
My letter to the students in Far Eastern Bible College, Singapore.

To the students in Far Eastern Bible College in Singapore,

For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.[1] Then Jesus said to them, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.”[2] …..Then they understood that He did not tell themto beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrineof the Pharisees and Sadducees.[3]

Therefore whatever they tell you to observe,  that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do. [4]

The Lecturers in Far Eastern Bible College…..many of them were bad examples. They were like a well-known Bible professor of a generation or two ago. In the classroom, he was a brilliant interpreter of the Bible. His influence over his students was almost hypnotic. Few could sit at his feet for long without being inspired by his insights into God’s Word and being persuaded to his point of view. But off campus, he often destroyed what he accomplished in class sessions. His rudeness, especially to persons he perceived to be his social inferiors, embarrassed everyone with him. After a few hours in his company on such occasions, many former disciples could not listen to his Biblical expositions again. He was a good teacher, but such a bad example that he canceled his words by his actions.
This is Jesus’ opinion of the Pharisees and teachers of the law, who “sit in Moses’ seat” (as professors authorized to explain the correct meaning and application of Moses’ laws). Jesus’ disciples do well to obey their teaching, but would be ill advised to follow their example. Jesus knows them well. They have already made themselves His enemies. They have sought every opening to criticize and heckle Him. In the end, they look for a way to kill Him.
Yet they seem so respectable. Of course they do, because that is one of their chief goals. Jesus castigates them on at least these counts:
(1) You don’t practice what you preach (3).
(2) Your rules are a burden to sincere people (4).
(3) You put on a good show to win men’s applause (5–7).
(4) You glory in titles and honors (8–12). Jesus’ disciples, on the other hand, are not to seek to be honored with titles like “rabbi” or “father” or even “teacher.” They are to take nothing away from the Father or the Son. They are to remember they are servants, not masters. If there is to be any exalting, God is to do it!
(5) You are keeping people out of the kingdom of God (13). You are hypocrites, pretending to be serving God but really just using your religious role to puff yourselves up. You won’t heed My teaching about the kingdom of God, and you do everything you can to keep others from hearing and obeying. You won’t repent and you won’t let anyone else repent, if you can help it. (Verse 14 is reduced to a footnote in recent versions of the Bible, since it is not found in the most reliable early manuscripts. It is quite in keeping with the rest of Jesus’ denunciations, however. His heart always goes out to widows, who are often helpless to prevent themselves from being taken by unscrupulous profiteers.)
(6) Your converts are worse, not better, than before their conversion (15). As students often surpass the fanaticism of their teachers, so yours invite an even more disastrous judgment than you do.
(7) You complicate even such matters as oath-taking (16–21). We already know Jesus’ opinion concerning oaths: Matthew 5:33–37. The prevailing principle seems to have been to swear by the greater, so the Pharisees thought an oath “by the gold in the temple” would be more binding than swearing by the temple (made of stone) itself. All this does not matter to Jesus, who would do away with the whole system of swearing oaths.
(8) You commendably practice some doctrines—like tithing—while completely ignoring weightier matters like justice, mercy, and faithfulness (22–24). Mint and anise and cummin were garden herbs used in cooking and for certain medicinal purposes. The tithing of herbs was considered the ultimate in religious piety.
(9) You scrupulously observe the external niceties of religion while leaving the inner person unreformed (25–28).
(10) You honor dead prophets but, like true descendants of their murderers, you do as your forefathers did (29–32).
(11) When I send “prophets and wise men and teachers” to you, you will prove yourselves to be as quick to kill as your forefathers killed the prophets who came to them (33–36). The first reference is to Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest, who was slain in the court of the temple—2 Chronicles 24:20f. The second is to Abel, son of Adam, who was slain by his brother Cain, the first of a long and inglorious line of murderers—Genesis 4:10.[5]

Beloved students in Far Eastern Bible College,

Remember this, you may have learned a lot from those lecturers, but do not follow their bad example…..!!!

