
Persecute thou thy brethren?

You are like the Jewish leaders who persecuted the Jews who believed in Jesus, they killed Stephen by stoning, they were the terrorists with uncircumcised hearts. They killed Jewish Christians after Jesus' resurrection. Jewish Christians escaped, run away, and scattered. 

You persecuted the brethren who believed in Jesus Christ, how can you ignore all these evil doing. You are like those Jewish leaders. Cruel, in you, have no love of God. You are selfish and arrogant, you taught your student to be arrogant like you.

You preached on that pulpit, calling people to return to the first love of God, you are actually putting your foot into your mouth! What do you love? You love the KJV, not God, and you treat people who are reading the NIV like dirt and shit. You curse, you split family and church, you love the perfect Greek bible over the Body of God and God! What do you love, you love yourself over others, you see yourself better than others, you thought you had the Scripture, you decide KJV is the word of God, and you decide NIV is not the word of God, you see yourself as God, deciding which is God's word, which is not, you are proud, you said you have the perfect Bible, others do not have the perfect Bible, you are more spiritual, from this, I call unto you, repent. You look down on others. This is spiritual pride. You have stumbled many people, at this, you will be judged, and this is righteous judgment.

You share messages of unity on your pulpit. But after you came down from the pulpits. You start to bully your elders and deacons, you start to curse your members, you start to call fire from the heavens.

Great sorrow you brought to the church of Christ, in this I cried to the Father in heaven. To spare you from all these wrongdoings. But you do not listen to me, rather you want me to listen to your wrong teachings. You want me to become a teachable disciple following you, but I refused, so this war continues. Until justice is done, may God's will be done unto you, may God's mercy be upon you.

Even if you call me a thousand times, to follow you, I will not listen and obey you, because you are a false teacher. Therefore, in this, I continue my writing to bear witness of your wrongdoing, that you will be punished for all you have done to the church and in the body of God.

Don't you know you are the temple of God? If you speak with the tongues of an angel, without love you are nothing. But you speak like a child, you are childish! You say God's word only can be found in KJV. You are so sure and you judge people with this. Is your judgment, righteous? 

Love never fails. The greatest is love.

You are the ambassador for God, be reconciled to one another. Let go of all those personal views about the scriptures, let I declare unto you that Jesus is Christ, He is coming soon, fear Him, He is not far from every one of us. May I repent from writing the wrong things about you, I hope I am wrong about you, I wish you grow and stay in peace. You are united, stronger than me, see how long and how long did I write in this blog. To remind you of the love of Christ unto all of us, for He has died for us and suffered for us.

You are the workmanship of God, you are Gentile from the beginning, without Christ, but now you have Christ, He is our peace.

You are a fellow citizen of God, build on the foundation of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. I beseech you, walk graciously with your brethren in Christ in Bible Presbyterian Church on earth.

One God, we believe. We are given the grace to know the tri-unity God, the Triune God. He may fill you with the Holy Spirit. So that you may edify the Body of Christ, to know the fulness of Christ. Pursue unity among us, becoming like the Triune God, united.

Do not be children, but speak the truth in love. Walk by faith, not sight. Stop quarreling about Bible versions, for it does not build up those who listen to your quarrels.

Slow to speak, slow to wrath. Therefore, live in meekness, be ye doer of the Word. Be not many masters. Your tongue has boasted many great things. The fire of hell in our tongues! Boasting our perfect Bible underlying the KJV!

In the last days, there will be a dangerous time, people are not thankful for what they have, they pursue the perfect Bible. But you rather take up the Sword of the Spirit, let the Spirit speak to you, preach the Word in every season, in all things, endure.

Keep the faith.


I have to explain again

The original text from the hands of the Apostles is perfect without error, this is the faithful one. This is the perfect Bible, I believe IN THIS PERFECT BIBLE.

After the first century, the copies in various manuscripts are not perfect, not 100% faithful. 

I believe and this is my personal view, I do not impose this on anyone. That our God has kept pure in all ages, His Words within all these manuscripts, HIS PERFECT BIBLE IS waiting to be discovered in the future. 

After the first century, since those various manuscripts are not perfect, not 100% faithful to the original text, the underlying Greek texts are not perfect, and so the KJV is not perfect, not 100% faithful.

After that, the NIV is not perfect, not 100% faithful.

We as believers, we are to read the KJV and NIV.....ESV. And my view may be new to some, but this is not strange!

We are called to be a Berean!

Acts 17:11 -- "...they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so."

Examining is from anakrinō, a word sometimes used of a judicial investigation. The noble Bereans carefully sifted the evidence and concluded that the gospel Paul proclaimed was the truth that fulfilled Old Testament promise.

As a conclusion:

The Holy Spirit speaks to us even today in between the KJV, NIV, ESV....Only the true believer understands the Word of God and they know where is the Word of God is, all the believers are inspired by reading the Bible. 

That is why, we do not fight over Bible Versions, because they are not perfect! 

The best Bible version is the Bible version you and I read daily.

Choose one Bible, and read it every day.

Let the Holy Spirit speak to us daily.


Applying God’s Word Today

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