We pray for unity within the Bible-Presbyterian Church. Calling some of their fundamentalists to repentance. We reprimand Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) lecturers for teaching heresy and living in lust and pride! ++THIS BLOG HAS STRONG LANGUAGE. Reader discretion is advised++
James chapter 2 with VPP
James 2:1, James wrote that Christian should not be a racist. No distinctions like poor and rich apply in Christ. Bible nowhere allows for distinctions among believers based on position, power, race, color, wealth, or popularity. Favoritism is a sinful, it is not a work from God, this is why James writes this chapter to rebuke it!
2:2-4, In James’ time, the early churches were brothers in Christ, but then there was discrimination on the poor. The problem was so serious James had to openly rebuke those rich. Like today, those live in luxury home and drives big cars, and spend money like water, they were the doctors and lawyer, powerful men and women on earth, well respected, with degrees and highly wanted jobs, some even called themselves Christians, pastors and preachers, and so even called themselves “elders,” but they look down to the poor and favor the rich. This is not new, and do not envy the rich!
One day a slave met an elder of a church, called Dr H, the slave thought he is a medical doctor, so the slave, told the doctor he is unwell, but the doctor just keep quite and smiles a bit. After the slave finished his talk to the doctor, the doctor explained to the slave, that he is not a medical doctor, he is just a teacher, and he has a doctorate in business administration! He cannot help the slave in his sickness. That is why he just smiles away! This elder runs a church like a company, and he is the CEO in the church! Church is like a business! Christian business runs for the rich and the learned. Do not envy, this is normal, because the CEO of the church is a doctor!
2:5, the world look for the powerful, the wise, those first level society, but what the Lord is looking for? Those poor in spirit, the poor is blessed, the kingdom of God is for them.
2:6, James said there were some bullies in the church, they are the rich, and they had bullied the poor in the church! I try to expound and expose this, the bullies may say publicly to the poor and their friends, “You think we can bully Mr. Poor? You think he can let us bully him, you think he is weak, you think he is not strong, you think he can be bullied, you think we can bullied him? No, no one can bully him. We are friend, we take care of each other, we are inter-dependant!” they proclaimed this in front of the public, but they talked wickedly behind the poor man and laughed in their heart, these rich bullies continue to oppress those poor men! It happened actually in public eyes, do not fool by the rich and the powerful, pray for a good government so that they will not oppress the poor. By the way, do not forget brothers in India, they needed the gospel and many prayers.
2:8-9, Love other as yourself, do not just love money and fulfills you own desire! Do not forget to fulfill the desire of poor! Love is a command from the King of kings. (Read Lev 19:15 KJV)
What young men have learned in the Bible College? Studying the scripture, to show that they are a servant approved, for a position or for a good name? What is the purpose of that study, a piece of paper? A degree? No, forbid that, what we must learn in a school is this, “learning, so that we may know how to learn…...” Learning until we may know how to “learn,” meaning is “do not stop learning, even after we had graduated from the school.” Pray for wisdom! Knowledge puffs up! Beware!
2:10, James said, since they were all sinner, James said, let some to mourn, the rich, let cry! In the end, our money rusted, do not grumble to one another, how about Job, he was suffering, at last he was comforted, and do not swear at all, do not swear for VPP, let pray about it, sing when you are merry, but remember we are all sinner, so admit we are sinners. We are sad, let pray. Life is hard, harder for the poor. We had breach the whole law, when we breach one small insignificant law, this small favoritism about the KJV and the rich!
2:12-13, Christians are merciful! You said sure and off course! Christian! Be merciful onto the poor!
2:14, Paul said, the just is justified by faith, so faith is an inward act, James said that faith is produced outwardly in works, so work is outward act, faith and work are connected! A new man is changed inwardly and outwardly!
2:19, there is one God, we believe, but we must work, works produced in speech and behavior, and helps to the poor, in believing God there are works. What is our work for the poor today? You are looking down the poor, the Chinese said, “3 feet up your head, there is God.” You believe or not?
2:20, faith motivates us for good works. How we speak to our friends and family last week? How we had spoken to our brothers in Christ about the perfect Bible, did we say something, which offended those who read the CUV, NKJV, NIV, ESV? How we control our tongue, we need wisdom!
2:21, Abraham’s work, proven his faith is genuine. What we had done for our church? Any sacrifices for the church, or the church sacrifice for us! Works follow regeneration! Should the whole church sacrifice for us, for our personal view about VPP, should the poor mourned because a perfect Bible?
2:24, faith must stand with work! Faith alone is not faith, but genuine faith must produce work! Where is that truth? The just shall live by faith, not by sight? James asked a question, “Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?” Yes or no?
Sermon Topic
1.Christian shall not has Favoritism.
2.Discrimination on the poor is wrong.
3.The poor in spirit and the kingdom of God.
4.Learning to learn
5.Do not swear at all?
6.Justified by faith.
7.Works follow regeneration
8.The rich is a blessed man
9.Tongue, blessing and cursing, the power!
10.A perfect man
Book of Proverbs Chapter 7- chapter 13
Book of Proverbs Chapter 7- chapter 13
1.Give me 4 characters that God hates.
a.Explain what is the meaning of a perverse mouth?
2.What is the Lord’s way to inherit wealth and treasure?
3.Pride will lead you to (a)…………….(b)……………..
4.What causes depression in the book of Proverbs?
5.Discuss Proverbs 12:4
6.How should you use your tongue in conversation according to the book of Proverbs?
箴 言 Proverbs 7-13
a.解析“乖 谬的口”的意思。
Write a paper about : Proverb and depression:
8:13 敬 畏 耶 和 华 , 在 乎 恨 恶 邪 恶 。 那 骄 傲 , 狂 妄 , 并 恶 道 , 以 及 乖 谬 的 口 , 都 为 我 所 恨 恶 。
使 爱 我 的 承 受 货 财 , 并 充 满 他 们 的 府 库 。
Psalms 38:6 I am depressed; I am bowed down beyond measure; I go mourning all the day.
才 德 的 妇 人 , 是 丈 夫 的 冠 冕 。 贻 羞 的 妇 人 , 如 同 朽 烂 在 他 丈 夫 的 骨 中 。
Pro 30:5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
Book of Proverbs Chapter 7- chapter 13
1.Give me 4 characters that God hates.
a.Explain what is the meaning of a perverse mouth?
2.What is the Lord’s way to inherit wealth and treasure?
3.Pride will lead you to (a)…………….(b)……………..
4.What causes depression in the book of Proverbs?
5.Discuss Proverbs 12:4
6.How should you use your tongue in conversation according to the book of Proverbs?