Harsh-sounding language was not unusual in religious debates in first-century Judaism. Words and phrases like blind guides, twice the sons of hell, hypocrites, and brood of vipers were typical expressions in such debates between Jewish religious groups at Jesus’ time. This kind of language was the way a person or a group staked out territory. Ancient listeners would not have heard these words and thought how much the speaker hated the other people. Rather, ancient listeners would have concluded that the speaker firmly believed the other party was wrong, and his or her party was right.[6]

Yours sincerely,


Timothy Tow

Only a handful of Bible-Presbyterian old pastors dare to call Timothy Tow Siang Hui as "an old fox," these old pastors were very close to Timothy Tow from the beginning of Far Eastern Bible College, they were all at inner circle of Tow's life, they knew him very well, they were in the beginning good friend.....but Tow betrayed them and hurt their feeling...that is why they called him, "an old fox"


St James’ Church Kindergarten (Gilstead)

"The Temple of War" in Singapore, Gilstead Road.

Why FEBC and some BP churches are heretics?

I have to explain again.

1. They say KJV Bible is a perfect Bible, inspired. Other Bible versions are satanic!

2. They say underlying Hebrew and Greek text of KJV Bible are perfect without error.

3. They say one TR is perfect without error. Others are erroneous.

Then what happened?

1. They are attacking brothers and sisters in Christ. They sued one another in civil courts.

2. They chased out pastors and ministers who do not agreed with them from FEBC and BP church.

3. They split BP churches in Singapore and oversea, creating confusion among Christian.


1. They see KJV Bible more important than the Living God. They reject the Bible commandment and disagree that we are one in Christ.

2. They see Bible version more important than the Cross and Jesus.

3. They do not have love, they criticize.


They are heretics.

