We pray for unity within the Bible-Presbyterian Church. Calling some of their fundamentalists to repentance. We reprimand Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) lecturers for teaching heresy and living in lust and pride! ++THIS BLOG HAS STRONG LANGUAGE. Reader discretion is advised++
Response to Jeffrey Khoo's weekly on 13-6-2021
see the original weekly at:
Jeffery Khoo made his conclusion in this weekly (quoted): "May God graciously help us continue steadfastly and faithfully in doctrine and in fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. Amen. JK"
My response to his weekly, after all these events happened in his life. He wrote all these in weekly, is he serious?
Let us study some of his blind spots in his weekly he did not mention. His hidden meanings of the message in his weekly are actually:
1) When he said...And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine, what doctrine?
Actually, Jeffrey is saying: let all church members continue steadfast in his personal views and teachings, especially the Verbal Plenary Preservation, Secondary Separatist Stand, perfect Bible, KJV Only...do not stop following him and his crooks only!
2) When he said...and fellowship, with who?
Actually, Jeffrey is saying, let the church members fellowship together in "divisions". Do not mix with those who are reading NIV, do not mix with those who do not subscribe to Verbal Plenary Preservation, do not mix with those who are different from him. Only mix with him, and his bands only.
3) When he said...and in breaking of bread, breaking what?
Actually, Jeffrey is saying, when he is breaking the bread, he also continues to break the bond in Christ, he is saying, he wants to break the body of Christ into pieces, that is what he really means. He said truth divides. This is what he is doing in Bible Presbyterian Churches in Singapore. This is not difficult to understand.
4) When he said...and in prayers, pray for what?
Actually, Jeffrey is saying, when he prays, he prays for a perfect Bible, behaving like a militant, be quarrelsome in words and win all the arguements, things like that. This is what he is doing in Far Eastern Bible College. Those students who disagreed with him, he will not let those person graduate from Far Eastern Bible College, those people can go back home empty-handed, after 4 years of study in FEBC! He did fail a student's thesis when he disagreed with his view.
In conclusion, Jeffrey Khoo is actually saying: "I am a 21st Century spiritual apostle in the Bible Presbyterian Church in Singapore, you have to listen to me, if not I will fail you!"
Far Eastern Bible College's Ten Commandments in year 2021
- You shall have no other Bible Version before me.
- You shall make no idols apart from King James Bible.
- You shall not take the name of King James Bible in vain.
- Keep the King James Version holy.
- Honor your King James Bible.
- You shall not murder the theologians who are reading King James Bible.
- You shall not commit adultery if you read King James Bible.
- You shall not steal the King James Bible.
- You shall not bear false witness against the King James Bible.
- You shall not covet other man's King James Bible.
True Life Bible Presbyterian Church 's Ten Commandments in year 2021
1. I am proud because I have a perfect Bible underlying KJV.
2. I am better because I have a perfect Bible.
3. I am the best because I have a perfect Bible.
4. I am saved because I have a perfect Bible.
5. I am blessed because I have a perfect Bible.
6. I am reformed because I have a perfect Bible.
7. I am a separatist, separated from you because I have a perfect Bible, you do not have.
8. I am holier than you because I have a perfect Bible, you do not have.
9. I am strong because I have a perfect Bible.
10. I am evangelizing because I have a perfect Bible.
Warning to Jeffrey Khoo, Quek Suan Yew, Prabudas Koshy and Charles Seet
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)
The findings and the verdict
Am I speaking messages from God in this blog? No.
I am just expressing myself, to tell you that I am offended and stumbled by a few theologians in Far Eastern Bible College and ministers in the Bible Presbyterian Church. Sadden by all their evil doings. I am writing my findings and going to bring these findings to heaven, God's willing. I will present all these findings to our Lord, He will be our judge in the end and give the verdicts. To prove or reprove all of us.
Are all my writings influenced by the Holy Spirit? No!
Most of them are my personal presumptions, personal views.
That is why I have to double-check my views and refine them, editing this blog from time to time. Deleting a few writings is my routine.
Comments to this blog are welcome!
