
The Jehovah Witnesses

The Jehovah Witnesses are living near us, as the neighbours, they are attacking us more easily! May the Lord repay them for what they had done unto us!

One day, I met a Christian brother, he told me that the Jehovah Witnesses are very strong in the Bible Study, they can find the Bible verses he mentioned in a few seconds, they are very fast in searching the Bible verses he wanted,so he was amazed and proud of mentioning the Jehovah Witnesses.

Do the Jehovah Witnesses know the Bible well? Can't they understand the Bible?

Yes, they can read the Bible! They can search the Bible, but they cannot understand the New Testament, they cannot see that the Name of God in Old Testament is Jehovah or Yahweh. But in the time of New Testament, St. Peter, John, Paul and James, these Jews had called name of the God in another different way, the Name is The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)

The Jehovah Witnesses cannot understand this new way in addressing God's Name, they insist that the Name is Jehovah. They just do not want to take serious about this verse, Matthew 28:19! They do not wanted to be serious about the New Testament! They do not believe Jesus is God, they do not want to believe Holy Spirit is God, that is why they are different from us, but still they called themselves as Christian, they are confusing!

One day one of the Jehovah Witnesses came to talk to me, she said, "We better don't quarrel over this and that, the most important thing is weather we receive the salvation or not."

She is so proud of her belief. She made a point here, I have to ask myself, "Am I saved?" And I better ask you, the theologians this question, "Are they the Jehovah Witnesses saved? How about you?"

Written by a perverted Jehovah Witness, repented from Jehovah witness..because I was a Jehovah Witness before I received Christ!

The Bible Presbyterian Churches

I knew how the Bible Presbyterian Churches (BPC) are under the sieges from the enemies of Christ. Many BPC are faithfully preaching the one time old gospel, calling men to repent from sin and lived onto God. They are fighting for the one time preached Gospel for all mankind, salvation in believing the Lord Jesus! And they had survived many ups and downs in serving the Lord.

The enemies do not like the Bible Presbyterian! They wanted to destroy them. The story belows are as far as I concerned is a truth, nothing but the truth I am telling you. Because the enemies work in a plan and device, and they have traces in attacking the BPC.

One day a few presbyters, elders, Jehovah Witnesses, with the helps from unbelievers, politicians, businessmen, even some from BPC themselves came to agreement for a conspiracy, to destroy the BPC, and they had thought out a way to trap the BPC. They had made a place called "The widow maker" in Bible Presbyterian Church! Many preachers from BPC came to the "the widow maker" and there they hurl the attack on them one by one until they fallen in trays.

Many full time workers in BPC were hurt spiritually and mentally even physically, they are under the siege from these enemies within and without internationally and locally.

The Verbal Plenary Preservation is not the biggest problem to BPC, the common enemy for BPC is coming from without the Christianity, the Jehovah Witness and their friends, the unbelievers, the secular men and women, they forgot that, that is why they are fighting among themselves, no, they must not do that another day, they must united once again to preach the old time Gospel, and there is a cost in following Christ! God do not forgot their hard labours in BPC, surely God have preserved His men and women in BPC!

Arise, men and women in BPC, sound your trumpet! Unite under the banner of Christ, the King of kings. Stand still, until the sun stands still, and make wars until to the end.

Unite the sons and daughters of God in BPC! Do not split over minor issues!

Remember the day Christ had been nailed between the thieves! From there God forgives us!

written by a pervert?


The mode of Baptism

I hope this is an offend to you, this is only a joke, please do not take this seriously, this is the way some of us gone through, theological debates, and we have win, win situation, that sprinkling and immersion are accepted in Christianity.

One day a Presbyterian old pastor said, less water more faith, more water less faith, he was talking about the mode of baptism.

This is only a joke again, this is a man made story, a Presbyterian pastor asked the baptist pastor, "If the river is very shallow, the water reach only the toe, can this be a baptism"

The baptist pastor said, "No"

The Presbyterian pastor asked again, "If the water only reached knee level, and so the man immersed the knee into the water, is this a baptism?"

baptist pastor, "No."

And the Presbyterian pastor asked the baptist pastor again, if the water reach until waist level, only the waist level immersed into water, can we call this a baptism?"

The baptist pastor, says, "No."