did FEBC break the commandment in 1 Corinthians 6:1-8

Did FEBC break the commandment in 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 in seeking a declaration from the High Court (Case No OS6/2009G) that she has the right to the premises at 9, 9A, and 10 Gilstead Road which be her birthplace and home since 1962?
The answer is no for the following reasons:
(1) The case between Life Bible-Presbyterian Church (LBPC) and Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) had to do with public and not private property and funds. Gifts and offerings were given by believers or collected in churches to purchase the land and erect the buildings not just for LBPC, but also for FEBC. Since monies were given for the purpose of a Bible College, specifically FEBC, it is the duty of the directors and trustees of the College to protect the funds and ensure that they are used to accomplish the charitable purpose for which they have been given.
(2) The dispute over doctrine and property should ideally be resolved between LBPC and FEBC without going to court. FEBC had repeatedly asked for a face-to-face meeting in 2007/2008 to resolve this matter amicably but to no avail.
(3) LBPC insisted that FEBC had no legal rights whatsoever to the premises. LBPC also demanded an unconditional undertaking from FEBC not to preach or teach the Verbal Plenary Preservation of the Holy Scriptures if she wanted to use the premises. This was impossible because FEBC cannot disobey God and act contrary to His Word. Verbal Plenary Preservation is a biblical doctrine (Ps 12:6-7, Matt 5:18, 24:35), and FEBC can neither deny the faith nor compromise on doctrine. To deny the faith and compromise on doctrine is sin.
(4) Since FEBC refused to sign this undertaking, LBPC ordered FEBC to vacate the premises by 30 June 2008. FEBC was deemed a “trespasser”. LBPC warned FEBC against advertising any of her classes and said that any attempt by FEBC to do so would be seen as an attempt by FEBC to instigate the public to trespass into LBPC’s property.
(5) The new FEBC term was about to open in two weeks’ time. It was not possible for FEBC to vacate for she had nowhere to go. Besides, Gilstead Road is FEBC’s birthplace and home since 1962. LBPC started to knock out and change the locks of the FEBC hall and classrooms.
(6) FEBC acknowledged LBPC’s right to use the premises, but LBPC denied FEBC any right. Pushed to the extreme, FEBC had no choice but to appeal to Caesar. The question of whether FEBC is also “owner” and has rights to the premises was a question of law. Romans 13:1-5 tells us that the government is a divine ordinance to maintain peace and order in a country, and to make sure its citizens are treated justly and fairly [See J O Buswell’s article, “Government as a Divine Ordinance,” in TLBPC Weekly, 20 July 2008]. Buswell said, “There are cases … in which one is a steward of a property for his own dependents and for others, cases in which it would be wrong to allow great loss without a protest. … Indeed with the intricacies of modern economic and social life, there are some disputes which require the expert authority of the secular courts.” What does the law say about our rights to the land? Having sought legal advice, the FEBC directors realised they had to act according to their fiduciary duty to seek the consent of the Attorney-General to apply for a declaration from the High Court concerning FEBC’s rights to 9, 9A and 10 Gilstead Road.
(7) While FEBC waited for the Attorney-General’s consent, LBPC went ahead to carry out her threat to commence action against FEBC. On 15 September 2008, LBPC filed a lawsuit to evict FEBC from the land. On 8 October 2008, the Attorney-General gave FEBC consent to seek a declaration from the High Court with regard to her rights to the premises at 9, 9A and 10 Gilstead Road.
(8) So, did FEBC sin against God? In light of the circumstances, No! John Calvin himself was not against the need to go to court when the situation requires it; he is only against those who initiate a lawsuit in order to do harm to their fellow brethren. Calvin, in his commentary on 1 Corinthians 6, wrote, “Paul does not condemn here those who, by force of circumstances, must enter into legal proceedings before unbelieving judges, for instance anyone who is summoned to court; but he finds fault with those who, on their own responsibility, bring their brothers there, and do them injury, as it were, at the hands of unbelievers, when another remedy is available to them. It is therefore wrong to take the initiative in instituting proceedings against brothers in an unbelievers’ court. It is in order, however, to come into court and conduct your case, if a charge is made against you.” In the court proceedings, LBPC was the plaintiff and FEBC the defendant.
(9) Calvin also went on to say that a lawsuit is in and of itself not wrong if it is for a good and just cause, but believers must enter into a lawsuit not with a heart of hatred or vengeance but with a heart of love. He wrote, “Let us therefore remember that Paul does not disapprove of law-suits on the ground that it is wrong in itself to uphold a good case by having recourse to a magistrate, but because they are nearly always bound up with improper attitudes of mind, such as lack of self-control, desire for revenge, hostility, obstinacy and so on. … If a Christian therefore wants to prosecute his rights in a court of law, without going against God, he must take special care not to come into court with any desire for revenge, any bad feeling, any anger, or in a word any poisonous thing. In all this love will be the best guide.”
(10) FEBC had no choice but to defend her birthright, her birthplace and home. It was done out of love for God, His Word, and His people. FEBC affirms and upholds not just the past but also the present perfection of the Bible, and by the logic of faith, based on the twin doctrines of Verbal Plenary Inspiration and Verbal Plenary Preservation, identifies where the infallible and inerrant words of God are so that God’s people might subject their faith and practice to the sole, supreme and final authority of a sure and certain Scripture which is readily available and easily accessible. Surely such a biblical conviction and confession is good for the Church and all Bible-believers (Ps 19:7-14).
(11) FEBC was duty bound to protect the beneficiaries of the charitable purpose trust. FEBC did not seek the eviction of LBPC, but LBPC sought to deprive FEBC of her heritage and home. The apex court on 26 April 2011 judged that FEBC has rights to 9, 9A, and 10 Gilstead Road and declared that “the College, in adopting the VPP doctrine, has not deviated from the fundamental principles which guide and inform the work of the College right from its inception, and as expressed in the Westminster Confession … It is not inconsistent for a Christian who believes fully in the principles contained within the Westminster Confession (and the VPI doctrine) to also subscribe to the VPP doctrine.”
(12) This whole process has brought about a healthy respect for the judiciary and the law. It is also a matter of public interest to know and understand what a charitable purpose trust is. All churches and charities should understand this principle of law. God can glorify His Name even in a secular court, because the secular court is an institution set up by Him.
“I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee. I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.” (Ps 138:1-3). 
Jeffrey Khoo, FEBC