Theses to Far Easten Bible College and Bible Presbyterian Church located in Singapore, year 2021
Out of love for the truth and from a desire to elucidate it.
1. The issue of Wine Drinking has split Bible-Presbyterian Churches, theologically speaking, this is unwise. Some foolish theologians in the USA decades ago, have problems with the bottle issue. The fact we know, the main issue is drunkenness, not the drinking. A bottle of wine has broken the bond of the body of Christ. The church split and then they formed Bible Presbyterian Church. Stupidity without limit, totally refrain people from the wine, they broke the body of Christ. Please refer correctly to John Calvin, many of his writings supporting wine drinking. When you are attacking those brethren who are consuming alcohol, you are attacking John Calvin, in this way, you should not call yourself a Presbyterian Church, you should be called a Pharisees Church.
2. The issue of Tongue-speaking has split Bible-Presbyterian Churches, this is another unwise act. Please study the Bible carefully before judging others who are speaking in an unknown tongue like the Charismatic, there is another tongue in the Corinth church, different from the tongues in Acts, tongues in Acts are human languages like English and Mandarin, the tongue in Corinth speaks not to man, but to God. Please read 1 Corinthians 14: 2, "For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit." Here Paul said, this tongue is not a language, because no one understands them. This is not a language which spoken to men, but to God. Please handle the issue of "tongues and tongue" carefully before you judge the charismatic!
3. The issue of Exorcism has split the Bible-Presbyterian Churches, this is another unwise issue. Satan is not our friend, let us cast Satan and the devil out of the church, together with the false theologians and teachers into the lake of fire in hell. Jesus commanded us to cast out demons in the body of the false theologians and teachers in various seminaries!
4. The issue of interpretation of Gap-Theory of Genesis' 6 days creation, became another quarrel and hot issue among these ministers. Theologically speaking, again this is very childish. Let us open to academic freedom in speech. There is a gap, for example, millions of years between 6 Creation days. Every 24 hours there was a gap of millions of years. Why not?
5. The issue of Bible Version. Stop quarreling about Bible versions, there is no such thing as the King James Version Only, or only KJVism, anti-NIV, stop all this nonsense and foolish argument. God may keep His words in NIV, ESV... etc. Why not? Are you man behaving like God, to judge others who are reading the NIV? I dare not.
6. The issue of personal view becoming Doctrine, and harshly imposing it. There is good intention to defend the Bible, but when it is overdone, it will become a heretic, like Verbal Plenary Preservation (VPP), only the spiritual man can understand the spiritual thing, why bother when there are other Bible version rather than KJV Bible? Why disturb the peace in the body of Christ with a personal view like VPP? Who are you to decide the Word of God? The Canon was chosen long ago, we are to accept them as inspired Word of God. Why we cast doubts into those who are reading the NIV...? I personally view that KJV must be read together with NIV, ESV...Not a single version alone! Most BPC churches read the KJV for so many years, but what happened? They keep on fighting for words, keep on fighting for minor issues, we seem like we do not understand the Bible? Our spiritual eyes are blinded by KJV, our spiritual ears are deafened by KJV, our mouths are full of dung? Even until VPP pops up! KJV creates so many Pharisees among us. Fighting for nothing? Wasting our young energy!
7. The issue of Management of doctrinal conflicts. No such thing as interdependency among Bible Presbyterian Churches. We need to check and balance. There are few pastors who are sitting in a church for too long, becoming dictators in BPC! New Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church in Singapore will be the sole representative of this denomination. One Moderator (he is not the Pope), chosen among the ministers, should be elected by voting from members consist of various Pastors, Elders, Deacons, and various church representatives. There is one committee that oversees the welfare of the church and the member churches of the Synod. Every member church should send 6 reports to the Moderator in one year. Each Pastor oversees the matter in the local church, and elders, deacons should help the pastor to manage the local church. Every theological issue and conflict must be decided in the Synod, no one pastor decides theological conflicts even in his local church. Theologians in the Bible Colleges will be elected and decided through Synod representatives together with the Bible Colleges representatives in a special meeting. The authority of a theologian is not higher than the Synod and its representatives! Let us put our house in order. Other BPC who does not join the Synod, cannot represent BPC in any theological stand and settle theological conflicts, they are the hornets among us, fly freely, without directions for unity. One day they will be tired and fall onto the ground.
a. There is no underground Synod like FEBC that can represent BPC located in Singapore, every Synod meeting must be recorded in black and white so that the younger generation learns from our mistakes. Timothy Tow should not have dissolved the Synod 1988, that was his mistake. Someone has to correct his mistake.