箴 言 Proverbs 7-13
a.解析“乖 谬的口”的意思。
Write a paper about : Proverb and depression:
8:13 敬 畏 耶 和 华 , 在 乎 恨 恶 邪 恶 。 那 骄 傲 , 狂 妄 , 并 恶 道 , 以 及 乖 谬 的 口 , 都 为 我 所 恨 恶 。
使 爱 我 的 承 受 货 财 , 并 充 满 他 们 的 府 库 。
Psalms 38:6 I am depressed; I am bowed down beyond measure; I go mourning all the day.
才 德 的 妇 人 , 是 丈 夫 的 冠 冕 。 贻 羞 的 妇 人 , 如 同 朽 烂 在 他 丈 夫 的 骨 中 。
Pro 30:5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
James chapter 1 and VPP
The wordings of James were written smoothly and powerfully. To the Jew in dispersion, it is a proverb in NT. The writer is the brother of Jesus Christ, a well respected man. In this book there is teaching how the Christian should live their life. Probably at AD45, it was written, it is the first book in NT.
Some scholars were doubtful about the teaching of faith and work (2:14-26), James’ teaching is different with what Paul had taught. But actually, James did not teach against the teaching of “justified by faith” he is not teaching man is “justified by work” alone.
James’ purpose is to rebuke those day Judaism, they had a wrong idea, that if a man is “justified by faith,” it means a man just had to accept a set of teachings in their head and mind, and they have no need to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. And then no works were produced, even after “justified by faith.” James purpose is to correct that wrong perception.
James, rebuke them sharply, that true faith must produce good works, if “justified by faith” cannot produce good works, then weather that “faith” is genuine or not it may be in question mark.
Faith cannot be alone, faith must produce good works. Faith will produce fruits. James said that the works is the proof that that “faith” is genuine. Weather a man is obeying God in life or not, maybe become a proof that man is having a genuine faith. He gave an example, Abraham, was justified by faith, he later done a good work, he sacrificed his son Isaac as God’s commandment.
1:2, James wrote that our daily life is full with all kinds of testing, trials and temptations, life is hard, some of them even were persecuted, they had “peirasmos,” temptations and testing, there are some thing in our hearts that tempting us to fall in sin. James wanted them to rejoice even in troubles, like(Matthew 5:10-12)
1:3-4, those pressure, testing, persecutions, the hardship in life, are all for the training a man, to establish faith in God. Like Job, he was tested, later he was comforted. After all the training, they will more like Christ, lovingly love and being loved, more humble, more mature, become a new man, for all these achievement, we must rejoice!
1:5-6, we must have wisdom, they must know which thing is suitable, which is the will of God. This wisdom must know how to choose morally, to know which is right and which is wrong. VPP is right or wrong? If a man lack of wisdom, he or she may ask from God. Since God is good, kind, abundant, by faith and by the will of God, he may received what wisdom he or she is needed. (Matthew 7:7) Wisdom is a gift of God and should be prayed for! Pray by faith, first, VPP later!
1:8, we must not ask half heartedly. Concentrate our heart! (Matthew 6:24)
1:9-10, James wrote about wealthy and poverty, those who are poor, they are facing another kind of testing, so they also rejoice; those who are rich, they also may face testing when their business lose or bankrupt, they also must rejoice. They must rejoice in Christ.
Even rich pastors oppress and bully the poor pastors, they join with unbelievers and politician to enpower their oppression, the poor must keep silent, this is injustice!
1:12, a crown of life, John wrote to the church of Smyrna:
Revelation 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
Crown of life is not reserved only for the theologians, the pastors, the teachers, the rich, the doctors, the lawyers, the head of a state, a king on earth, but the humblest believers are also entitled to it.
1:13-15, a fountain cannot give two kinds of water, neither sweet nor bitter, but God gave us goodness, God is holy. Man is tempted by his our desire, Satan tempted man to fall into sins, and entangled man to follow it. Satan is the great tempter. May God deliver us from the evil, lead us not into temptation.
1:17, God is light, in Him there is no darkness (1 John 1:5). God is the author and the fountain of all good.
1:18, He born us in His Word, man is born again after believing the Lord. Truth may refer to Gospel.
1:19-20, so do not angry, God will sure judge (Matthew 5:22) we need good behavior to glorified God (Matthew 5:16) so we must take care of our tongue (James 1:26; 3:8), it is better we can become a listener in anger, anger may cause us to sin (Eph 4:26) Justified by faith, we must know how to talk.
1:25 do not continue to become a listener, but a doer! Do the Ten Commandments, we must obey! Christian must produce work according to Ten Commandments!
1:26, outward devotion is useless! It is like those idol worshiper. Ecumenical movement is heading uniting every idol worshipers, if this is the case, we cannot join with this ecumenical movement, God wanted to be united in love and truth, truth of the gospel!
3 tests for true faith:
3.Keeping oneself unspotted from the world.
1:27, worldly means self centered, pursuing money, statues, power and authority, they worship God with their lips, but their heart is far away from God, their hearts have no God, full with sins. True devotion is seen in doing good works, self-ratification, living in holiness; in love and truth, in obeying the commandment of God.
Look what Peter said in polemic? in 1 Peter 2:1, sin blocks love from fellowship, sin cannot let us love one another; put away this bitterness so that our spiritual life may grow!
1 Peter 2:4, we are the house of God, Christ is the ROCK.
1 Peter 2:5, we are the holy priests.
May God grant us wisdom in reading His sacred word! VPP is wrong or not, may God grant us wisdom!
1.How to live our Christian life?
2.What kind of victory and trials in our life?
3.What is the peril of wealth?
4.What is the source of sin?
5.What is the source of God’s goodness?
6.What is hearing?
7.What is doing?
8.How to talk when we are under persecution and opression?
Christianity in 2008
Christianity has lost attraction in some places like US, why?
There is one explanation, the modernist trend, some have refuse to follow God, and they said no one is caring that truth is absolute, they said that there is no absolute truth! Tolerance become license, so there were a lot of various of ideas, value blooming. This causing gray area, there is confuse of right and wrong, confusion of black and white. Those who are holding the truth become a scamp of the society, this explanation maybe true.
There is another explanation, most of the fundamentalist and evangelical, they are legalistic, they felt they are "better than you," they have this "holy than you," mindset, so they like to rebuke, like to blame other, like to point finger, nothing they do, they actually do not obey and live in Jesus' commandment and teaching, they did not really care for the weaker group, suffering people, those sick community, they did not show that they really love other with love!
So that is why "Emerging Church" is well accepted by the young men and youth now a day. Most of them were hurt in the traditional fundamental churches, so that is why they are looking for reality, a better Christlike, better accepted experience, so they are more open for those strange and new teachings!
We have to blame the legalistic?
My dear friends, do not show your face like a fierce parents anymore to these young men! We wanted to show them we are the BOSS, we felt we are the representative of the fundamentalists, we represent the truth! Please humbly live with the young!