The History of bp church

Life Bible-Presbyterian Church ("LBPC") was established by Timothy Tow, who in 1950 became pastor of the Life Church English Service at Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church. In 1955 Tow and others left the Chinese Presbyterian Synod to form the Bible-Presbyterian Church and LBPC was established. In 1963, LBPC moved into new premises in Gilstead Road.[1]
In 1988, the Synod of the Bible-Presbyterian Church was dissolved, but LBPC and other Bible-Presbyterian churches continue to exist under their respective names.
The Far Eastern Bible College ("FEBC") shares premises with LBPC, but it had a falling out with LBPC over Verbal Plenary Preservation (VPP). FEBC teaches that God has supernaturally preserved each and every one of His inspired Hebrew/Aramaic OT words and Greek NT words to the last jot and tittle so that God’s people will always have in their possession His infallible and inerrant Word kept intact without the loss of any word, and that the infallible and inerrant words of Scripture are found in the faithfully preserved Traditional/Byzantine/Majority manuscripts and fully represented in the Printed and Received Text (or Textus Receptus) that underlie the Reformation Bibles best represented by the KJV, and NOT in the corrupted and rejected texts of Westcott and Hort that underlie the many modern versions of the English Bible like the NIV, NASV, ESV, RSV, TEV, CEV, TLB, etc.,[2] but the Board of Elders of LBPC disagrees.[3]
In 2008 the church sued the college directors, including Timothy Tow, over allegedly “deviant Bible teachings” in an attempt to force FEBC to leave the Gilstead Road premises.[4] However the church failed as the Court of Appeal of Singapore, the apex court in the Singapore legal system, ruled on 26 April 2011 that (i) “the College, in adopting the VPP doctrine, has not deviated from the fundamental principles which guide and inform the work of the College right from its inception, and as expressed in the Westminster Confession”; (ii) “[i]t is not inconsistent for a Christian who believes fully in the principles contained within the Westminster Confession (and the VPI doctrine) to also subscribe to the VPP doctrine”; and (iii) “[i]n the absence of anything in the Westminster Confession that deals with the status of the apographs, we [the Court] hesitate to find that the verbal plenary preservation doctrine is a deviation from the principles contained within the Westminster Confession."[5][6]

Warning false teachers in febc

Dearly beloved, let us not be found exploiting the flock of God for that is the characteristic of false teachers and brethren. The religion of true believers is not in the kitchen but in the Word of God. The God of the saints is not their bellies but the Lord Jesus Christ. False teachers and brethren will always put themselves first before God and others. The true Christian, however, will always put God first in his life, and love the brethren. “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10)

My side of story

Before Timothy die, Jeffrey hijacked FEBC, to pursue his own agenda to become principal and pastor like Timothy. He used Verbal Plenary Preservation as his stepping stone.
Unfortunately, Jeffrey was facing Charles and Colin, both disliked him, so he used Timothy to oust Charles and Colin from the church session, but backfired, there go the lawsuit!!! Timothy was misled and misinformed because he was getting old.
Jeffrey was so cruel to his own comrades, they were one team in the beginning, because of Jeffrey's own agenda, he killed them one by one in Bible College silently, only those agreed with him, he spared their life. This war spread beyond control, many great men had fallen away, this is why for these few years, i am writing in this blog to warn him to stop his cruelty.
Neither Charles and Colin are innocent, they are selfish, narrow minded and stubborn. Do not open the church door for some to come in, and they are too soft toward some of his church elders, so one day they too will be punished for these wrong doings. 
Why these evil things happened in BPC? It is because BPC was so proud and arrogant, in the way they preached and led the church, this is a judgment from above to humble them and shame them, so that they may return to their first love.
Here i stand, to testify their wrong doing!

Preserved not in one single Bible translation or manuscript..

Let me explain my view, i believe God preserve His written Word, not in a single Hebrew or Greek manuscript, not in TR nor single Bible version, nor a Bible translation, but He preserved His written Word generally. Where they are now? The Word of God is preserved, either hidden or surfaced, well kept in all the OT and NT manuscripts, and in all faithful Bible Versions and translations, like NIV, KJV, NKJV, ESV...
Please do not quarrel over some Hebrew or Greek manuscripts, TR or Bible versions and translations! Be humble!

Tell you the truth, in writing this blog, i was brought very low! Those theologians hated me and my writings. They hate this blog.

One God in Three Persons

אֶחָד is one......

Deuteronomy 6:4 (NIV)
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one אֶחָד
Old Testament says God is one.
One God in one Person?
God is one, can be translated as "Joined One," please see:
Ezekiel 37:15–17 (NIV)
15 The word of the Lord came to me: 16 “Son of man, take aאֶחָד stick of wood and write on it, ‘Belonging to Judah and the Israelites associated with him.’ Then take another stick of wood, and write on it, ‘Belonging to Joseph (that is, to Ephraim) and all the Israelites associated with him.’ 17 Join them together into oneאֶחָד stick so that they will become oneאֶחָד in your hand.  
Two sticks joined into one, and became one!
God the Father joined with God the Son and joined with God the Holy Spirit, they are one God.
Our God is One God in Three Persons, Triune God.


Both Life Bible-Presbyterian Church and Far Eastern Bible College, they do not have unity. They split....!!!

Bible-Presbyterian Church reap what they sow

Bible-Presbyterian Church likes to attack other denominations,

so this is what they reap,

now they have to live with heretics in Giltead Road, Singapore.

To teach them a lesson, "next time, mind your own business!!!!!"


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