
Revelation Chapter 2, the Ephesus with VPP

2:1, Ephesus was a big sea port, it was a business and religious center. Paul founded a church there. There was a pagan Goddess and her temple in Ephesus. Paul nearly being killed by these opponents.

2:2, To know, weather a truth we heard is true or false, weather a prophet is real or fake, or weather a teaching is correct or not, all these must take time and gone through many testings.

John wants us to test, test the spirit, weather the spirit is from God or not. (1 John 4:1) Paul even taught this in 1 Thess 5:21. This apply also to Verbal Plenary Preservation.

2:4, "The love at first." Where is your love at first, at the moment you came to believe the Lord. Where is it now? This is more important than tracking the first century MSS!

Now, we are self content, and self contend, we are proud about ourselves, we had lost the vitality, the depending, the pickup, the zeal.

That first love had been replaced by a routine, some dogmas, some creeds, like the humanists, we must repent from this coolness, we are suppose to say we had lost the love toward mankind and Christ.

2:5, we may say, we do not know what is that "the love at first."


2:6, there was a group of people called, the Nicolaitans, these are those called themselves Christian, they were compromisING with the world, they worship the idols and live in lusts. They were in the church in Ephesus, they had rejected the gospel truth, their characters and behaviours were clearly seen. And some of them were teaching in the church. (rf. Rev 2:15) How can this be?

2:7, Christ is speaking to the church, through the Holy Spirit. Even until today. He wanted us to overcome. How? DEPEND ON THE RESURRECTED CHRIST, TO OVERCOME OUR INNER WEAKNESSES. AND TO OVERCOME OUR OUTER TEMPTATIONS.

You are promised,

1. to eat the the fruit on the tree of life. (2:7)
2. no more second death. (2:11)
3. given the hidden manna and a new name on the white stone. (2:17)
4. given the authority and the morning star. (2:27-28)
5. to wear the white robes, and name written on the book of life. (3:5)
6. to be a pillar in the temple of God, God's Name written on him. (3:12)

7. All of those who overcome, they will sit together with the Christ Jesus, and they will enter the heaven to enjoy the eternity with Him.

The Christians who served the Christ with zeal, they are promised a perfect and complete salvation. At the end, he will not be separated from God, like in the garden of Aden, he will live with God, and live in freedom and peace. All these promises, are to be claimed by us, only through Christ, we can receive these promises. No other way!

Thoughts for today,

We must test the teaching of Verbal Plenary Preservation. Right or wrong?

What is the important of the first love, comparing with the perfect scripture text to Ephesians? Which is more important to them?

Why Paul mentioned the first love, why he did not mention they had lost the autographs, the first hand writing manuscripts?

Who are those called Nicolaitans? What they were teaching actually?

How Christ speak to us today?

What He commanded us today, did He command us to seek the first century, the perfect, the 100 %, the autographs, and print it out ? So that we can out print the NIV, ESV, CUV...? Think about this, seriously Today!

Christ commanded us to overcome, to conquer what?

Did Christ promised us a perfect KJV?
Did Christ promised us a perfect underlying text?
Did God promised us a perfect Bible version?
Did God promised us a perfect hand copied Bible? No.
Did God promised us a perfect machined printed Bible? NO!
Where is our first love?
Where is our first Bible?
Answer is......



为了辨论 VPP 的错误,还是写完他再说。


Martin Luther on Justification by Faith

有關16世紀“人文主義 humanism”的正確定義是繁複的,它與今日我們所瞭解的“人文主義”定義不同。Timothy T. Wengent指出16世紀人文主義的特徵,是一種注重文獻(text)與藝術的運動,它強調歷史、修辭學與古典語文的研究,例如希伯來文、希臘文。Alister McGrath認為16世紀的人文主義是一種文化與教育的運動,主要是關心怎樣有效地通過傳講及書寫去闡明或說服別人的觀點。

Far Eastern Bible College, 远东神学院讲师和教授,我想大概已掉入16世紀“人文主義 humanism”的运动里。

请读 Timothy T. Wengent, Philip Melanchthon's Annotations on Johannen in Relation to its Predecessors and Contemporaries (Geneve: Libraivie Droz S.A., 1987), p.121.