Dialogue with young men is needed! Let us have more zeal to those young man, do not just point fingers! Did You say you want 21th century reformation! Now you wanted the perfect Bible so much! May God grant us the Bible and also the harvest!
There is one explanation, the modernist trend, some have refuse to follow God, and they said no one is caring that truth is absolute, they said that there is no absolute truth! Tolerance become license, so there were a lot of various of ideas, value blooming. This causing gray area, there is confuse of right and wrong, confusion of black and white. Those who are holding the truth become a scamp of the society, this explanation maybe true.
There is another explanation, most of the fundamentalist and evangelical, they are legalistic, they felt they are "better than you," they have this "holy than you," mindset, so they like to rebuke, like to blame other, like to point finger, nothing they do, they actually do not obey and live in Jesus' commandment and teaching, they did not really care for the weaker group, suffering people, those sick community, they did not show that they really love other with love!
So that is why "Emerging Church" is well accepted by the young men and youth now a day. Most of them were hurt in the traditional fundamental churches, so that is why they are looking for reality, a better Christlike, better accepted experience, so they are more open for those strange and new teachings!
We have to blame the legalistic?
My dear friends, do not show your face like a fierce parents anymore to these young men! We wanted to show them we are the BOSS, we felt we are the representative of the fundamentalists, we represent the truth! Please humbly live with the young!
Dialogue with young men is needed! Let us have more zeal to those young man, do not just point fingers! Did You say you want 21th century reformation! Now you wanted the perfect Bible so much! May God grant us the Bible and also the harvest!
Is there any error in the Bible?
Is there any error in the Bible? There is a few scholars had proven that the Bible has errors, then how can the Bible is inspired?
Answer: We all knew, our Bible in our hand today, is not the Bible writer’s original autograph, the Bible was copied many times, recopies, and then translated.
We all believe the first hand written Bible, the original text, the autograph is without error, but sad to say the original texts were not preserved, they were lost. In these few thousands years, they may had rotten and and expired, so today, the Bible in our hand, is handed down to us, through 2 thousand years of copying and copying, and in the process of copying, there are errors, by human mistake, mistakes made, in the process of copying, this is reasonable, and we can imagine this will happened.
But, there are people attacking the integrity of the Bible, they said that the Bible has errors, after researches, most of the errors were misunderstandings:
1.The archaeologist and manuscripts find that a lot of errors are copy errors, so it is not errors.
2.Some errors are jot and title, some are numbers errors. We knew that the old manuscripts were written on the skin, due to ware and tear, some of letters were erased, so they read wrongly, so they person who copy them will copy them wrongly. But those copy errors in numbers and places are not significant, all important truth were not affected.
3.Some errors, were due to ignorance of those who were attacking the Bible, these critical places later were deeply expounded and explained by some Bible scholars, so the problems solved.
4.There were many New Testament writers, when they quote the Old Testament, we may find errors in wording, the Old Testament were not quoted verbatim, but sometimes they were quoted loosely. The New Testament writer use dynamic equivalent in translating the Old Testaments.
5.And then there were places seem like errors, but they were not errors, it is because the New Testament writers use different angle to descript a event, like the four Gospel, because Matthew descript Jesus as King and Lord, Mark descript the Lord as a Servant, Luke descript Jesus as Son of Man, John descript Jesus as Son of God, so the four Gospel appeared to use different stress, materials, and styles.
6.And then there were errors in historical facts, but later we find that there were people who were attacking the Bible, compared the historical facts in the Bible with the wrong historical facts in the world. The Bible is without error!
Excluded from above conditions, the Bible never appeared to have errors! There may have a few places where we further explanation, but they are all secondary importance, we find that all grant and crucial doctrines and truth have not defect or touched. They were preserved! Those little copies errors were not affecting the teaching of the truth! The Bible is authentically preserved for all these years, thank God.
We truly believe that, through archeology finding, the study of the meaning of the word, and comparing the old manuscripts, and continue in studying the original languages, those insignificant errors one day will be truly explained and expounded, because the Lord said, “heaven and earth will pass away, but.... my Word will not pass away!”
This is what most of Chinese Churches believe in the Bible, and we can surely said that the Bible in our hand in the Word of God! No doubt about this!
Answer: We all knew, our Bible in our hand today, is not the Bible writer’s original autograph, the Bible was copied many times, recopies, and then translated.
We all believe the first hand written Bible, the original text, the autograph is without error, but sad to say the original texts were not preserved, they were lost. In these few thousands years, they may had rotten and and expired, so today, the Bible in our hand, is handed down to us, through 2 thousand years of copying and copying, and in the process of copying, there are errors, by human mistake, mistakes made, in the process of copying, this is reasonable, and we can imagine this will happened.
But, there are people attacking the integrity of the Bible, they said that the Bible has errors, after researches, most of the errors were misunderstandings:
1.The archaeologist and manuscripts find that a lot of errors are copy errors, so it is not errors.
2.Some errors are jot and title, some are numbers errors. We knew that the old manuscripts were written on the skin, due to ware and tear, some of letters were erased, so they read wrongly, so they person who copy them will copy them wrongly. But those copy errors in numbers and places are not significant, all important truth were not affected.
3.Some errors, were due to ignorance of those who were attacking the Bible, these critical places later were deeply expounded and explained by some Bible scholars, so the problems solved.
4.There were many New Testament writers, when they quote the Old Testament, we may find errors in wording, the Old Testament were not quoted verbatim, but sometimes they were quoted loosely. The New Testament writer use dynamic equivalent in translating the Old Testaments.
5.And then there were places seem like errors, but they were not errors, it is because the New Testament writers use different angle to descript a event, like the four Gospel, because Matthew descript Jesus as King and Lord, Mark descript the Lord as a Servant, Luke descript Jesus as Son of Man, John descript Jesus as Son of God, so the four Gospel appeared to use different stress, materials, and styles.
6.And then there were errors in historical facts, but later we find that there were people who were attacking the Bible, compared the historical facts in the Bible with the wrong historical facts in the world. The Bible is without error!
Excluded from above conditions, the Bible never appeared to have errors! There may have a few places where we further explanation, but they are all secondary importance, we find that all grant and crucial doctrines and truth have not defect or touched. They were preserved! Those little copies errors were not affecting the teaching of the truth! The Bible is authentically preserved for all these years, thank God.
We truly believe that, through archeology finding, the study of the meaning of the word, and comparing the old manuscripts, and continue in studying the original languages, those insignificant errors one day will be truly explained and expounded, because the Lord said, “heaven and earth will pass away, but.... my Word will not pass away!”
This is what most of Chinese Churches believe in the Bible, and we can surely said that the Bible in our hand in the Word of God! No doubt about this!
the destruction of the flesh
1 Corinthians 5:5 to deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
2 Corinthians 11:14 and no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 12:7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
1 Timothy 1:20 of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.
Who is this Satan, the Greek word “sat-an-as,” means !”the accuser.” i.e. the devil.
