
The World will be ended!

The end of the world, is the ending of this mankind and generation, when we see Lord Messiah is coming in the sky.

And there are some do not believe in the end of this world, they say we are silly, scaring people offshore!

I am not make up a story here! We must fight that insurgent in the mountains with mission - "search and destroy!"

This is the way, the terrorists had done onto my family! I will not retaliate on to them, let my God be my captain! Let Him come and make a war for us! How many people must be killed to protect that corrupter!

The days for the terrorists in the Afghan is not long, search and destroy, go with fire from above, and let the people flee from the mountains and hills, and that rat will run for food, and that evil man will be captured and be killed! And the world will rejoice for his killing, because he is the terrorist!

In the spirit I see, smoke come out from the mountain, and I see that man is running for life! he is in fear! Search him now! With eyes from above! And you will see green pasture, it is where he will hide! Take him alive, but kill him if he is attacking you!

I do not know what is this, may be this in the game, "counter strike" in the end time!


From the sky

There will be fire works from the sky, a special message to us from the sky!

Like a movie in the sky above! I am losing my mind again?

To turn over our enemy! Sing aloud the Psalm 7!

And the enemies of Christ are united for the last war!

May God arise for us, for our enemies are so many, more than our hair!

May God bless them!

Amen, Amen, Amen.

The fire works were so great that even the sky will become like a scroll?

And let angels come and search us!

Surely the murderers are liars!

Corrupter are swindlers!

Who is racists, let others tell this to us, who is racist, let other tell us, not we to tell others!

Go ahead with what you intent to do, but there is judgment from God!


Without the Bible the Bible college will die!

One day some one asked me about starting a Bible College in the country, I replied, it is not so easy as you think!

I went back home, these is a few things i thought:

Firstly, the thing is, we have to decide, what is the purpose for a Bible College to be set up?

Training the servants or Bosses?

Secondly, what Bible Versions are going to be used in that Bible college, so that there will be no quarrel for the Bible versions in the future, KJV or CUV, NIV or NKJV? If a Bible College do not know how to choose a faithful Bible Version, it is better for them, not to start a Bible College at all!

Know how! Do not just quarrel! Fight!

Thirdly, asking the students in the Bible College, what kind of certificate they want from the Bible College, what kind of degree, why they want a piece of paper like that? Spiritual life is more important than this certificate!

I think it is enough for us, as a nominal Christian, to avoid such a quarrelsome Bible College, if they the lectures, do not know how to choose, even in choosing the Bible Versions! If they keep on fighting among them for Bible Versions, suing each other for minor issue like Verbal Plenary Preservation, it is better so that we stay away from this kind of Bible College!

If We are training servants, then do not aspect all of them to be successful, and not all of them will become scholars, and do not called any one as a theologian without testings! What a shame to do that!

Without the Bible like Chinese Union Version and NKJV for the Chinese Christian and young believers, the Bible College will die.


Harsh and rough Words

When you are reading this blog, you will find, these words are harsh, rough! Without proper manners in vocab and grammer! My syntax is Chinese syntax!

But my intention is royal, i am royal to CUV! Because CUV is easy to understand, the meaning is most of the time, straight forward, the meaning of the gospel is well kept in CUV!

CUV needs only a concordance, a good commentary and a chair with a cup of tea, you may find this CUV easy to read, bringing the Good News to us the Chinese. The Holy Spirit speak to us through the CUV!

We ordinary Chinese do not border much about the underlying Greek and Hebrew Texts, we believe CUV served the Chinese well enough, and it had improved, and had been improved in other translations, that does not means we believe CUV is perfect in grammer, syntax, translation, we believe the wording is capable to be improved, that is why we must read the Bible with humbleness!

We believe our CUV Bible is from God, it will not return to God, without effect on mankind!

Do not put extra burden to the Chinese Christians, if you do that it is a stumbling blocks to the Chinese churches, and then it is a wall between us, VPP is breaking the unity!

I dare not to say I am at the Lord's side.

I dare to say for the time being, I am at the CUV side! Even KJV and NKJV.

Let God speak to us, and The Holy Spirit may illuminates us, when we are worshiping Him, when we wait on to the Holy Spirit, and He will become our spiritual teacher!

The Holy Spirit is a Spirit, God, but He is gentle enough, for us to push aside, without our respect!