Alister McGrath, The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation (Oxford:Basil Backwell, 1987), p 33.

從哲學的觀點而論,16世紀的人文主義可分為兩種︰北歐與南歐的人文主義。後者是指義大利文藝復興的人文主義,它是西方人文主義的泉源,它是屬世的。最傑出的佛羅倫斯代表人物包括Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola and Leone Ebreo。G. Boas認為以上人物都是備受新伯拉圖哲學所影響。Feldmeth解釋,南歐的人文主義對人的理智能力與文化上的成就充滿信心。Michael Rogress認為16世紀的人文主義屬於一種生命哲學,它過度榮耀人性的美善,例如人理會的能力及自由意志。另一方面,北歐的人文主義傳佈於阿爾卑斯山以北的國家,N. Abbagnano認為,雖然北歐的人文主義對人性的看法與南歐類同,但前者較傾向以神為中心,引發出中世紀後期的神秘主義與敬虔主義的思想,它的代表人物為以拉斯母。

请读 Michael Rogness, Philip Melanchthon: Reformer without Honor (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1969), p.2. N. P. Feedmeth, "Humanism," in New Dictionary of Theology, eds., S. B. Fergrson & D. F. Wright (Ill: IVP), p.322. N. Abbagnano, "Humanism," in Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Paul Edwards (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1976).

然而,路德指出,聖經教導我們,亞當以後的人在每一個範疇都被罪惡影響,活在罪惡之下(《羅》3:9),以致人所做的善工都不足以為自己製造多餘的功德去彌補其它的罪行(註6),人需要的是完全的改造,否則在上帝的眼裡,“沒有義人,連一個也沒有。”(《羅》3:10) “所以凡有血氣的,沒有一個因行律法(的善工)能在上帝面前稱義。”(《羅》3:20)換句話說,人無力拯救自己,不能靠自己所作的獲取神的義,只有透過信心才能稱義。

路德說:“這(神的義)是透過信心藉著歸算(imputation)而得以成就的,按此,我開始緊緊抓住基督;基於基督的緣故,神把不全的義看為完全的義,把罪看為不是罪,縱使罪確實是罪。因此,他強調要向所有的信徒教導十誡,並要他們遵守十誡。他更說明那些遵守十誡的人必蒙上帝悅納,並且他們的信心必得著堅固. 由此可見,路德並非否定善行在信徒生活的重要,他只是強調善行是得救者必然流露出來的果子,卻非引致得救之不可缺乏的原素。





今日的世界信義會聯合會(Lutheran World Federation)、世界衛理公會協進會(World Methodist Council)及羅馬天主教於2006年7月23日在南韓漢城簽署了《因信稱義聯合聲明》文件。此聲明被譽為具有歷史性的“合一的新標誌”。羅馬天主教主管合一事務的樞機主教Walter Kasper認為這簽署是“合一對話的重要成就”,並引用教宗本篤十六世的話,認為這是“信仰裡完全可目睹的聯合”(full visible unity in faith)。世界信義會聯合會總幹事Ishmael Noko指出:“這聲明為日後合一關係打開了大門。”然而,《因信稱義聯合聲明》的重點只表示各方面在理解上達成協議,但並非在"因信稱義"的教義上彼此接納。


Jerome and Augustine







作者現在北加州灣區聖經歸正教會( http://www.biblerc.org/ )牧會,並在基督工人神學院兼課。


Revelation chapter 1 and VPP

Chapter 1

1:1, to reveal the second coming of the Lord. A semaino, a sign.

1:2, the Word of God is OT and NT. They are one, a whole book is the Word of God..

1:3, this book has 7 blessings, here is the first. The rest is at 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7,14. By faith we received the prophecies. The time is near !

1:4, the writer is John. And his caller is the LORD, Jahweh, in Exodus 3:14, He had called Moses. "I am who I am" He is eternal. He is the Only One, Universe Controller. The Judge is at the door.

The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, The triune God. The trinity is forever and ever.