And so the Presbyterian pastor asked the baptist pastor, again, if the water level reached until the chest level, and the man only immersed until the chest, the rest not immersed into water, can this be called a baptism?"

The baptist pastor, says "No!"

The Presbyterian pastor asked again, "what about if he immersed only reached until neck level, the water only reached the neck, can this be called a baptism?"

The baptist pastor, says, "No."

The Presbyterian pastor, asked again, "what if the water reached the nose level, immersed until nose, the head is not yet immerse, can this be called a baptism?"

The baptist pastor says, "No."

The Presbyterian pastor asked him again, "what if the water reached the forehead level, immersed until only the forehead, the top of the head not yet cover with water, can this considered a baptism?"

The baptist pastor says, "No."

The Presbyterian pastor asked him, "Then to what level, does a immersion be called a baptism?"

The baptist pastor, says, "The water must reached the top of the head, the water must immersed the head top."

The Presbyterian pastor, says gladly to the baptist pastor, "Aha, I see, the top of the head is the most important part, that is why, I use a little water for sprinkling the head to baptize the man, less water more faith, the water wet the whole head top, that is enough, and this can be called a baptism! No need to immersed a man totally into the water! So the mode of sprinkle is more biblical and practical than immersion!"

The baptist pastor disagreed with the Presbyterian pastor in sprinkling the man, so the baptist pastor, asked the Presbyterian pastor some questions back.

The baptist pastor asked, "what if you go for a shower, what if the water only washed your toes, can it be called a shower?"

The Presbyterian pastor replied, "No."

The baptist pastor asked him again, "what if you only wash your body until the knee cap, and you did not wash the other part, can it be called a shower?"

The presbyterian pastor says, "No."

The baptist pastor asked him again, "what if you only wash your body until the waist level, and you did not wash the other part of your body, can it be called a shower?"

The Presbyterian pastor says, "No."

The baptist pastor asked him again, "what if you only wash your body until the chest from the toe, can it be called a shower?"

The Presbyterian pastor says, "No."

The baptist pastor asked him again, "what if you only wash your body from toe until the neck, can it be called a shower?"

The Presbyterian pastor, says, "No, the shower is not completed."

The baptist pastor asked the the Presbyterian pastor again, "what if you only wash your body until the nose level, can it be called a shower."

The Presbyterian pastor, says, "No, the shower is still not completed, even we wash from the toe until the nose level."

The baptist pastor asked him again, "What if he washed until the forehead level, can this be called a shower?"

the Presbyterian pastor says, "No, this is not a shower, even thought he washed the toe until the forehead. It is not complete!"

The baptist pastor asked him again, this time he is quite happy with the answered he received, "WHAT IF HE ONLY WASH HIS HEAD TOP WITH WATER, CAN WE CALLED THIS AS A SHOWER?"

The presbyterian pastor says, "No!???"

Lastly the baptist pastor asked him, "what if he use the water to washed the whole body, from the toes until the top of the head, is this is a shower?"

The Presbyterian pastor says, "Yes, now this is called a shower, because he washed his body completely."

The baptist pastor says to the Presbyterian pastor, "You are right in saying that, that is why you need to wash your whole body, you must not only sprinkle the head! You must use much more water to wash the body, until the whole body is washed, this is proven, the man must immersed into water totally!"

TECHNICALLY, The writer in this case agreed with the baptist to immerse the man into the water wholly so that the baptism is completed, more water is needed in the baptism, more water is more faith, and it is also biblical, I put this in term of technically, but it is not compulsory! Not compulsory, why, let me write down this part of debate and then you see the second part. This is only for you to think when we are in debate.

One day Jesus washed his disciples, he said, those who had taken the shower or bath do not need to washed the whole body, only he had to wash the feet, because the feet are unclean, after a day walking on the street. Jesus proposed to us to washed the whole body in the bath! What about the baptism?

John 13:10,
Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you." 11 For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.

The Lord said a bath, mean a man whole body is cleansed with water.

Can we compared an immersion with a shower? Quite hard for the Presbyterian pastor to accept the out come of their discourse and debate. Maybe you will not agreed with me in comparing baptism with a shower, you may argue with me that is wrong! This is only technically an argument!