The Holy Spirit is a Spirit, God, but He is silently living with us, and leading us toward that truth, it is not very far away from us, it is in our mouth and heart!

The Holy Spirit is our God, Whom we can say, God is with us, Immanuel!

The Holy Spirit is our unseen God!

The Bible is from the Holy Spirit, and in the Hands of the Holy Spirit, take and read, take and read with our humble hearts, cry to Him, so that you may be able to learn, and able to understand!

Stop fighting over the "a few missing Words!"

Take up and read...that Bible CUV, KJV, NKJV, with humbleness!

Let the words hide in us, the temple of God, and body of Christ! So that we may not sin against the Lord!

And built up our faith, in Bible reading and with prayers and supplications. Sing the hymns, and praise the Lord with all our hearts.

Man without quarrels, with clean hands, arise, for the time is short!

God never forget the CUV!


By Iain H. Murray

It was a day of grace for Europe when Martin Luther was born at Eisleben, in Germany, in 1483. Entering first the University of Erfurt in 1501, then an Augustinian monastery, Luther was ordained in the Church of Rome in 1507. But the death of a friend in a thunderstorm, a visit to Rome-revealing its corruption-and an increasing sense of his sinfulness, arrested Luther's promising career. Made aware of the emptiness of all human wisdom, its inability to give peace to the soul, he was drawn to study the Word of God. So great was his anguish of soul that sometimes he would lay "three days and three nights upon his bed without meat, drink, or any sleep, like a dead man." In this condition, he learnt to read each verse in the Bible like a drowning man would clutch at any piece of wood to save his life, and thus sometime between the years 1513-1517 he found that man can be justified by faith in Christ alone, and that in salvation God takes no account of man's works, merit, or will. "This doctrine," Luther writes, "is not learned or gotten by any study, diligence, or wisdom of man, but it is revealed by God Himself." Henceforth he stood upon the Word of God alone, it was his storehouse from whence he drew those truths which, in his writings, flashed like thunderbolts through Europe. In 1519 Erasmus writes to Luther that "his books had raised such an uproar at Louvain, as it was not possible for him to describe." God had begun a conflict for His Truth, and it was bitterly opposed. "I had" Luther says, "hanging on my neck the pope, the universities, all the deep learned, and the devil; these hunted me into the Bible, wherein I sedulously read . . ." An "illiterate monk" thus became, in the hands of God, too much-as Margaret the Emperor's sister confessed-for all the academics in Paris to answer. By 1520 there was an irreconcilable break with the Church of Rome; the pope was determined that Luther and his gospel should perish together.

A man-made religion will ever contest with those who preach that salvation is solely of the grace of God. There is a clean difference between the two. This was exemplified in Luther's disputation with Eckius, the Romanist champion, in 1519, when the first point of dispute was over free-will. "We condemn," Luther proclaimed, "man's free-will, his strength, his wisdom, and all religion of man's own devising; in short, we say that there is nothing in us able to deserve grace." The compromising Erasmus rightly saw free-will to be a chief issue between Luther and Rome, and fearing the displeasure of man, he wrote in defence of man's free-will in salvation. This brought forth in reply Luther's mighty work on "The Bondage of The Will". Erasmus rather than attempting the hopeless task of showing that the Bible teaches free-will and not God's eternal election, had sought to avoid the issue by complaining that there could be no usefulness in teaching doctrines of election and predestination. Luther, sweeping aside his evasions, demands to know whether the doctrines are of God or not? "Where, alas! Erasmus, are your fear and reverence of God, when you roundly declare that this branch of truth, which He has revealed from heaven, is at best, useless? What! Shall the Glorious Creator be taught by you, His creature, what is fit to be preached? Is the adorable God so very defective in knowledge, as not to know, till you instruct Him, what would be useful and what pernicious? Could He not know the consequence of His revealing this doctrine, till those consequences were pointed out by you? Who art thou, O Erasmus, that thou shouldst reply against God! Paul, discoursing of God, says, "Whom He will He hardeneth." And again, "God willing to show His wrath . . ." and the Apostle did not write this to have it stifled among a few persons, and buried in a corner, but wrote it to the Christians at Rome; which was, in effect, bringing this doctrine upon the stage of the whole world, stamping a universal imprimature upon it, and publishing it to believers at large throughout the world. What can sound harsher to carnal men than those words of Christ, 'I know whom I have chosen'? Now these and similar assertions of Christ and His Apostles, are the very positions which you, O Erasmus, brand as useless and hurtful!" Luther then goes on to show why the doctrines of election and grace are to be preached, "Whilst a man is persuaded that he has it in his power to contribute anything, be it ever so little, to his salvation, he remains in carnal self-confidence; he is not a self-despairer, and therefore is not duly humbled before God, he believes he may lend a helping hand in his salvation, but on the contrary, whoever is truly convinced that the whole work depends singly on the will of God, such a person renounces his own will and strength; he waits and prays for the operation of God, nor waits and prays in vain . . ."