1:6, those years, God had made a covenant with him at Sinai. A kingdom belongs to priesthood and holiness. (Exodus 19:6) Jesus Christ is our King. We are His nations and His servants.

1:7, Those Jews and Romans will see Him. They had crucified Him on the cross. Amen. This is truth.

1:8, Alpha and Omega, He is the beginning of the world and He is the ending of the world. Jesus Himself confirmed this in Rev 22:13.

1:9, there are "tribulations" with the "kingdom" and "patient" is needed. "The End" is coming. He will come to restored His kingdom on earth. The difficulties and tribulations are a must for his followers. The conditions are becoming worst and worsen. Because of Immanuel, the follower lived in peace. God gave the power to endure.

The church was persecuted, the more the persecutions, and the more the Word becoming real to us, and the revival comes. Even John saw visions.

1:10, The Lord's day. The first day, the Sunday. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus is on this day. They did not followed the Sabbath day, the Saturday, like the Jewish brothers any longer. They changed the habit of Sabbath day, from Saturday to Sunday.

They changed it to the first day, to remember the salvation and resurrection of the Lord. (Act 20:7, 1 Cor 16:2) The Word of Sabbath is still in the OT, and also in NT, but the meaning of keeping it already changed. The meaning is more important than mere word! John heard the sound like a trumpet, what does it means?

1:11, Seven churches were mentioned. They were in a circle. Jesus Christ is in the middle. The center!

1:12-14, seven lamp stands are seven churches. John saw a figure looked like a man. He is the Glorious Jesus Christ. He is wearing the garment like a priest. He is living, resurrected, highly saluted and worshipped. (Daniel 7:9) He has wisdom, reverence, and eyes like a fire, in His hands are the seven stars.

1:17, when John saw this scenery, he fell down. God revealed Himself to John. He is in fear and happiness. "Do not fear, do not afraid to die." He overcomes death. No matter what happened in our surroundings, He gives us a brighter tomorrow. A bigger hope.

1:19, John said he saw, and he wrote what he had seen. The things in the future. In the vision. Those things must happened.

1:20, seven stars, what does it means?


The word of God is a sign in this book. What is that sign?

The time is nearer, but Jesus only mentioned two words, Alpha, omega in Greek!

The word "sabbath" is sabbath, a perfect word is a perfect word, what does it means, is more important than mere word it self.

The sound of the trumpet, what doest it means?

Seven stars, what is this means to us?

Seven lamp stands, where they are?

Conclusion, even we had the perfect manuscripts in our hands we dare not to interprete this chapter according to our understanding,
the meaning is more important than the word!

I hope the VPP theologians are very sure about the meaning of each word.

The Brown War.

And there is a war coming forward, the brown will fights and makes war with the brown and then there is a repentance from his racism after that. I called this as "The Brown War."

God, God, God...

One day a man goes up to see his God, he asked God for his rewards, where is his rewards after he bombed, murdered, killed, cheated, lied, and bullied many human beings on earth.

He say to God, "God is great, God is surely great, I had done so many things for you, I had preached your truth, I had done so many good deeds in your name, and I had fasted in your name, I had prayed in your name, I had done what you wanted me to do, and I had followed you whole my life. Show me what is my rewards for all my works."

On that great Day, God the merciful will be in heaven, and His Son will probably tell the man, "Go away, you terrorist, I do not know you, you are not one of my disciple. I do not asked you to murder from the begining, but to love. You had done nothing for God. Go away into the eternal damnations."

Many will try to go into heaven but many are refused. There are wars on earth, but the terrorists had fight the wrong wars for wrong reasons, but it is too late for them to know it even until the end of this world.


Roja phu

There was a Indian man called Rajah, one day his Indians friend asked him to go for a reunion at the Curry House, one of his friend asked him, "Rajah, Rajah, you want us to respect you, but when did you respect us?"

Another friend start to reply for him, "Roja phu, roja phu, you want us to hug and kiss you, but when are you going to put away your thorns? Roja poojaki panikiraani poovu." (Roja meaning rose in Tamil) All his friends were looking at him and started to smile at each other.