Some theologians change the application for this word; they taught that this word can be employed on any one including the believers, they encourage believers to be a satan!
To deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh. They taught that someone can become a “Satan” to destroy the enemies, they see it is fit. In conventional warfare, the enemies must be eliminated by all means, likewise in spiritual warfare in the churches.
They taught, if you dislike someone in the churches, because he “accused” you, or he oppose your teaching or he disturb your reputation, someone become a “Satan” to you, become your enemy, you become “Satan’ to him, by all means. These theologians taught their doctors like this! Chilling!
Furthermore, if you hate him, the theologians say, you also find him to be a weak and sick, and the enemies became you treat, opposer, next, the theologian said it is all right to destroy the enemy’s body, all means to defeat him, use all method, use all toxic you may use onto the enemy! To destroy the enemy, destroy the flesh, for the destruction of the flesh, to defeat them, the body must be destroyed they said! And the believers can use this mandate to destroy someone in the Christian Fellowship!
The false teachers taught that “believer can become the author of bodily diseases.” of some bodily evil, this means the flesh may be tamed , so that that offender or enemy would be subject to corporal inflictions by the agency of these “Satan” employed. These false teachers taught that it was designed for the government of the church! They will send out secret workers, to destroy the body of an enemy, to destroy those they disliked. They destroyed even those who are weak in faith, those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, they destroyed the poor in spirit, and they continue to destroy the whole church!
This is the doctrine of the devils! Beza, and the Latin Fathers, suppose that this is only an expression of excommunication. Cast out. But these theologians taught that they must be excommunicated and destroyed the body all together by human effort, with poison or toxic! Whatsoever, the enemy must be silent! This is cruelty. We are living in the end time! End time!
My friends what I mean, is even with “word” we may killed and destroy a man, so becareful for what we say, what we talked! “Word” is poison and toxic when a man curse, all these words are coming from the devils, word without peace, is not from God, peaceable wisdom is from above, so with "word" they destroy, and destroy!
James 3:6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
And the theologians even called other denominations and those opposed their teaching as the “churches of the devil.” Quoting the scriptures below,
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
And Revelation 12:9 and the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Satan is our enemy! Not our friend! But do not try to be one of them! False teachers like some, are doing destruction! Giving false witness about the scripture, and destroy the good image of God! The theologians destroy more than building up the faith of the congregation!
2 Corinthians 11:14 and no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 12:7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
1 Timothy 1:20 of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.
Who is this Satan, the Greek word “sat-an-as,” means !”the accuser.” i.e. the devil.
Some theologians change the application for this word; they taught that this word can be employed on any one including the believers, they encourage believers to be a satan!
To deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh. They taught that someone can become a “Satan” to destroy the enemies, they see it is fit. In conventional warfare, the enemies must be eliminated by all means, likewise in spiritual warfare in the churches.
They taught, if you dislike someone in the churches, because he “accused” you, or he oppose your teaching or he disturb your reputation, someone become a “Satan” to you, become your enemy, you become “Satan’ to him, by all means. These theologians taught their doctors like this! Chilling!
Furthermore, if you hate him, the theologians say, you also find him to be a weak and sick, and the enemies became you treat, opposer, next, the theologian said it is all right to destroy the enemy’s body, all means to defeat him, use all method, use all toxic you may use onto the enemy! To destroy the enemy, destroy the flesh, for the destruction of the flesh, to defeat them, the body must be destroyed they said! And the believers can use this mandate to destroy someone in the Christian Fellowship!
The false teachers taught that “believer can become the author of bodily diseases.” of some bodily evil, this means the flesh may be tamed , so that that offender or enemy would be subject to corporal inflictions by the agency of these “Satan” employed. These false teachers taught that it was designed for the government of the church! They will send out secret workers, to destroy the body of an enemy, to destroy those they disliked. They destroyed even those who are weak in faith, those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, they destroyed the poor in spirit, and they continue to destroy the whole church!
This is the doctrine of the devils! Beza, and the Latin Fathers, suppose that this is only an expression of excommunication. Cast out. But these theologians taught that they must be excommunicated and destroyed the body all together by human effort, with poison or toxic! Whatsoever, the enemy must be silent! This is cruelty. We are living in the end time! End time!
My friends what I mean, is even with “word” we may killed and destroy a man, so becareful for what we say, what we talked! “Word” is poison and toxic when a man curse, all these words are coming from the devils, word without peace, is not from God, peaceable wisdom is from above, so with "word" they destroy, and destroy!
James 3:6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
And the theologians even called other denominations and those opposed their teaching as the “churches of the devil.” Quoting the scriptures below,
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
And Revelation 12:9 and the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Satan is our enemy! Not our friend! But do not try to be one of them! False teachers like some, are doing destruction! Giving false witness about the scripture, and destroy the good image of God! The theologians destroy more than building up the faith of the congregation!
Sermon Summary
Same heart in the Lord
Paul wrote 3 letters to the churches when he was in prison, in the letter to Ephesians, he says the church is the body of Christ, in the letter to Colossians, he said Christ is the head of the church, and in the letter to Philippians, he wrote that the church must live like Christ.
It is sad to see the church, before the church is starting to fight the enemies, the church splits. Brothers became enemy! They had depression. It is hurtful. So that is why Paul wanted the Philippians to rejoice in Christ, because they were sad. The church had problems even in the beginning.
Paul remembered them, day and night, and he prayed for them. And he wrote there is one way to rejoice. There is only one way, it is to return to the Lord, focus only on Him. Without Him, we cannot rejoice.
There were chaos and confusions in the church. When the body of Christ, had problems, they are not small problems, but they had the most terrible problem in the world, sins, and they, the sinner lived together, and they had prayed, and they had taught the truth, and then they had believed the truth, but there was still the problem of sin.
The Lord wanted the whole church, not one or two leaders, who are serving the Lord. The church is not just of the leaders, one or two theologians, but the whole body is the body of Christ. When we had the problems, we must look to the Lord.
There are some theologians who taught doctrines, but beyond that, they gave impression that degree is everything in serving the Lord, not so, the training is a part of training, but there is another important part in the training, the heart.
What kind of the theologians had in them, then what kind of hearts they will produce in theirs follower. Lord looked heavily on the witness. But Christ must live in our hearts. Not just degree, but heart in Christ, Christ living in our heart or not?
God never withheld any spiritual goodness for His children. He never withheld any of the perfect Word from His children. There were the good words the Lord had given to His children, and they lived by every word proceed from the mouth of God.
It is very sad, to see that the theologians are doubting the Word of God, even come to put doubt in the heart of the young believers about the CUV, and they are pursuing the perfect underlying text, and they step on the good witness of the church. And they forget that the church is one, the one body of Christ. Dear friend, one day, the Lord will come, to receive, the bride, the church.