Luther's characteristic is certainty in the Truth. "A man must be able to affirm, I know for certain, that what I teach is the only Word of the high majesty of God in Heaven, His Final conclusion and Everlasting Unchangeable Truth, and whatsoever concurs and agrees not with this doctrine is altogether false, and spun by the devil . . . To God's Word will I remain, though the whole world be against me." Commenting on Paul's certainty in the truth on Galatians i. 9, he writes, "he dare curse all teachers throughout the World and in heaven, which pervert the Gospel that Paul preached, or teach any other; for all men must either believe that Gospel that he preached, or else be accursed and condemned." Such was Luther's certainty of the truth that he cared not for any man; excommunicated by the pope, he replied by throwing the papal bull into a fire with the prayer "Because thou hast troubled the Holy One of God let eternal fire trouble thee." When King Henry VIII of England was incensed to write against the truth, Luther answered him very plainly, and defends his sharpness of language thus: "nor ought it to be considered as a great matter if I affront and treat sharply an earthly prince, who has dared to blaspheme the King of Heaven in his writings, insulting His Name with lies." Again we see his boldness in stating God's truth that all relying upon their works for salvation, not justified by faith in Christ alone, are under the curse of God (Gal. iii. 10). "This the pope and his proud prelates do not believe. Yet must we not hold our peace but must confess the truth and say, that the papacy is accursed; yea the Emperor is accursed; for according to Paul, whatsoever is without the promise and faith of Abraham, is accursed."

Luther was a man void of ambition. He took no money for his written works. His consuming desire was the declaration of the Truth of God. The Bible was the beginning and end of his thoughts, without it, he said, all the learning in the world is not worth a straw. His dying prayer was that God would preserve His church in the truth, and his last words: "Thee, O Christ have I known, thee have I loved, thee have I taught, thee have I trusted, into thy hands I commend my spirit." It would be a happy day indeed, should God cause His children to return and study the works of His servant, Martin Luther, then we could say: "Earth still enjoys him, tho' his soul is fled, his name is deathless, tho' his dust is dead."

A letter to the theologians

I thank God for your witness and gospel works in the end time, and your love for the KJV Bible, I thank my God for your kindness towards brothers in Christ in the Far East Southern Asia, and I thank my God, I was mentioning your name in my prayers, to the Father in Heaven, and the Lord Jesus Christ, may peace and mercy come to us abundantly.

I heard that you have a lawsuit against the fellow in Christ, in pursuing the title of the land and premises at Gilstead Road. For the news of this lawsuit has spread abroad oversea, even to the heaven, angels and heavenly hosts have come to know about this. They are looking at your place, where you are staying and teaching. It is a matter of time to settle it.

One thing I am not happy about you, is your lawsuit with fellow members in Christ. I think, Moses and Abraham could have a discussion in the cloud about this, and Elijah and Elisha could have also talked about Verbal Plenary Preservation's lawsuit. I do not know what they will say about you! I do not know how they felt about this lawsuit.

I wanted to talk about your Christian lawsuit! I want you to follow Christ rather than lawyers!

2000 years ago, in Jerusalem, our Lord Jesus had turned over the tables and freed all those animal at the temple court on earth, he chased out the people who were making the temple into a market place. He was angry at those businessmen. They did not respect God at all, making the place of worship into a market place.

