
I have divided the writings into many blogs......

To confuse the false teachers, and to avoid attacks from my enemies, i have put my words into so many blogs, and there are my manuscripts in so many blogs with so many different web addresses. Those blog contents are more or less the same.

Give you an example:

Please look at the year 2009, i had written 429 postings. That 429 posting is my fingerprint in all the different blogs.



I like to close one blog, then open another blog. Before i close a blog, i will remove all the old postings into a new blog with a new address. That is the reason there are so many blogs under my writing, but i usually put my fingerprint here and there inside my blogs. So many different versions of manuscripts. But the message is the same, to refute those false teachers in FEBC and BPC in Singapore.

Also created many facebook account with different name and faces to introduce my blog.

At least 50000-page view in total in all those blogs few years ago.....i continue to write until today, over 1000 postings in one blog.

I love BPC and that is why i rebuke! If not i will not have spent so much time writing these blogs.

Remember Charles Seet from Life Bible Presbyterian Church, he has done great evil unto BPC, be sure he will not be spared from coming punishment.

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