Rev 1:8
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and
which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Rev 1:11
Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in
a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus,
and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto
Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
Rev 21:6
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the
end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the
fountain of the water of life freely.
Rev 22:13
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Christ is the Alpha and Omega, these two letters of Greek speaks louder than all the doctrines those theologians put together! Alpha and Omega! 2 perfect words stand forever, Amen, Amen, Amen!
Alpha is the first, Omega the last, letter of the Greek alphabet, and as such they enclose all the rest. Christ calling himself the first and the last, that is, the first cause and the last end, (as nothing began before him, so nothing can outlast him,) he does hereby discover his divinity to us.
All begins with God and he closes the drama of earthly history.
And then, at the end of the earth, not just pastors and theologians, the church is not only friends, but brothers.
The fellowship in the Gospel, must have same heart and same mind, believing the same gospel.
Philippians 1:5 For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
They must have same heart and same mind in preaching Christ, telling the salvation for the sinners, saying forgiveness for sins. This not about a company, but Paul said they are a fellowship.
A Fellowship in Christ is better than a Bible College which is teaching wrong doctrines!
Paul wanted them to know what is right and what is wrong?
He prayed, Philippians 1:10, That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;
3 things for us to start to work on in the fellowship, let us be united in the fellowship of the Gospel.
1. Loving the truth is very important.
2. Loving those things are good,
3. Living in a blameless life, this is the hardest part.
There are people getting famous because the achievement and wealth they have, and the Lord said they had received the rewards.
Matthew 6: 2, 5,16.
Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before
thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that
they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for
they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of
the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They
have their reward. Moreover when ye fast, be not, as
the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their
faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you,
They have their reward.
We are called to bear fruit by connecting to Christ. Before we can bear any fruit we must grow up first, if we can bear fruit, then God will be glorified. Pursue this life changing, life growing, fruit bearing life, and lastly we have the glorifying life.
I hope the Lord may grant us joy and power in our life. Amen.
The Lord is Alpha and Omega !
Paul wrote 3 letters to the churches when he was in prison, in the letter to Ephesians, he says the church is the body of Christ, in the letter to Colossians, he said Christ is the head of the church, and in the letter to Philippians, he wrote that the church must live like Christ.
It is sad to see the church, before the church is starting to fight the enemies, the church splits. Brothers became enemy! They had depression. It is hurtful. So that is why Paul wanted the Philippians to rejoice in Christ, because they were sad. The church had problems even in the beginning.
Paul remembered them, day and night, and he prayed for them. And he wrote there is one way to rejoice. There is only one way, it is to return to the Lord, focus only on Him. Without Him, we cannot rejoice.
There were chaos and confusions in the church. When the body of Christ, had problems, they are not small problems, but they had the most terrible problem in the world, sins, and they, the sinner lived together, and they had prayed, and they had taught the truth, and then they had believed the truth, but there was still the problem of sin.
The Lord wanted the whole church, not one or two leaders, who are serving the Lord. The church is not just of the leaders, one or two theologians, but the whole body is the body of Christ. When we had the problems, we must look to the Lord.
There are some theologians who taught doctrines, but beyond that, they gave impression that degree is everything in serving the Lord, not so, the training is a part of training, but there is another important part in the training, the heart.
What kind of the theologians had in them, then what kind of hearts they will produce in theirs follower. Lord looked heavily on the witness. But Christ must live in our hearts. Not just degree, but heart in Christ, Christ living in our heart or not?
God never withheld any spiritual goodness for His children. He never withheld any of the perfect Word from His children. There were the good words the Lord had given to His children, and they lived by every word proceed from the mouth of God.
It is very sad, to see that the theologians are doubting the Word of God, even come to put doubt in the heart of the young believers about the CUV, and they are pursuing the perfect underlying text, and they step on the good witness of the church. And they forget that the church is one, the one body of Christ. Dear friend, one day, the Lord will come, to receive, the bride, the church.
Rev 1:8
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and
which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Rev 1:11
Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in
a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus,
and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto
Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
Rev 21:6
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the
end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the
fountain of the water of life freely.
Rev 22:13
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Christ is the Alpha and Omega, these two letters of Greek speaks louder than all the doctrines those theologians put together! Alpha and Omega! 2 perfect words stand forever, Amen, Amen, Amen!
Alpha is the first, Omega the last, letter of the Greek alphabet, and as such they enclose all the rest. Christ calling himself the first and the last, that is, the first cause and the last end, (as nothing began before him, so nothing can outlast him,) he does hereby discover his divinity to us.
All begins with God and he closes the drama of earthly history.
And then, at the end of the earth, not just pastors and theologians, the church is not only friends, but brothers.
The fellowship in the Gospel, must have same heart and same mind, believing the same gospel.
Philippians 1:5 For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
They must have same heart and same mind in preaching Christ, telling the salvation for the sinners, saying forgiveness for sins. This not about a company, but Paul said they are a fellowship.
A Fellowship in Christ is better than a Bible College which is teaching wrong doctrines!
Paul wanted them to know what is right and what is wrong?
He prayed, Philippians 1:10, That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;
3 things for us to start to work on in the fellowship, let us be united in the fellowship of the Gospel.
1. Loving the truth is very important.
2. Loving those things are good,
3. Living in a blameless life, this is the hardest part.
There are people getting famous because the achievement and wealth they have, and the Lord said they had received the rewards.
Matthew 6: 2, 5,16.
Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before
thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that
they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for
they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of
the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They
have their reward. Moreover when ye fast, be not, as
the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their
faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you,
They have their reward.
We are called to bear fruit by connecting to Christ. Before we can bear any fruit we must grow up first, if we can bear fruit, then God will be glorified. Pursue this life changing, life growing, fruit bearing life, and lastly we have the glorifying life.
I hope the Lord may grant us joy and power in our life. Amen.
The Lord is Alpha and Omega !
Wesley on Scripture
Biblical inerrancy is the historically traditional and currently conservative evangelical doctrinal position that in its original form, the Bible is totally without error, and free from all contradiction; "referring to the complete accuracy of Scripture, including the historical and scientific parts."
The basis for Christian belief and practice is the Holy Bible. John Wesley was steeped in Scripture in Scripture from childhood. He said the final authority for belief was derived from the Bible.
He says, “All faith is founded upon divine authority, so there is now divine authority but the Scriptures…” (John Wesley, Works, Vol. X, p.91)
What Bible version was used by John Wesley? Wonder...Did he says anything about the preservation of the Bible in a single one Bible version?
He wrote in his journal: “My ground is the Bible…I follow it in all things great and small” (June 5, 1766)
“O give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God!” (John Wesley, Sermon, Vol. 1, pp 31-32)
In “The general Rules of Our Society,” he wrote, the Bible is “the only rule, and the sufficient rule, both for our faith and practice.”