After those historical events, I did not hear from any one, nor from Him, that He had ever made a lawsuit against those had misused the temple court, nor He ever did make a lawsuit against any one! The temple belonged to Jesus' Father, but He did not sue those who occupy the temple in Jerusalem for wrong reasons. Making it into a market place! Jesus Christ was angry at them, but there was no law suit to claim the temple from them, even though the temple belongs to the Heavenly Father! Jesus allowed the Jewish elders, priests and high priest taken over the temple, until it was destroyed by Romans in AD 70!

For this reason, I hope you also take in some considerations into your lawsuit against your fellow brother in Christ, I hope you will come together to make the lawsuit null. The Lord gives, the Lord also takes! Giving is more blessed than receiving. Why don't you, give place for brotherly love! For Jesus' sake.

After Christ returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit come to dwell on St. Paul and Peter, they also did not make any law suit against those who had misused the temple court in Jerusalem. Even Paul and Peter did not put up a law suit against those who had killed and murdered the innocent, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Why? Since the businessmen did not preach heresy in the temple court, Paul let them go, but he himself went on preaching Christ is dead, and risen, the the law is fulfilled in Christ, and gospel must be preached until to the end of the world. Paul sees this is more important than any law suit!

Paul did not border and claim that temple belong to Christ neither, i hope i am not mistaken here! The point is that Paul sees the temple court as the temple court, human soul is human soul, gospel works must be done!

Why Paul did not go on to sue the Jewish elders? Since the elders, priests and high priests are also Jewish, Paul and Peter did not want to stumble them, further more, the kingdom of God is not of this world, but it is a heavenly kingdom from above, we should not fight over this kingdom's matter in an earthly way, in the civil court!

Since they, the businessmen did not misuse the churches premises for teaching any heresy, St Paul and St Peter spared them, if they had made that temple court for teaching heresy, surely Paul would had chase them away then, but Paul did not sue them after Christ death!

Rather, the way around, The elders in the temple court had taken over the temple in their hands, they had killed Christ Jesus before Paul came into the picture, together with Pilate they conspired the murder, but Paul did not sue both of them, Paul spared them, he went out telling people about the Cross! The glory from God has now shined on mankind, gospel is the hope in Christ for mankind. Not the temple court!

Law suit is useless compare to the glory in Christ! The Gospel is more important than lawsuit, the cross is the center, not the the civil court!

Like wise, you too do this to the fellows in Christ, for those who do not preach any heresy, spare them, do not stumble any little one to whom belong to Christ to come to Christ.

If any one of us, preaching a heresy, well, then, we must not let them be freed from knowing the truth, we must not spared him from the Gospel, I hope you understand my intention, in writing this letter to you.

Hoping I will come one day to the place you stay, down there in Gilstead Road, Singapore, and I would like to talk to you again about this matter, I hope at that moment, I will have joy in meeting you!

May the peace, mercy and grace from God the Father, and the gospel from the Lord Savor Jesus Christ, and then the power from the Holy Spirit come to us, that we must greet one another in Christ, love one another with a pure heart! I wrote this blog with a heavy heart!

Stay away from that lawsuit!

The Charismatics VS the fundamentalist

This is competition, a game, or a race in Christianity!

Charismatics vs the fundamentalists, second round!

Charismatics secretly holding a conspiracy with the politicians, inviting the fundamentalist to serve in the prison ministry, in order they may damage the fundamentalist van at night in darkness, wanting to damage it's engine, so that the fundamentalists give up in preaching the gospels in the town. The fundamentalist was up sad in repairing the van, spent a lot of money in serving the inmate in the prison, the Charismatics was happy about their evil deeds. Until God came to expose them one by one!

The charismatics are living in spiritual prisons! They are the inmate!

The charismatics have won many battles, in hurting the fundamentalists, so that the charismatics movement will prevail in the end!

There are delusions, that only the rich are blessed, the rich are saved, and so they pray for more and more money, until God sent them judgment from above!

The Love of money is the roof and root of all evil!

Together they go into heavens, but with no crown given to both of them!

The war between charismatics and fundamentalist has to be ended in heaven!


What authority?

By what authority, in refuting the Verbal Plenary Preservation of the KJV and the underlying Greek and Hebrew texts?

By the authority from Chinese Union Version, the Bible used by John Sung and Wang Ming Tao decades ago!

The Bible for the Han people for decades is CUV! Unite we, Han people! We are Han with DNA, we are not Manchurian, not Tibetians, not Mongolian, but Han!