But I tell you the truth, Paul compared our baptism with burial service! Romans 6:4, Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

We are buried with him by baptism....How to buried a man? Are we going to bury a man, what kind of burial, until the toe level? Bury a man to the knee level, is this a burial? No. What if the soil cover until the waist level, is this a burial? No! What if the soil cover the body until the chest level, can we call this a burial, no! Then what if cover the body until the neck level? Nose level? Forehead level? No, the burial is not complete! So what is a burial, a burial means all part of the body is put under ground!

"This is accomplished by excavating a pit or trench, placing an object in it, and covering it over." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burial)

Technically speaking the baptist has their say! But as I told you in the beginning, this is a kind of debate easily be found in seminary, where we do not take this seriously in the church now a day, we treat this kind of debate lightly. We accept immersion and sprinkling, both as the correct mode of baptism.

What matter most is, the man is truly saved or not? Does he believes Christ as personal Savior or not?

I think, you better forget what I wrote here.


I see the more the split the more murderers we created on the earth.


Historic Bible pages put online
A fragment of the manuscript
There are new opportunities for scholars, experts say

About 800 pages of the earliest surviving Christian Bible have been recovered and put on the internet.

Visitors to the website www.codexsinaiticus.org can now see images of more than half of the 1,600-year-old Codex Sinaiticus manuscript.

Fragments of the 4th Century document - written in Greek on parchment leaves - have been worked on by institutions in the UK, Germany, Egypt and Russia.

Experts say it is "a window into the development of early Christianity".

Preservation secrets

Dr Scot McKendrick, head of Western manuscripts at the British Library, said the wide availability of the document presented many research opportunities.

"The Codex Sinaiticus is one of the world's greatest written treasures," he said.

This 1,600-year-old manuscript offers a window into the development of early Christianity
Dr Scot McKendrick
British Library

What's missing from the Codex Sinaiticus?

"This 1,600-year-old manuscript offers a window into the development of early Christianity and first-hand evidence of how the text of the Bible was transmitted from generation to generation.

"The availability of the virtual manuscript for study by scholars around the world creates opportunities for collaborative research that would not have been possible just a few years ago."

The original version contained about 1,460 pages - each measuring 40cm by 35cm, he added.

To British Library is marking the online launch of the manuscript with an exhibition - which includes a range of historic items and artefacts linked to the document.

For 1,500 years, the Codex Sinaiticus lay undisturbed in a Sinai monastery, until it was found in 1844 and split between Egypt, Russia, Germany and Britain.

It is thought to have survived because the desert air was ideal for preservation and because the monastery, on a Christian island in a Muslim sea, remained untouched, its walls unconquered.

The institutions' pain-staking work can now be seen at www.codexsinaiticus.org.


Wind of doctrine

Ephesians 4:14

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

A bigger confrontation

Compared with exorcise, a false teaching is more complicated to dealed with.

It takes longer time, longer and bigger confrontation, bigger effort needed, more people needed. Because the wrong doctrine reside in man's spirit, mind and soul. And controll their heart, and then his soul and spirit. Hidden deeply in a man!

Hebrews 4:12, For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Now for expel a wrong doctrine, the church spent days and nights with tears, until they love is gone, love wax cold, Matthew 24:12, And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. And people fellen apart, and they withdraw from fellowship, man and women divorce.

The church was in shock and trauma, the church in side needed time to recover, but the enemy is still living between. Where we can find helps when we are alone? Some with broken arms, and broken legs, the body of Christ, hurts in figthing for a way out.

Come back to the Lord, we are the prodigal sons, come home, He is waiting for us. I am writing like a child again, do not follow me because I am lost? I need to go to the Lord, go to Him!

Hebrews 4:16
Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Are we becoming better in the end? This is what I want you think about! My Lord, let us become better! When I need love, You are there for me, thank You.

Brother hang on!

An exorcise

Exorcise is needed!

Let me tell you an exorcise I came across, the victim was a Chinese young child, she was very thin and weak when I first met her. Very quite, speechless, but at another she run into troubles, crying and shouting without any reason!

People had a hard time in looking after her, and she has tremendeous strength in fightings, sometimes she pulled her hairs with a kind of strange depressed look.