He knew that no one can read Scripture without bringing to it something of his own interpretation.
He realized there would be differences in interpretation among even the most sincere and informed Christians. But most differences among Christians, Wesley believed, usually concern matters that are not essential to salvation and practical Christian living.
Wesley regarded the Biblical teaching on justification and New Birth as the two most important Christian doctrines. (Sermon, Vol. 2, pp 226-227).
The second emphasis the John Wesley made in his use of Scripture, he insisted that “inward holiness” required “outward holiness.” Simply emphasis is pay attention to “Inner life and evangelistic demands of the Gospel.”
The third emphasis is concerning the promises and blessings God gives His children when they open the Bible. One of the most important of these is “assurance,” or the witness of the Spirit. He also emphasized many other blessings which God has for His Children: victory over sin, joy, the peace of God.
He never got away from the authority of Scripture, did he preach or write, emphasis the important of the scripture until to pursue a “perfect underlying scripture text”?
Question for you to answer:
How many denominations are teaching this “Verbal Plenary Preservation” like the theologians in Nov 2008?
Methodist sister
One day I met a sister in Christ on the street, she was a student from FEBC Singapore, she is now worshiping in a Methodist Church.
After few times of conversations, one day we met again, she breaks the ice, she says, “No one knows who is saved or who is not saved in the church.”
There are differences between Methodist’s doctrines and Calvinist. Calvinist taught us, “once saved always saved.” This is the role of God, this is God’s part, God assurance.
Presently, some Methodists does not reject this Calvin’s doctrine, but they rather see everyone as sinner in the church, every soul is equal, sinner, everyone is treated equal, every one is seeking the truth, seeking the new life in Christ, seeking better spiritual growth in Christ, seeking blessing from God. Seeking double blessings; seeking secondary blessing; seeking more blessings from God, the holiness!
But the Methodist should inspired us that human has human roles, humans part, human responsibility, that is to see humbly, our salvation is not secured yet, until one is genuinely saved, Paul said so think carefully when you say you stand, or you fall backward. Pursuing holiness in our Christian’s life, is a great reformation, great awakening in Methodist movement.
1 Corinthians 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
I agreed totally that we should not pull people legs, especially those who are weak in faith, and the beginner, and the babe, and the milk must be given faithfully, without argue about words. Arguing who is “saved or not saved,” rather give our full effort to pursue holiness, the secondary blessing, holiness in our life. And continue to grow in faith and love.
Do not take thing for granted, so, what?
So, every one is treated as “someone may lose their salvation,” like a babe needed milk, and constant abiding with God in our walk with God. So the members must be well taken care of, without prejudice weather she or he is the saved or the unsaved.
We do our part in nurturing the church. God surely know who belongs to Him.
And the Methodist goes all out for evangelism, goes all out with all kinds of method to attract people to come to church, by all means of Bible Study, dramas, songs, book selling, home visiting, all are treated equally, as sinner, needed constant cares, all needed the blessing, further blessing, better and better, until we meet at the Lord’s face.
We should not take pride in our doctrine of “once saved always saved.” But rather doing our human part and responsibility.
That sentence she spoken, had a deep impact in my Calvinist view, it means that we should not waste our time in attacking those who are weak, but build them in the holy faith.
Do not waste time in VPP! 5 years wasted in defending and defending the VPP. Do not waste our time in stumbling young and weak beginner, faith seeker, professor, even saved one.
And the theologians are teaching the Bible, especially favored underlying TR, they are teaching that the Bible is “once preserved always preserved.” I really felt they gone to far this time. Do not take things for granted.
“Who is saved, who is better, who is born again, who will lose their salvation, who is not saved, who is spiritual, who is not spiritual.” Rather offer a silent of prayer for them all.
Someone says this “Gain all you can, save all you can, ........ all you can!”
What is our Haman's responsibility!
Saving the Bible?
After few times of conversations, one day we met again, she breaks the ice, she says, “No one knows who is saved or who is not saved in the church.”
There are differences between Methodist’s doctrines and Calvinist. Calvinist taught us, “once saved always saved.” This is the role of God, this is God’s part, God assurance.
Presently, some Methodists does not reject this Calvin’s doctrine, but they rather see everyone as sinner in the church, every soul is equal, sinner, everyone is treated equal, every one is seeking the truth, seeking the new life in Christ, seeking better spiritual growth in Christ, seeking blessing from God. Seeking double blessings; seeking secondary blessing; seeking more blessings from God, the holiness!
But the Methodist should inspired us that human has human roles, humans part, human responsibility, that is to see humbly, our salvation is not secured yet, until one is genuinely saved, Paul said so think carefully when you say you stand, or you fall backward. Pursuing holiness in our Christian’s life, is a great reformation, great awakening in Methodist movement.
1 Corinthians 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
I agreed totally that we should not pull people legs, especially those who are weak in faith, and the beginner, and the babe, and the milk must be given faithfully, without argue about words. Arguing who is “saved or not saved,” rather give our full effort to pursue holiness, the secondary blessing, holiness in our life. And continue to grow in faith and love.
Do not take thing for granted, so, what?
So, every one is treated as “someone may lose their salvation,” like a babe needed milk, and constant abiding with God in our walk with God. So the members must be well taken care of, without prejudice weather she or he is the saved or the unsaved.
We do our part in nurturing the church. God surely know who belongs to Him.
And the Methodist goes all out for evangelism, goes all out with all kinds of method to attract people to come to church, by all means of Bible Study, dramas, songs, book selling, home visiting, all are treated equally, as sinner, needed constant cares, all needed the blessing, further blessing, better and better, until we meet at the Lord’s face.
We should not take pride in our doctrine of “once saved always saved.” But rather doing our human part and responsibility.
That sentence she spoken, had a deep impact in my Calvinist view, it means that we should not waste our time in attacking those who are weak, but build them in the holy faith.
Do not waste time in VPP! 5 years wasted in defending and defending the VPP. Do not waste our time in stumbling young and weak beginner, faith seeker, professor, even saved one.
And the theologians are teaching the Bible, especially favored underlying TR, they are teaching that the Bible is “once preserved always preserved.” I really felt they gone to far this time. Do not take things for granted.
“Who is saved, who is better, who is born again, who will lose their salvation, who is not saved, who is spiritual, who is not spiritual.” Rather offer a silent of prayer for them all.
Someone says this “Gain all you can, save all you can, ........ all you can!”
What is our Haman's responsibility!
Saving the Bible?
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin, book 1, chapter 8
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin
Book 1
Chapter 8
Calvin use God’s word to support his writing, 1 Corinthians 2:4 “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:”
In writing this, it means, that the Bible comes together with the demonstration of the Spirit and power.
The Bible is not a common book, not a powerless book, what Bible version did he referred? The LXX......
