
Compassion in Action: Incarnating God's Love to the World

Biblical Graduate School of Theology is working closely with Anglican, Methodist, Singapore Bible College and AOG, this is a good sign for Bible-Presbyterian Churches in Singapore!

See: http://www.wccasia.org/2012/organize_and_support.php

Rev Dr Quek Swee Hwa  from the Zion Bishan Bible Presbyterian Church is one of the speakers and advisors in this ecumenical Christian counselling. I am very happy to see this happened in Bible Presbyterian Churches!  

See: http://www.wccasia.org/2012/conference_day1.php 

Unity in Divirsity

Are you willing to stand together with those who are different from you? We are called to be one in Christ, who are you to judge those who are reading NIV, NKJV, ESV...?

VPP heresy and the bullying of a Chinese congregation

In the Christian Church heresy does not come as a total package. It builds up gradually. It develops within the minds of heretics as they succumb to the temptations of Satan. The day will come when it finally shows itself in its true form.

VPP is no exception. It started with the illusory religious zeal to defend the King James Bible and showed its true form when one of the founding senior pastors of the BP movement in Singapore 'preached',

"We must be careful; not every Bible is the Word of God...it [NKJV] is a very corrupt Bible...it has a Satanic logo...Satanic logo on the front cover...There is only one Bible today in English true to the Word of God...the King James Bible."

"In case you're in any doubt let me assure you. THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD WILL BE SETTLED NOT IN ANY OTHER LANGUAGE BIBLE BUT IN ENGLISH." The Chinese translator could hardly believe his ears and the pastor repeated the sentence.

It's therefore not surprising that the VPP heresy is a form of Ruckmanism.

The senior pastor, together with the elders from his church (Calvary BP Pandan), are bullying the Chinese-speaking congregation into subscribing to VPP. The Chinese congregation can't accept this because their Bible, the CUV is based on the Westcott and Hort (W-H) texts. The VPP proponents view the W-H texts as Satanic inspired, hence implying that the CUV is from Satan.

The VPP heretics have forgotten of how God used the CUV in the Asian Awakening (where an estimated 200,000-300,000 souls were saved 1928-1949) through His faithful servant (John) Sung Shang Chieh.

The Chinese-speaking congregation has written an irrefutable defence of orthodox Christianity once delivered to the saints. Our God is no respecter of race or language (Acts 10:34) although the VPP advocates think that God favour the English and Americans over other races. 

For better understanding of this heresy and bullying, please visit:

Verbal Plenary Preservation - Perfect KJV-Onlyism is a false witness that sows discord among brethren (Prov 6:19)

The Perfect KJV (KJV-Onlyism, KJV Onlyism, or KJVO) heresy is an abandonment of the Historic Reformed Faith and the Westminster Confession of Faith and comes in two forms : –
·         Ruckmanism, which holds to an inspired 1611 translation (“double inspiration”) resulting in a perfect English Bible.  Where there is a discrepancy between the English and its underlying Hebrew Masoretic or Greek TR texts, the English is to be taken as more correct!?
·         Verbal Plenary Preservation, also known as KJV-VPP or VPP-KJV, which holds to an inspired perfect textual criticism or recognition in 1611 which restored the Hebrew and Greek text of the KJV to be jot and tittle identical to the Divine Original Autographs!?
Ruckmanism and KJV-VPP are estranged twin sons of Benjamin Wilkinson, a leading Seventh Day Adventist who wrote “Our AV Vindicated” in 1930.  Wherever it has gone, in whatever circles, Perfect KJV Onlyism has wrecked havoc and caused discord among brethren.
Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) has sadly not only adopted, but now champions this false Charismatic post-canonical inspiration doctrine.  FEBC cannot prove KJV-VPP – they cannot even convincingly and consistently identify the Hebrew-Greek underlying texts – but they call all who do not hold their views, “Neo-Fundamentalists”, “Neo-Evangelicals” or lacking in saving faith.  In this website, the KJV-VPP heresy is exposed and refuted with clear evidential facts and sound biblical exegesis!  It is our humble, earnest prayer that the Lord would be pleased to deliver His people from this divisive “doctrine”, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.
For better understanding of this heresy in Far Eastern Bible College, please visit http://www.truth.sg/


Churchmanship can be defined as the manifestation on theology in the realm of liturgy, piety and to some extent spirituality. Different groups may identify more with one or the other, or some balance on the two:

1. Highly orthodox church

Fundamentalist, Puritan, Eastern Orthodoxy...reformed...

