking, spiritual gifts, .....if you do not read the Bible, and use it daily, you and me are in danger! Do not say we are perfectly unharmed, we are living in a harmless world.
1 John 4:4
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Here we have the assurance to overcome the evil one, we have the Holy Spirit in us. We need the Bible, and we need to pray! Do not overlooked the lion! He is not a cub, not a kitten to us! Principalities in the sky over us!
But there are dangers, in which, we are getting hurts phisically, wounded spiritually, and depressed mentally, invaded, heart broken, down heart....hears and scared...like Elijah running away from a queen!
Even Jesus Christ tasted depression and agony on the cross He cried, "My God, My God, why has you forsaken me!"
1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
You say we have a 100% perfect Bible, no hurt and harm living on earth, you are careless to say this! Look again here in the Bible. What does the Bible says about this devour again! These devour are taking task on Christian brotherhood.
Galatians 5:15
But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
Man, we some time, bite one another like biting Kentucky Fried Chicken, hot and spicy chicken meat! Man o Man, we some time, devour one another like eating chicken wings, man o man, we some time, consumed one another! Like consuming some rubbishes in backyard fire.
Still some of us, say the lion has no teeth, the lion just can roar at night, and it cannot devour a Christian! It cannot hurt us, we are saved! We better think twice, before we are so careless to say this! We better think again, before we begin to bite, to devour, to consume, within the churches circle because of theological differences!
And we put on a stage like this Verbal Plenary Preservation of the Bible, in order, we may create more unrest in churches! This is like a devour from the lion! Man we some time like that old lion! Sad to say this, I am also like a young lion.
May the Holy Spirit come and change us like a dove!
Look at that picture, you say the lions have no teeth! You say again!
In the Name of Jesus Christ, we have the victory!
In the Name of Jesus Christ! Amen!