8. The issue of Division in BPC. The New Synod should consider accepting Bible Presbyterian Churches from different backgrounds, such as Evangelical, Fundamentalist, Charismatic, and even ordinary BPC backgrounds. Even though each has its different constitutions, different theological backgrounds, we must learn to learn from one another, accept one another, all are welcome to join the Synod, it can be done. It is sad, we cannot see eye to eye, even talk to each other because of our forefather's fault, who was teaching us to be militant, to create fractions and infighting among us, this is not good for the sake of the one Gospel we preach. There will be a time, when we all come together as a family, witnessing one Lord, and there will be a time we unite to worship one God our Father. Triune God a united Three Persons, may we become like Him. We have to learn to accept minor differences among us. Even though we have started to unite, but it may take another 50 years before all of us unite under one Lord.
9. The issue of Pride. Bible Presbyterian Church (BPC) is like King Saul. Saul, though chosen directly by God and initially zealous for the Lord, is easily moved by the circumstances. He is successful against the Philistines and Amalekites, but he also does things in his own way or—even worse—in the people’s way, against the word of the Lord. As a result, Samuel tells Saul that his kingdom (1 Sam. 13:14) and even his own kingship (1 Sam. 15:23) will be taken away. The Golden Lamp Stand will be removed from BPC if we do not repent, returning to the first love for Christ, we have made a man Timothy Tow to be our idol praising his ideologies, false theologians became our lords, and wrong motives taken over us, are we for God, or are we fighting for our pride, for our reputation or for ourselves? Fighting for KJV? For our own BPC legacy? Or for the Lord? The Lord God looks at the heart! Repent BPC, humble ourselves, rise and shine for the Lord. This time BPC is chided in a blog before it is too late when BPC is chided in the heavenly court!
10. The issue of Eschatology. Some BPC's ministers and preachers like to say "Jesus Christ will come today, tomorrow, be prepared!" To warn people that Jesus Christ will be coming soon and very soon. This saying is wrong because Jesus Christ will not return if the Third Temple in Jerusalem is not built. If today the Third Temple remains unbuilt then we know Jesus Christ will not return tomorrow. How can we say Jesus Christ will come tomorrow if the Third Temple is not built? There is no doubt, Jesus of Nazareth, the Saviour of the world, is going to return, we believe the third temple will appear before the return of Jesus Christ.
11. The name of "Christian Fundamentalist" is stinking like shit to some. Why? Theologians and preachers from Far Eastern Bible College, some Bible Presbyterian Churches located in Singapore, and some fundamentalist churches in the world have given Fundamentalists a bad name. These so-called Fundamentalist Christians are cruel and rude. Let me explain, they always talk softly and preach gentleness to us, they can preach fiery messages here and there, and so, they can easily seduce people's hearts. They are stubborn, stiff-necked because they have a strong will. They are the whitewashed tombs, outwardly they look godly, they have faces looking like an angel, they are always behaving like they are fighting for the Lord, and they are on the Lord side, and they always say they are upholding the truth in the Bible. Actually, they are very very cruel inwardly, spiritually speaking they are the wolf in sheep's clothing, I met a lot of these fundamentalists among us. No love in their hearts, no love for the neighbors, no love for the people who have a different viewpoint from them, even a little bit different also cannot be accepted in their midst, no love for people who are weaker than them! To these evil and wicked fundamentalists, what count is the truth, not any love, and what count is the reward in heaven, and not any people's life on earth. If you perish, you perish, they do not care. What they care about are their so-called "doctrines." Woe on these fundamentalists!