(some fundamentalists like to think they are living in the 16th century, they like to attack others! they think they are the most holiest, most faithful, most perfect type of Christian)

2. Evangelical

More evangelical in their belief and practices. Word and preaching is central in the service.

3. Charismatic

Knowing The Holy Spirit is our Holy God, A Divine Person living in us!

More teachings about the Holy Spirit in the ministry.

Exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit universally, in every churches!

Worship in the Spirit.

These three kinds of churchmanship, are under one Head, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, we are called and united in Christ, we should care and love one another!

This is called the 21st century ecumenical movement!

Review of The VPP Heresy. By Philip Tan


The Lord Jesus told the Pharisees that their diligent search of the Scriptures, and having them could not save them (John 5:39) much less possessing copies of Scripture identical to the complete autographs. We have reviewed the teaching of VPP carefully and conclude that it has no biblical foundation. It is at best an opinion or a personal conviction. Taken it its logical conclusion, as FEBC has done, VPP is a heresy. The words of Dr. Price is most apt in describing VPP-KJV, "in dealing with the text of Scripture, one is obligated to work with reliable evidence, not with history reconstructed after a theological agenda".

For further reading: http://www.truth.sg/reviewvpp.htm

An Old Fox

I have a friend, an ordained old pastor in Bible Presbyterian Church, he is older than most of us, he used to call the Rev. Dr. Timothy Tow from True Life Bible Presbyterian Church, an old fox!

Only those who are very close with him, know he is an old fox, he began well, but when he was old he became proud, arrogant, self-centered and in the end he became a heretic promoting a heresy: Verbal Plenary Preservation!

My friend so angry with this old fox!

To response to my friend's remark, I call those lecturers in Far Eastern Bible College as small little foxes! They are ruining the legacy of Bible Presbyterian Church in 9, 9A and 10, Gilstead Road, Singapore.

Rev Dr so and so used to tell me that this old fox like to stab people from behind! This old fox likes to betray people who trusted him.

Sad to say, today, many people like to follow old foxes, rather than following the Lord Jesus Christ.

John Sung spoke in tongues

..... However, in 1935, John Sung was surprised that he began speaking in tongues during a time of intense prayer. What is significant is that he continued to point his Pentecostal audiences to the true Holy Spirit principle of love for one’s brother and power in witnessing.


All the lecturers in Far Eastern Bible College are babes in Christ, small boys and girls still sucking milk from their mothers.


Far Eastern Bible College is misleading people into a false belief, that they have a perfect Greek Bible, their lecturers are fooling people.



Foxes are calling sheep to go back to their "sheepfold" ?????

I N V I T A T I O N 
Calling All Alumni, Students, and Friends of FEBC
You are cordially invited to attend the following events during  
FEBC’s 50th  Anniversary Thanksgiving Week 
September 17-23, 2012 
Thanksgiving Retreat
Monday-Wednesday, September 17-19, 2012 
@ Resort Lautan Biru, Mersing, Malaysia 
Registration Deadline: August 17 th
Cost: $80 (subsidised) 
Register with Mrs Ruth Yap (ruth.yap@febc.edu.sg) 
Open House 
Thursday, September 20, 2012 
Welcome to Chapel & Lectures @ FEBC Hall 
9A Gilstead Road 
Time: 8 am – 12.30 pm 
Night Lecture @ Church Sanctuary: 7.30 – 9.30 pm  
Alumni Thanksgiving Service & Dinner 
Friday, September 21, 2012 
@ Far Eastern Bible College &  
Life Bible-Presbyterian Church Sanctuary  
9A Gilstead Road 
Dinner: 6 – 7 pm 
Service: 7.30 – 9.30 pm 
Come & Collect Your Copy of the Golden Jubilee Magazine 
RSVP: Ms Janet Lim (janetlim@febc.edu.sg) 
Golden Jubilee Thanksgiving Service 
Lord’s Day, September 23, 2012 
@ Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church 
201 Pandan Gardens 
Time: 6 pm (reception thereafter) 
Speaker: Dr S H Tow
Visit website: http://www.febc.edu.sg/assets/pdfs/Miscellaneous/INVITATION.pdf

I am calling every one, light minded one, to boycott these mindless events.
Please stay away from heretics!

Photo of a group of foxes

A group of foxes is a "skulk", "leash", "troop" or "earth".


Jesus' perceptions of the Masoretic Text (MT, or Old Testament in Hebrew) and the Septuagint (LXX, or Old Testament in Greek)

In Jesus’ time, there were various textual traditions of the Hebrew Bible. The Masoretic Text (MT) as we know it today did not exist yet, a...