Han people, have the han yi ping yin Bible too!


Something is wrong

I went on and on, to heal this "something wrong with me" with herbs, medicines, books, sermon, friendship...many other ways.

Year in year out, sun goes up, sun goes down. At last there is one, from the Word of God that to heal depression, "In everything give thanks!"

In everything, every moment, every one, every book, every people, every place, every star, every computer, every life, every Bible version, every Bible verse, every Bible chapter, give thanks for every Bible word, give thanks for every letter in the Bible!

I started to forget Verbal Plenary Preservation for few days!

These few days, the world is in calamities. Ventured into the end time calamities, dead is here and there on earth!

From the air, sea, and lands. Is there is one more calamity to come ahead, from the far outer space. Then what will happen to this world? How many life will gone? I am not ready yet for that! I do not know what is that great calamity from the space, it is a star fallen down?

Look at this world, is there any thing wrong with us? Or nothing wrong with us?

Why the the wind, sea, land reacted in this way?

Where is God? What is wrong?

Is it because we do not have the perfect Bible?

Mirror, mirror, mirror in the wall

Every day I look into the mirror, I say to myself, "Something is wrong, something is wrong! Something wrong!"

When you looked at me, you will say to me "something is wrong!"

I asked myself, Christ what have You done for me?

Why I felt like this whenever I looked into the mirror?

Why my heart cast down in me?

Something went wrong, that is why something is wrong, and so people called us "something wrong!"

The Cross is the place, where man is corrected, and saved by God!


I have met a few men from the Special Branch, some of them are smokers, fat and thin, old and young men and women, they masqueraded into tourist, mad and crazy men walking on the streets, some sitting at the roadsides at night shift, and some of them are taking buses, some of them working as taxi driver, some are working as a normal citizen, but they are special, working under cover, collecting information, spying on some strange, ridiculous fellow, like us! We met each other with a strange look and with a funny glance. I used to live with these SB for some time now!

I also live with Christians in the end of road, I can only predict suffering ahead for us in the end time, and surely there are blessings from God, God wanted us to choose blessing rather cursing! What is blessing for us, the fundamentalists?

Are we cooling down our heads, with the air from the mount of Hermon, with the dews in the morning running down from Aaron head? Have we anoint our heads with the olive oil from the Gethsemane? Where Christ dropped His blood and sweat for us? Have we wash our hands in the pool of Salome, where the men being healed.

Have we cool down, with brotherly love? Are we special, created by God? Are we specially being kind to the house of God!

If I say, "There is a sign from the sky, where the Bible flies like a bird! You believe this?"

Maybe you will say to me, "You are a nut, in saying this funny, funny thing in the end time!"

If I say, "I hope you love one another in the end time!" What then are you going to say to me?

You are saved, and you are specially called to love your Brother in Christ. Is this is the truth we proclaimed?

Let love flies freely like a bird in our heart!

Look at the sky, did you see those Bibles? No...

Look at our heart, is there a love for lost soul?

What is love, actually?


The Chinese said, too much water under the bridge, what does it means?

What about the church, too much water in the church, or too much money in the church? Does I make sense here? I am kidding!

Who am I to judge you? An unfit in the church, out cast in the society, Bible Pariah, even I am considered a dead dog in the Singapore river, unclean. I have no say to you, but this is a blog, seeking the truth!

Rapture is not rupture, but it is very near to us, in the end, the church has a fallen away from the truth, fallen away from the Lord!

Do not surprise for the events coming forward, we will follow the Lord, if God is willing, if He is tarry for another day, if God is enabling us in walking in narrow way, if God is living with us, may the Lord show His higher hands in our life, His way is not our ways, His wisdom is not our wisdom.

Lean on the insurance company, the insurance company may collapsed!

Lean on the bank, the bank may collapsed,

Lean on a pastor, the man may died,

Lean on a tree, the tree may be chopped down,

Lean on a mountain, the maintain may fallen apart,

What else we can lean onto?

Shall we lean on the Messiah, Adonai, our Lord?

Relax...a rapture is predicted in our future!

Spiritual matters require spiritual discernment

An unbeliever lawyer (or any secular authority) should never decide doctrinal issues in the church. Spiritual matters require spiritual disc...