
The destination of some Bible-Presbyterian Churches is written on the wall

It implies that the ultimate goal or purpose of some Bible Presbyterian (BP) churches is clear and obvious. The church's mission is clearly obvious, as if it were inscribed on a wall for all to see.

Some BP churches have a well-defined mission. These churches appointed young pastors to become militants or spiritual fighters in order to combat Christians who are not Calvinists, do not use the KJV exclusively, are Charismatics, or disagree with them.

Their objectives are freely disclosed to both members and the community. Members and church workers must obey their leaders; if they do not, they may be kicked out of their BP churches and left to die.

 They believe their church's purpose is straight from God and thus indisputable. No members are permitted to question leaders; they are apostles in BP congregations, hence they hold authority. You don't, so you must shut up.

In essence, the statement stresses the idea that BPC churches maintain a clear and unshakable focus on their mission. To fight those who differ from them.

These Bible Presbyterian Churches' fate is written on the wall; they will fail successfully.

They do not know God because they do not understand that God is love; thus, they do not know how to love others!

I am still praying until today so that these BP ministers will repent, look at those writings on the wall. Your days are numbered. Soon, your young preachers and pastors will leave you one by one.

Paul charged us not to quarrel about words, Greek words, Hebrew words English nor Mandarin words

2 Timothy 2:14

Remind them of these things, and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers.

2 Timothy 2:24

And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil,

It is not our place to argue about words—Greek, Hebrew, English, Mandarin.

we should focus on the underlying meaning or message rather than getting caught up in the specific language or terminology used.

The content of a message is more significant than the language used to convey it. Disagreements about the exact wording or translation can be counterproductive and distract from the core message.

This principle is often applied in religious, philosophical, and academic contexts where understanding the underlying concepts is crucial. It also has relevance in everyday life, encouraging open-mindedness and effective communication.

Pastoral Chat

How do you interpret the Bible? How can I tell an interpretation is the only correct interpretation and other interpretations are wrong? Give examples.

Interpreting the Bible is a complex task that has engaged scholars and theologians for centuries. There's no single, universally agreed-upon method, and it often involves a combination of factors.

Human interpretation is inherently subjective, influenced by personal experiences, cultural background, and theological beliefs. Some passages can have multiple valid interpretations, depending on the context and the reader's perspective. We often lack complete information about the original historical and cultural context. Different translations can convey slightly different meanings.

While it's important to strive for accuracy in interpretation, it's equally important to recognize the limitations of human understanding.

Rather than focusing on finding the "only correct" interpretation, it's often more fruitful to engage in respectful dialogue with those who hold different views. This approach can lead to a deeper understanding of the Bible and foster unity within the Christian community.


Applying God’s Word Today

Many statements in Scripture indicate that the Bible is given to us for more than satisfying our curiosity about what God is like, what He h...