12. The issue of the drum. You have rejected a drum to be played in the Sunday Worship. You have looked down on those churches who used drums in worship. Having such high regard for traditional music such as the piano. This is absurd. Drumming is rooted in our earliest biblical worship traditions. The frame drum (Hebrew tof) mentioned seventeen times in Scripture is commonly mistranslated as “tambourine” or “timbrel.” The jingly instrument we know as a tambourine today did not come into existence until the Roman period, according to archaeologists and biblical scholars. The instrument referred to in the Old Testament is a large frame drum, about twelve to twenty-two inches across its face. It was most often played by women in both secular and religious contexts. Hebrew women, such as Miriam (see Ex. 15:20-21) appropriated this same drum in the worship of Yahweh, continuing to do so at least until the period of Babylonian captivity, and possibly beyond. The sound of drumming, in combination with the blowing of hollow rams’ horns (shofar), cymbals, and dancing were among the earliest ways our spiritual ancestors worshiped God. So the sound of drumming reminds us of our roots as Christians.(Click the link here) Today the Jewish people the chosen of God still play drums in worship, beware of another kind of drum mentioned by Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 13: 1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have no love, I am only a ringing gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have absolute faith so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and exult in the surrender of my body,a but have no love, I gain nothing. Beware there is another kind of drum, our stomach!
To be honest. In some BPCs, they called me a false prophet. I see myself as the worst sinner in BPC and dare not show my face and true identity even after so many years of writing, only anonymously. Why? Because we have lions and tigers in the Bible Presbyterian Church, we have carnal people in BPC, they will tear me apart if they know my true identity, that is why i have to write in a blog, we have hackers who will hack my accounts. Who hates me to the bone and marrow. Some have reported to Google, and i have to stop using a blog address and have to start another blog. That is why i am like a fugitive, run here and there...i am a scum in BPC.
Few people want to listen to us in FEBC and in some BPCs, that is the reason we express our views through blogs. i am ready to bring these writings to heaven if God brings me there! By the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I see BPC's Reformation Day is nearer and nearer. The end of the tunnel is ahead of us. Move on!
Let us repent of the sin of abusing the Word of the LORD!
Becoming a child, seeking the truth by faith.
These blog postings are all my personal view, i do not want to impose on anyone. If you do not want to see this blog anymore, just skip it and move on with your life.
You may disagree with me. Correct me when I am wrong.
One thing for sure, please be careful when you are called a pastor, theologian, in BPC! Put our houses in order, do not disturb others with your false teachings.
For more than 10 years, I have shared my life and struggle with you in this blog. It is up to you to decide, what to do next.
Am I always right, not so, I find out I am always wrong, in the sense that I am still learning on the journey to understand what is happening to BPC?
Look at my poor broken English, I am fickle-minded, hot-tempered, bad-mouthed, sarcastically cracking jokes here and there, i hope the end will be good for BPC in Singapore and worldwide. Brothers and sisters live in peace and unity, together we venture with Christ, preach Christ, not ourselves! I WROTE THIS IN TEARS.
Am i better, stronger than you? No!
Am i holier than you? No!
Am i spiritual? No!
Am i wise? No!
Am I good? No!
Who am i?
A creature created from dust, trying to understand something that happened on earth, and trying to find answers here and there. I know this is a journey worthwhile to walk!
Sinful, sorrowful, and fearful...until today!
So sad to see brothers and sisters fighting with one another.
I hope one day, i may stop writing, when i see BPCs at peace with one another.
Heaven comes to us in BPC!
God help us!
Vulgar language?
Martin Luther was a great man!
Martin Luther mocked fellow reformers, especially Swiss reformer Ulrich Zwingli, and used vulgar language in doing so. In fact, the older he became, the more cantankerous he was. In his later years, he said some nasty things about, among others, Jews and popes and theological enemies, with words that are not fit to print.[1]
Later Timothy Tow praises Martin Luther in his own book.
Timothy Tow wrote, "This would
dismantle the glorious work of Martin Luther who broke the shackles of Rome and gave us
the Protestant Faith. Therefore, what we needed today, said Dr. McIntire, was a
counter 20th Century Reformation. He spoke with unction and in the power of the
Holy Spirit."[2]
[1] Mark
Galli and Ted Olsen, “Introduction,” 131 Christians Everyone Should Know (Nashville, TN: Broadman &
Holman Publishers, 2000), 36.