Rajah felt very sorry after he heard his closest friends spoke like that, "Sorry, sorry, sorry, I will try to respect you from now on. Please give me a break."

His friend said, "No just try to, but make it happen! You must learn how to respect other before other will respect you? Are you still want to behave like a roja phu to us?"

Then they all happily chated, ate the fragants rice, with curry mutton on the banana leaf, and they drank milk, they continued to reunion until late night before they departed from the curry house. Rajah started to respect other from that day onward. He won his respect at last!

When did you respect other ?


Thank God for every thing !

Thank God for the poor,
Thank God for the rich,
Thank God for another new day,
Thank God for the Whites,
Thank God for the Browns,
Thank God for the Yellows,
Thank God for the Blacks,
Thank God for the Reds,
Thank God for the human,
Thank God for the inhuman,
Thank God for the policeman,
Thank God for the fireman,
Thank God for the teacher,
Thank God for every one,
Thank God for every day,
Thank God for every moment,
Thank God, for God is good to you,
Thank God, for God is good.....
Thank God.....

Yes. it is no turning back..

The time is in God's hand....

No turning back

There is no turning back for the event coming, it must happened to the country? This is what the price? And we must pay for this unity? for the future, for our generations to come, so that the event will be cut deep into their history and their swords will be cut into their own hearts and their swords will be broken into pieces? And they will be revoked to fight, and then repent from pride, they will be humbled for the blood they had shed those generations. Blood cannot be avoided! Unless they apology and repent from the wickedness they had done to the people openly.

The Chinese had shed their blood, may God intervene the event, please protect them this time, may your will be done.God, You know who is the head of the terrorist, God help us, fight for us until he is defeated!

Heavenly Father, stop the sunshine for us a time, and may You cast out the evil spirits from the land, return them to the original place in the sea, the spirit of the pirates and spirit of the darkness...return to your original place! They are the fishermen in the beginning, but they had turned into pirates, may God stand for us, in Jesus Name I pray.

Where the money gone to, in this Shunamy 2009, the money are being cut down from the rich, some are being sent to the poor, some are gone into the wind. But this is not enough, more money in this country must be given to the poor. Before the shunamy end! There is no turning back, because, the answer is us, we caused this to happen. No turning back, it is too late. Brown is brown, your coloured face cannot be whitened to become yellow and white! You cannot fool God any longer.

Our Bible say this:

One day, the sun will give no light.....

There is No turning back. Read the Bible before it is too late for you... when there is no perfect Bible for you to read, you just read CUV, KJV, NKJV, ESV, NIV...the sun will give no light that time, do not be so choosy fellow, just read what version you have.

Stop quarrelling about the VPP for a time, please be considerate a bit for the poor this moment! This is not the time for you to quarrel about the 15th century Bible Text. Even you saluted the lawyers, not all lawyers are telling the truth, some are not considerate even what Bible versions are all about, please withdraw the lawsuit for the sake of the young generations, and new believers, settle the problem in the synod, the lawyers cannot form a synod to help you! Or you are becoming one of them?

The Manchurian Emperors

The Manchurians Emperors were not Chinese, but the Chinese said they were Chinese Emperors! This is Imperialism.

On the order hands they continue to oppress the Chinese in Taiwan and Tibet, this is communism.

Time is near, that the Communism must be punished for what they had done to us the Chinese! If they are reading the blog now, the People Republic of Chine, will be punished for the wrong they had done to us the Christian. like me a small Chinese business man, nearly killed by their secret agent, they know what I meant.

Manchurians are Manchurians, they are not Chinese! The Communists are Communists, are they Chinese? If yes, they are Chinese, why they oppress the Chinese? What is the meaning of civilizations for the Chinese?

I noticed that many Chinese are Communist! They are shouting the slogan of democracy. Clever?

Some one had touched you in Si Chuan, that is the pain I felt when I was under your secret agent. I had no regret about Si Chuan event, my people were suffered under you iron fist, and they too are painful.

God, why we are troubled by being a Chinese?

The Miracle of the Printing Press ?

While the invention of the printing press revolutionized the dissemination of the Bible, standardizing its text and enabling widespread acce...