We wrote,"Another objection and answer. Of the wondrous Providence of God
in the preservation of the sacred books. The Greek Translation.
The carefulness of the Jews."
Calvin said there were people who were out of their mind, find fault with some Bible verse, they overdo in some Bible verses, the Bible is full with wonderful sentences, but one thing for sure, man ability is limited.
It means, that human ability in discerning and explaining the truth is limited, and they are still people around, who like to find faults! They are the extremist.
He said, Moses never create any God, he is only preaching the eternal God whom Israelites believed for generations. Moses wanted the Israelites to return to God, there is no other motive other than this.
In writing this, Calvin stressed that the Bible motivates us to return to God, and finding Him!
Calvin said there were people like to fight, and like to struggle, they fight against God’s truth to show people, that they are learned and they were cleverer. Those people said, Antiochus had ordered to burn the Manuscripts, so they doubting about those copies of Manuscripts, which Calvin was using, they asked where they came from?
You see even Calvin’s time there were people like today, like to argue about Manuscripts, doubting the authentication of the mss. One thing I sure of is that, Calvin never claimed that he had perfect BIBLE TEXT!
Calvin writes that we have to think carefully, God had preserved the Bible from the hands’ of the cruel emperors, like save out from the fire, there were people sees the Bible more precious than their life.
This means, Calvin believed fully by faith, that God had preserved the Bible, down from the ages.
Calvin wrote, there were people happily rejoiced, thinking that the Bible had been destroyed, but then, the Bible was resurfaced speedily, the Bible was given to generations, it the Bible was better than ever presented, Calvin asked the readers a question, “If we do not admit this is the work of God, then whose work is this?”
In writing this, Calvin is saying the Bible was presented better and better, and he said this is because God is working on this.
My dear friends, in saying this, Calvin did not disapprove any of those previous Bible translations, or any other translations to come, and did he disapprove any MSS?
There is no such a perfect Bible in his doctrines! This point of time there is no teaching of the VPP exists.
Did Calvin say there is only one Bible for the generations to come? No, he did not.
Did he say the Bible must be preserved in only one translation, even in one perfect TR?
No! Only one Bible? KJV only!
But the fact turned to another ways! See what Calvin wrote.
He wrote here, LXX was famous in the world. And he said this is God’s work, God preserved His covenant, even through many calamities, Judah nearly destroyed, the Hebrew languages was despised, but God take care this Christian belief. One can sees that Calvin looked highly the Old Testament in Greek, the Septuagint, and LXX, a translation rather than the Hebrew Text.
Question is did he stress on that one Bible translation only?
Did he say the Septuagint is perfect?
Did the reformers go on to translate the Bible into other languages? Yes, they did!
Down to the age, did people revise their Bible translations, did they edit the translations?
If they did revisions on their Bible, it means, they did see that their Bible translations were not perfect!
Did the church being destroy in editing the translations? No.
Did God preserving the Bible down to the ages? Yes.
Augustine’s said the Jew is the Christian’s librarian, the Jew given us a Book they did not use.
Lastly, Calvin writes if the Bible is only depends on human efforts, how it is to survive all those attacks? No matter how the people fight The Bible, the Bible with its power, overcome all dangers, so this is proving the Bible is from God!
Calvin said, before that, there were a lot of saints, sacrifice even until to their blood to witness and holding fast the teaching of the Bible, how we should react about them? When those saints accepted the Bible, they became brave and strong, even decided to be a martyr, they were so firmed in giving the Bible to us, so Calvin said we must be firmed and faithfully to accept the Bible then!
And he continue to write in this chapter that the Bible is to received as without mistake, the Bible will make a person come to know God and then be saved.
To end this chapter, CALVIN QOUTING AUGUSTINE, “If a man wanted to understand this mighty and great truth, he must has a devoted and quiet heart.”
Book 1
Chapter 8
Calvin use God’s word to support his writing, 1 Corinthians 2:4 “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:”
In writing this, it means, that the Bible comes together with the demonstration of the Spirit and power.
The Bible is not a common book, not a powerless book, what Bible version did he referred? The LXX......
We wrote,"Another objection and answer. Of the wondrous Providence of God
in the preservation of the sacred books. The Greek Translation.
The carefulness of the Jews."
Calvin said there were people who were out of their mind, find fault with some Bible verse, they overdo in some Bible verses, the Bible is full with wonderful sentences, but one thing for sure, man ability is limited.
It means, that human ability in discerning and explaining the truth is limited, and they are still people around, who like to find faults! They are the extremist.
He said, Moses never create any God, he is only preaching the eternal God whom Israelites believed for generations. Moses wanted the Israelites to return to God, there is no other motive other than this.
In writing this, Calvin stressed that the Bible motivates us to return to God, and finding Him!
Calvin said there were people like to fight, and like to struggle, they fight against God’s truth to show people, that they are learned and they were cleverer. Those people said, Antiochus had ordered to burn the Manuscripts, so they doubting about those copies of Manuscripts, which Calvin was using, they asked where they came from?
You see even Calvin’s time there were people like today, like to argue about Manuscripts, doubting the authentication of the mss. One thing I sure of is that, Calvin never claimed that he had perfect BIBLE TEXT!
Calvin writes that we have to think carefully, God had preserved the Bible from the hands’ of the cruel emperors, like save out from the fire, there were people sees the Bible more precious than their life.
This means, Calvin believed fully by faith, that God had preserved the Bible, down from the ages.
Calvin wrote, there were people happily rejoiced, thinking that the Bible had been destroyed, but then, the Bible was resurfaced speedily, the Bible was given to generations, it the Bible was better than ever presented, Calvin asked the readers a question, “If we do not admit this is the work of God, then whose work is this?”
In writing this, Calvin is saying the Bible was presented better and better, and he said this is because God is working on this.
My dear friends, in saying this, Calvin did not disapprove any of those previous Bible translations, or any other translations to come, and did he disapprove any MSS?
There is no such a perfect Bible in his doctrines! This point of time there is no teaching of the VPP exists.
Did Calvin say there is only one Bible for the generations to come? No, he did not.
Did he say the Bible must be preserved in only one translation, even in one perfect TR?
No! Only one Bible? KJV only!
But the fact turned to another ways! See what Calvin wrote.
He wrote here, LXX was famous in the world. And he said this is God’s work, God preserved His covenant, even through many calamities, Judah nearly destroyed, the Hebrew languages was despised, but God take care this Christian belief. One can sees that Calvin looked highly the Old Testament in Greek, the Septuagint, and LXX, a translation rather than the Hebrew Text.
Question is did he stress on that one Bible translation only?
Did he say the Septuagint is perfect?
Did the reformers go on to translate the Bible into other languages? Yes, they did!
Down to the age, did people revise their Bible translations, did they edit the translations?
If they did revisions on their Bible, it means, they did see that their Bible translations were not perfect!