[2] TimothyTow, The Story of My Bible Presbyterian Faith, n.d., pg 36.
The greatest judgement from God for a man
Rev. (Dr.) Paul Ferguson, Pastor of Cornerstone Church in Singapore wrote:
Sometimes the greatest judgment God can give a man is to simply let him have the providential consequences of his own self-willed way.
Quoted from:
My motive in writing this blog
Why the writer writes this nasty blog?
1. To chide a few theologians in Far Eastern Bible College, together with a few pastors and elders in the Bible Presbyterian Church (BPC) everywhere on earth. I met a few full-time ministers in the Bible Presbyterian Church, who are very cruel and evil. Some of them are sweet talkers, preaching biblical sermons, behaving like servants of the Most-High God. But in their hearts, there is no fear of God. Behaving like a learned disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, mouth full of theological jargon, but their hearts are full of selfishness, greed, dictatorship, and lust. Their hearts and heads, websites, writings, preachings are full of cow dung. Without a genuine love of God. I personally knew them, come across these evildoers in Bible Presbyterian Church taking control of the Pulpit. I pray that they may repent, before the Spiritual fire from heaven rain down on their churches. If you repent, the blessing of God will come, and the glory of God will return to your altars and pulpits. We all will be blessed, becoming a channel of blessing on earth.
Churches have many issues to tackle in the 21st century, please do not create any more childish issues in the churches, please become mature in thought, characters and attitudes. Open our minds to receive our brothers and sisters in Christ, they are Methodist, Baptist, Anglican, or Presbyterians..., learn from one another, love one another, speak in truth. God has called those who are far away to become holy, do not call them profane people anymore. Who are you to judge them? Aren't they being faithful in preaching the Gospel like you? If they are liberal, stay away from them, not every one of them is liberal, be mindful of our teachings and preachings. Be human, not God.
Am I better than any of you, no, I am using a lot of harsh words to prove i am not better than any of you. I am the worse sinner among BPC. I hope you may not curse me, because Martin Luther also used a lot of harsh words in his writings.
The motive of my writings is to promote unity among Bible Presbyterian Churches, enthusing the leaders to be humble, return to the Way, the Truth, and Life in Jesus Christ.
Nowadays, I have been labeled as "a satanic bad guy, not a spiritual man, bad-mouth cursing people," in writing these nasty postings, but i tell you, i have decided to write this blog many years ago until i see the answer and vengeance from God, I will not stop writing...God can bring the good thing out of the bad thing!
I pray, we will see a totally changed Bible Presbyterian Church on earth, where peace is, where the glory of God is, and where unity is, and where humbleness is, and where love is. I believe this and i pray, and in this faith, i write!
Come back to us, the Glory of God, with the Holy Spirit. Forgive us because we have been led astray by some false theologians and false teachers. We are now returning to You, God, please pardon us, we are weak, we took so long to come back to You in unity. May God help us, the BPC.
Two funerals in one day!
Timothy Tow used to say, two are confirming! Two is a confirmation, to Jeffrey Khoo. Repent from your arrogance and pride in promoting false teaching like Verbal Plenary Preservation. Do not stubborn like your forefathers in BPC!
Next will be Quek Suan Yew and Prabusdas Koshy. Signals must be sent to both of them, so that they may repent from teaching Verbal Plenary Preservation in the BPC. Until they delete every online posting regarding Verbal Plenary Preservation and stop imposing it harsher on others. You may teach VPP as an elective subject in Far Eastern Bible College, remember to say to the students, that is your personal view! That is not a doctrine!
Another signal will be sent to Charles Seet for his arrogance and pride.
Jeffrey Khoo, Quek Suan Yew, and Prabusdas Koshy's next-generation leaders will be splitting up! After these three stooges died.
FEBC is reduced into a center.
Click the link below to see the details of those funerals:
Applying God’s Word Today
Many statements in Scripture indicate that the Bible is given to us for more than satisfying our curiosity about what God is like, what He h...