I find there are some spiritual disturbances from her body. I prayed for her for someimes. Until one day I asked God to reveal to me, what went wrong with her. After that, the signals from the evil spirit become stronger and easier to notice. Then one day I asked her to come to stand in front of me, I wanted to speak to her, that moment, there is a pulse in my heart, eage me to pray for her, so I close my eyes to pray for her, that moment, when I was praying, the evil spirit show itself, or I see in my spirit, with my eyes closed.

The spirit which stayed in this small body was actually a giant, taller than all the human in this earth this moment, the head reached until the ceilling, with that instance cause me to react, I commanded the spirit to leave the child in the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen. I commanded it, a few times, with much more determinations, with much stress, much inner strength, I commanded that tall creature to leave at once from this poor child. The spirit disappeared from my spirit sight. This went normal, the atmosphere became better, I was in a shock and chilling stage for a few days, take time to go over this exorcise.

I felt that one exorcise is very much the most heavry job for a man, never go to confront the spirit unless you are forced to, you must read the Bible, carry your soul in the higher plain in the Bible, Psalm 23! Pay much attention in meditation, in Bible readings.

That incident nearly take one year for me to recover fully from the impact of confronting a spirit in that small girl. I am weak in spiritual reality. The Bible is our spiritual sword, after that with many Bible readings, then my conditon become better! What a force we need to pray!

From that day onward, her condition improved, she becomes cheerful, talkative, happier. I am satisfied in praying for her. Look at one's eye, they can tells you a thousand stories in their eyes!

Lord, strengthen me, for another prayer, without prayer we are self defeating.

The simple truth

In the Old Testament, the Name we called our God is: Jehovah or Jahweh.

In the New Testament, the Name we called our God is: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Learn from the Charismatics!

We must learn from the Charismatics brothers in term of worship, in term of praises, there are so many things we can learn from them! Why we must stop ourselves from them?

Why we pretent to be a separatist, when Paul said forbid not to speaks in tongues? Esteem the Charismatics brother over us!

Classical song has the place in the church for meditation, for alter calling.

But there is empty space for the contemporay songs, they are for praises!

Do you love your brothers in Christ who are speaking in tongues, why you hated them? Did they done anything wrong?

I Learn even from my enemies! I am a student!

The Bible says: forbid not to speak in tongues

The Charismatic received the gift of speaking in tongue some 100 years ago. Even earlier!

Do not forbid the Church to speak in tongue, tongue has not ceased, if you believe the Bible, the Bible has these verses,

1 Corinthians 12:28, "And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues."

1 Corinthians 14:22
"Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe."

1 Corinthians 14:39
"Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues."

I make another restatement here! Paul says:

1.Tongues are for a sign,
2.Forbid not to speak with tongues,

Restatement :This prove that Paul meant we must not forbid the working of sign, sign has not cease, we must not stop that sign!

Forbid not tongue, means forbid not a sign, because tongues are for a sign! How can one say sign is stopped by the perfection of the Canon! Who says that if the perfection of the Canon of the Bible, means the sign is stopped.

Paul continue to stressed one thing:

1 Corinthians 1:12, "What I mean is this: One of you says, "I follow Paul"; another, "I follow Apollos"; another, "I follow Cephas "; still another, "I follow Christ."

1 Corinthians 3:4
For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?

Even thought the Corinthians had these trend of following man, they had divisions among themselve, but Paul says in the end, sum up his conclusions, remembers well, forbid not to speak with tongues.

Is tongues speaking not biblical?

Harden not your hearts!


Because Christianity has so many problems to solve and time is running out for us. We have no much time to critique other religions. We Christian better take care of our own problems, in seeking reunion after many years of split and differences.

This is a plea for perfect unity in Christ.

The Cross paid the price and cost for all the split.
The nails nailed Him, so that put our Christianity together in one whole piece.
The blood shed for the sake of washing away the sinful old man.
The tears run down from His cheek, because He saw us split.
The heart was truced by the spear, and blood and water came down, to testify that He truly loved us.
The King of kings sacrificed for his servants and sheeps, but the servants and sheeps keep on fighting among themselves singing hallelujah, and three hold amens!

Matthew 23:37

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.

Jeffrey Khoo, Quek Suan Yew, Prabudass Koshy's "Hyper-Text" movement

This new “Hyper-Text” movement is promoting “Perfect TR” and “KJV-only”—promoting extreme textual fundamentalism with a rigid adherence to t...