Did the church being destroy in editing the translations? No.
Did God preserving the Bible down to the ages? Yes.
Augustine’s said the Jew is the Christian’s librarian, the Jew given us a Book they did not use.
Lastly, Calvin writes if the Bible is only depends on human efforts, how it is to survive all those attacks? No matter how the people fight The Bible, the Bible with its power, overcome all dangers, so this is proving the Bible is from God!
Calvin said, before that, there were a lot of saints, sacrifice even until to their blood to witness and holding fast the teaching of the Bible, how we should react about them? When those saints accepted the Bible, they became brave and strong, even decided to be a martyr, they were so firmed in giving the Bible to us, so Calvin said we must be firmed and faithfully to accept the Bible then!
And he continue to write in this chapter that the Bible is to received as without mistake, the Bible will make a person come to know God and then be saved.
To end this chapter, CALVIN QOUTING AUGUSTINE, “If a man wanted to understand this mighty and great truth, he must has a devoted and quiet heart.”
The Athanasian Creed (Fifth Century)亞他那修信經
The Athanasian Creed (Fifth Century)亞他那修信經
From CMI title: Ecumenical Creeds and Reformed Confessions and Catechisms
Translated by Dr. Charles Chao D. D.
Edited by Dr. Jonathan Chao
Copyright by China Ministries International
P. O. Box 366, Taipei 112, Taiwan
據說此信經是亞他那修在第四世紀,根據以前的信經及奧古 斯丁的三位一體論寫成的,最早曾在第五世紀的拉丁教會中出現 過,而完整的形式則要到第九世紀,那時大家都認為它是亞他那 修的作品,所以它極具權威性。但在第十七世紀時,羅馬天主教 的學者Voss宣稱此信經并非出于亞他那修之手,他提出亞他那修 必以希臘文著作,但此信經卻流傳于拉丁教會中,可見原作必是 以拉丁文寫成,決非出于亞氏,而且文中并未使用亞氏最為強調 的“本體相同”(Homoousia)一詞。從此無人確知此信經之作者。 《亞他那修信經》是第一個陳述三位一體教義的信經,也是 最好的一個。它的文詞簡潔、清晰,是西方三大信仰正統告白之 一,且為路德及改革宗所肯定,但如今只流傳于天主教及英國國 教聖公會之中。 此信經是以詩體寫成,共有四十句教條,可分為兩部分:第 一部分以三位一體為主題,是依據奧古斯丁的神學寫成﹔第二部 分則強調基督的神人二性,道成肉身及救贖。
1. 在公共崇拜中使用。
2. 作為教會教導的指引及基准。
3. 其清楚的教義可用于抵制撒伯流、阿波林、亞利烏及猶 提乾等異端。
1. 凡人欲得救,首先當持守大公教會信仰。
2. 此信仰,凡守之不全不正者,必永遠沉淪。
3. 大公教會信仰即:我等敬拜一體三位,而三位一體之神。
4. 其位不紊,其體不分。
5. 父一位,子一位,聖靈亦一位。
6. 然而父子聖靈同一神性,同一榮耀,亦同一永恆之尊嚴。
7. 父如何,子如何,聖靈亦如何。
8. 父不受造,子不受造,聖靈亦不受造。
9. 父無限,子無限,聖靈亦無限。
10. 父永恆,子永恆,聖靈亦永恆。
11. 非三永恆者,乃一永恆者。
12. 亦非三不受造者,非三無限者,乃一不受造者,一無限者。
13. 如是,父全能,子全能,聖靈亦全能。
14. 然而,非三全能者,乃一全能者。
15. 如是,父是神,子是神,聖靈亦是神。
16. 然而,非三神,乃一神。
17. 如是,父是主,子是主,聖靈亦是主。
18. 然而,非三主,乃一主。
19. 依基督真道,我等不得不認三位均為神,均為主。
20. 依大公教,我等亦不得謂神有三,亦不得謂主有三。
21. 父非由誰作成:既非受造,亦非受生。
22. 子獨由于父:非作成,亦非受造﹔而為受生。
23. 聖靈由于父與子:既非作成,亦非受造,亦非受生﹔而為發 出。
24. 如是,有一父,非三父,有一子,非三子,有一聖靈,非三 聖靈。
25. 且此三位無分先后,無別尊卑。
26. 三位乃均永恆,而同等。
27. 由是如前所言,我等當敬拜一體三位,而三位一體之神。
28. 所以凡欲得救者,必如是而思三位一體之神。
29. 再者,為求得永恆救贖,彼亦必篤信我等之主耶穌基督成為 人身。
30. 依真正信仰,我等信認神之子我等之主耶穌基督,為神,又 為人。
31. 其為神,與聖父同體,受生于諸世界之先﹔其為人,與其母 同體,誕生于此世界。
32. 全神,亦全人,具有理性之靈,血肉之身。
33. 依其為神,與父同等,依其為人,少遜于父。
34. 彼雖為神,亦為人,然非為二,乃為一基督。
35. 彼為一,非由于變神為血肉,乃由于使其人性進入于神。
36. 合為一﹔非由二性相混,乃由位格為一。
37. 如靈與身成為一人,神與人成為一基督。
38. 彼為救我等而受難,降至陰間,第三日從死復活。
39. 升天,坐于全能神父之右。
40. 將來必從彼處降臨,審判活人死人。
41. 彼降臨時,萬人必具身體復活﹔
42. 并供認所行之事。
43. 行善者必入永生,作惡者必入永火。
44. 此乃大公教會信仰,人除非篤實相信,必不能得救
How can we be sure about the Bible accounts?
How can we be sure about the Bible accounts?
In the days of the first Christians, there were many writings about the life of Jesus. But some had special quality--they had been written by Jesus' followers or their close friends. These gospels and letters were carefully copied by hand. Over the years, archaeologists have found thousands of manuscripts of bits of the New Testament and even some complete copies. By comparing these, we can get very close to what the New Testament writers originally wrote. Some of these copies are dated less than 100 years after the original gospel or letter was written.
For an idea of how good this evidence is, compare the New Testament with other writings that are about as old as the New Testament. For example, Julius Caesar wrote a book called The Gallic War about 50 years before Christ was born. We obviously do not have the original copy. Yet, we do have nine or ten copies, and the earliest of these was made about 900 years after the original. This is a typical gap for ancient writings.
When, however, we examine the historical evidence relating to the Bible, one learns that there are thousands of manuscripts of the New Testament books. Therefore, we have good reason to believe that we know almost exactly what Luke, Paul and the others wrote.
Jesus came to help the "poor", the "captive", the "blind", and the "oppressed." What are ways in which people today are poor, captive, blind or oppressed?
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Dear friends,
Even God care for a small mosquito, a small bird in the air,
How will He take care of His Word!
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Applying God’s Word Today
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